

Presenters Title Event Date Related Studies
Graves JM, Belisle C, Wulff I Mapping Priorities for Rural Youth Substance Use Prevention National Rural Health Association (NRHA) Annual Meeting - New Orleans, LA 05-07-2024 N/A
Andrilla CHA, Garberson L, Graves JM, Patterson D, Woolcock SC Healthcare utilization and transportation burden for mood disorders and opioid use disorder treatment 2024 WA State Co-Occurring Disorders (COD) and Treatment Conference 10-07-2024 Treatment, Provider, and Cost Differences for Rural and Urban Patients with Opioid Use Disorder Across the U.S.
Graves JM State of the State: Rural Health and Healthcare in Washington State Washington State University 2024 Extension Conference 10-01-2024 Trends in Health Workforce Supply in the Rural U.S.
Graves JM, Gonzalez C, Moore M Community Engagement Approaches in Rural Health Equity Research National Rural Health Association (NRHA) Annual Meeting - New Orleans, LA 05-06-2024 N/A
Weng K, Barter C, Latchow M, Graves JM Palliative care innovations in rural communities: Opportunities for SORHs Annual Meeting, National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health - Niagara Falls, NY 09-11-2024 Palliative Care in the Rural U.S.
Burchim SE, Maris NL Quantifying Shortages of Cardiovascular Care in Rural Communities Rural PRO-CARE Network Quarterly Meeting. Virtual. 07-12-2024 N/A
Burchim SE, Andrilla CHA, Patterson DG Lessons from the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program: Evaluation of Technical Assistance National Rural Health Association Conference, San Diego, CA 05-17-2023 N/A
Oster N Palliative Care Challenges and Solutions in Rural Communities National Rural Health Association Conference, San Diego, CA 05-18-2023 N/A
Patterson DG Implementation of the New Rural Emergency Hospital model: potential workforce impacts National Rural Health Association Conference, San Diego, CA 05-18-2023 N/A
Patterson DG The Contributions of Geographic Origin vs. Place of Training to Family Physicians’ Practice National Rural Health Association Conference, San Diego, CA 05-17-2023 N/A
Patterson DG Growing the Rural Health Workforce: New Findings on Needs and Solutions Keynote address at the Rural Health Workforce Development Conference, Columbia, MO 04-20-2023 N/A
Mroz TM, Garberson LA, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Patterson DG Quality of post-acute care for rural Medicare beneficiaries: Comparing urban and rural skilled nursing facilities and home health agencies AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting 06-01-2021 Post-acute Care Quality for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries
Mroz TM, Justis P Post-acute care for rural Medicare beneficiaries National Rural Health Association Annual Rural Health Conference 05-10-2021 N/A
Andrilla CHA, Patterson DG, Woolcock S Tracking trends in the workforce treating opioid use disorders with buprenorphine National Rural Health Association 44th Annual Rural Health Conference / Online 05-07-2021 N/A
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Woolcock S Rural health workforce: Who cares for rural populations? National Rural Health Association 44th Annual Rural Health Conference / Online 05-06-2021 N/A
Andrilla CHA, Patterson DG, Woolcock S Tracking trends in the workforce treating opioid use disorders with buprenorphine American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) Conference / Online 05-06-2021 N/A
Mroz TM, Garberson LA, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Patterson DG, Larson EH Planned versus actual discharges to post-acute care for rural Medicare beneficiaries AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting 07-25-2020 Post-acute Care Trajectories for Rural Medicare Beneficiaries
Andrilla CHA, Garberson LA, Patterson DG, Quigley TF, Larson EH Comparing the health workforce provider mix and the distance traveled for mental health services by rural and urban Medicare beneficiaries National Rural Health Association Annual Conference 06-16-2020 N/A
Andrilla CHA, Moore TE, Wong KM, Yung RL, Evans DV Investigating the impact of geographic location on colorectal and breast cancer stage at diagnosis: a national study of the SEER cancer registry National Rural Health Association Annual Conference 06-17-2020 N/A
Mroz TM, Garberson LA, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Patterson DG, Larson EH Variation in use of home health care by urban-rural status and geography AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Washington, DC. 06-01-2019 Assessing Potential Unmet Need for Home Health Care in Rural Areas
Andrilla CHA, Moore TE, Patterson DG Overcoming barriers to prescribing buprenorphine for the treatment of opioid use disorder: Recommendations from rural physicians AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting / Washington, D.C. 06-04-2019 What are Best Practices for Providing Buprenorphine Maintenance Treatment in Rural Primary Care?
Andrilla CHA, Moore TE, Patterson DG Overcoming barriers to prescribing buprenorphine for the treatment of opioid use disorder: Recommendations from rural physicians National Rural Health Association Annual Meeting / Atlanta GA 05-08-2019 What are Best Practices for Providing Buprenorphine Maintenance Treatment in Rural Primary Care?
Andrilla CHA, Moore TE, Patterson DG Overcoming barriers to prescribing buprenorphine for the treatment of opioid use disorder: Recommendations from rural physicians 15th Annual AAMC Health Workforce Research Conference / Alexandria, VA 05-03-2019 What are Best Practices for Providing Buprenorphine Maintenance Treatment in Rural Primary Care?
Mroz TM, Patterson DG, & Frogner B The impact of Medicare’s rural add-on payments on access to home health care Poster presented at the AcademyHealth –Long Term Services and Support Interest Group Meeting, Seattle, WA 06-23-2018 N/A
Mroz TM, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Garberson LA, Patterson DG, Wong JA, & Larson EH Relationship between Medicaid expenditures on home- and community-based services and use of community-entry home health by rural Medicare beneficiaries Poster presented at the AcademyHealth –Long Term Services and Support Interest Group Meeting, Seattle, WA 06-01-2018 N/A
Mroz TM, Patterson DG, & Frogner B The impact of Medicare’s rural add-on payments on access to home health care Poster presented at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA 06-24-2018 N/A
Mroz TM, Andrilla CHA, Garberson LA, Skillman SM, Patterson DG, Larson EH, & Karmarkar A Rehabilitation services in home health for lower extremity joint replacement and quality outcomes for rural Medicare beneficiaries Poster presented at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA 06-24-2018 N/A
Mroz TM, Andrilla CHA, Skillman, SM, Garberson LA, Patterson DG, Wong JA, & Larson EH Relationship between Medicaid expenditures on home- and community-based services and use of community-entry home health by rural Medicare beneficiaries Poster presented at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA 06-25-2018 Diverging Populations Served by the Medicare Home Health Benefit: Comparison of Post-acute vs. Community-entry Home Health in Rural Areas
Mroz TM, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Garberson LA, Patterson DG, Wong JA, & Larson EH Differences in populations and services provided between post-acute and community-entry home health care for rural Medicare beneficiaries Poster presented at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA 06-24-2018 Diverging Populations Served by the Medicare Home Health Benefit: Comparison of Post-acute vs. Community-entry Home Health in Rural Areas
Mroz TM, Andrilla CHA, Garberson LA, Skillman SM, Patterson DG, Wong JL, & Larson EH Unmet need for home health care in rural communities and the impact of upcoming policy changes Paper presented at the Northwest Rural Health Conference, SeaTac, WA 03-27-2019 Assessing Potential Unmet Need for Home Health Care in Rural Areas
Mroz TM, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Garberson LA, Patterson DG, Wong JA. & Larson EH Differences between post-acute and community-entry home health for rural Medicare beneficiaries Paper presented at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX 10-01-2018 Diverging Populations Served by the Medicare Home Health Benefit: Comparison of Post-acute vs. Community-entry Home Health in Rural Areas
Mroz TM, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Garberson LA, Patterson DG, Wong JA, & Larson EH Differences in populations and services provided between post-acute and community-entry home health care for rural Medicare beneficiaries Paper presented at the AcademyHealth – Long Term Services and Supports Special Interest Group Meeting, Seattle, WA 06-23-2018 Diverging Populations Served by the Medicare Home Health Benefit: Comparison of Post-acute vs. Community-entry Home Health in Rural Areas
Mroz TM, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Garberson LA, Patterson DG, Wong JA, & Larson EH Differences in populations and services between community-entry and post-acute home health for rural Medicare beneficiaries Paper presented at the OT Summit of Scholars, Kansas City, KS 06-08-2018 Diverging Populations Served by the Medicare Home Health Benefit: Comparison of Post-acute vs. Community-entry Home Health in Rural Areas
Mroz TM, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Garberson LA, Patterson DG, & Larson EH Occupational therapy in home health and quality outcomes for high-risk rural Medicare beneficiaries Paper presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT 04-19-2018 Use of Home Health Services among High Risk Rural Medicare Patients: Patient, Service, and Community Factors Associated with Outcomes of Care
Mroz TM, Patterson DG, & Skillman SM Recent research on home health care for rural populations and implications for policy and practice Paper presented at the Northwest Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA 03-28-2018 N/A
Mroz TM, Garberson LA, Andrilla CHA, & Karmarkar AM Rehabilitation services and outcomes for rural-residing Medicare beneficiaries receiving home health care following total joint replacement Center for Large Data and Data Sharing in Rehabilitation (CLDR) Annual Meeting, Galveston, TX 01-25-2018 N/A
Mroz TM, Andrilla CHA, Garberson LA, Skillman SM, Patterson DG, Larson EH, & Karmarkar AM Rehabilitation services and outcomes for rural-residing Medicare beneficiaries receiving home health care following total joint replacement Medical Rehabilitation Research Resource (MR3) Network Webinar Series 11-15-2017 N/A
Andrilla CHA, Moore TE, Patterson DG, Larson EH Medication Assisted Treatment and the Rural Provider Workforce Northwest Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA, March 27, 2018. 03-27-2018 Increasing the Supply of Providers with a Drug Enforcement Agency Waiver to Treat Opioid Addiction in Rural America – Possible Effects of Permitting Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners to Prescribe Buprenorphine
Andrilla CHA, Moore TE, Larson EH, Patterson DG Projected contributions of nurse practitioners and physician assistants to buprenorphine treatment services for opioid use disorder in rural places Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference / Tysons Corner, VA 05-10-2018 Increasing the Supply of Providers with a Drug Enforcement Agency Waiver to Treat Opioid Addiction in Rural America – Possible Effects of Permitting Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners to Prescribe Buprenorphine
Andrilla CHA, Larson EH, Patterson DG, Garberson LA Supply and distribution of the behavioral health workforce in rural America Rural Health Research Gateway webinar 07-18-2017 Supply and Distribution of the Behavioral Health Workforce in Rural America
Mroz TM, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Garberson LA, Patterson DG, & Larson EH. Relationships between service provision and quality outcomes for rural Medicare beneficiaries receiving home health care AcademyHealth - Long Term Services and Supports Special Interest Group Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 06-26-2017 Use of Home Health Services among High Risk Rural Medicare Patients: Patient, Service, and Community Factors Associated with Outcomes of Care
Andrilla CHA, Larson EL, Patterson DG, Garberson LA. Supply and Distribution of the Behavioral Health Workforce in Rural America National Rural Health Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. 05-09-2017 Supply and Distribution of the Behavioral Health Workforce in Rural America
Andrilla CHA, Larson EL, Patterson DG, Garberson LA. Supply and distribution of the behavioral health workforce in rural America AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 06-26-2017 Supply and Distribution of the Behavioral Health Workforce in Rural America
Andrilla CHA, Larson EL, Patterson DG, Garberson LA Supply and Distribution of the Behavioral Health Workforce in Rural America Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Conference, Arlington, VA. 05-04-2017 Supply and Distribution of the Behavioral Health Workforce in Rural America
Andrilla CHA, Coulthard C, Larson EL Who treats opioid use disorder in the rural United States and what are the challenges and barriers they face? AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 06-25-2017 Who Treats Opioid Addiction in Rural America? Quantifying the Availability of Buprenorphine Services in Rural Areas
Andrilla CHA, Coulthard C, Larson EL Who Treats Opioid Use Disorder in the Rural United States and What are the Challenges and Barriers They Face? National Rural Health Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. 05-09-2017 Who Treats Opioid Addiction in Rural America? Quantifying the Availability of Buprenorphine Services in Rural Areas
Andrilla CHA, Coulthard C, Larson EL. Who Treats Opioid Use Disorder in the Rural United States and What are the Challenges and Barriers They Face? Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Conference, Arlington VA. 05-04-2017 Who Treats Opioid Addiction in Rural America? Quantifying the Availability of Buprenorphine Services in Rural Areas
Andrilla CHA, Coulthard C, Larson EL Who Treats Opioid Use Disorder in the Rural Areas of the WWAMIO Region and What are the Challenges and Barriers They Face? Northwest Rural Health Association Annual Meeting, SeaTac, WA. 03-01-2017 Who Treats Opioid Addiction in Rural America? Quantifying the Availability of Buprenorphine Services in Rural Areas
Mroz, T.M., Andrilla, C.H., Skillman, S.M., Garberson, L.A., Patterson, D.G., & Larson, E.H Relationships between service provision and quality outcomes for rural Medicare beneficiaries receiving home health care the AcademyHealth - Long Term Services and Supports Special Interest Group Meeting, New Orleans, LA. June 2017 Use of Home Health Services among High Risk Rural Medicare Patients: Patient, Service, and Community Factors Associated with Outcomes of Care
Mroz TM, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Garberson LA, & Patterson DG Community factors and outcomes of home health care for high-risk rural Medicare beneficiaries AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, New Orleans, LA. June 2017 06-26-2017 Use of Home Health Services among High Risk Rural Medicare Patients: Patient, Service, and Community Factors Associated with Outcomes of Care
Mroz TM, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Garberson LA, & Patterson DG Community factors and outcomes of home health care for high-risk rural Medicare beneficiaries AcademyHealth – Long Term Services and Supports Special Interest Group Meeting, New Orleans, LA. June 2017 06-26-2017 Use of Home Health Services among High Risk Rural Medicare Patients: Patient, Service, and Community Factors Associated with Outcomes of Care
Mroz TM, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Garberson LA, Patterson DG, Larson EH Occupational therapy in home health and quality outcomes for high-risk rural Medicare beneficiaries Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars, Boston, MA. June 2017 06-01-2017 Use of Home Health Services among High Risk Rural Medicare Patients: Patient, Service, and Community Factors Associated with Outcomes of Care
Mroz TM, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Garberson LA. Patterson DG, Larson EH Home health care for high-risk rural Medicare beneficiaries: Research on the impact of community factors and service provision Northwest Rural Health Conference, SeaTac, WA. February 2017 02-27-2017 Use of Home Health Services among High Risk Rural Medicare Patients: Patient, Service, and Community Factors Associated with Outcomes of Care
Skillman SM, Mroz T Recent national research on rural home health care services Home Health Care Association of Washington conference / SeaTac, WA 04-26-2017 Community Colleges' Contributions to the Education of Allied Health Professionals in Rural Areas of the United States
Patterson DG, Garberson L, Coulthard C, Andrilla CHA, Schmitz D, Longenecker R Rural-centric residencies to prepare physicians for rural practice Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, Chicago, IL 05-05-2016 What Impact Will Unified GME Accreditation Have on Rural-focused Physician Residencies?
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Schmitz D, Longenecker R, Garberson L, Coulthard C Rural-centric residencies to prepare physicians for rural practice RTT Collaborative Annual Meeting, Anderson, SC 04-20-2017 What Impact Will Unified GME Accreditation Have on Rural-focused Physician Residencies?
Patterson DG, Coulthard C, Garberson L, Wingrove G, Larson EH What are community paramedicine programs doing to fill rural health care gaps? Northwest Rural Health Conference, SeaTac, WA, February 28, 2017 02-28-2017 What Is the Potential of Community Paramedicine to Fill Rural Healthcare Gaps?
Patterson DG, Coulthard C, Garberson L, Wingrove G, Larson EH What are community paramedicine programs doing to fill rural health care gaps? State Offices of Rural Health Region B Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, August 4, 2016 08-04-2016 What Is the Potential of Community Paramedicine to Fill Rural Healthcare Gaps?
Patterson DG, Garberson L, Coulthard C, Andrilla CHA, Schmitz D, Longenecker R Rural-centric residencies to prepare physicians for rural practice North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO 11-13-2016 What Impact Will Unified GME Accreditation Have on Rural-focused Physician Residencies?
Patterson DG, Coulthard C, Garberson L, Wingrove G, Larson EH Community paramedicine’s potential to fill rural health care gaps North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO 11-15-2016 What Is the Potential of Community Paramedicine to Fill Rural Healthcare Gaps?
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA Assessing the Outcomes of Rural Physician Residency Programs Presented at International Health Workforce Collaborative. Washington, DC. Oct 24, 2016 10-01-2016 What Impact Will Unified GME Accreditation Have on Rural-focused Physician Residencies?
Skillman, SM, Patterson DG, Mroz T Access to rural home health services: views from the field AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA 06-27-2016 Access to Home Care Services in the Rural United States
Patterson DG, Coulthard C, Garberson L, Wingrove G, Larson EH. What is the potential of community paramedicine to fill rural health care gaps? AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA 06-27-2016 What Is the Potential of Community Paramedicine to Fill Rural Healthcare Gaps?
Patterson DG, Garberson L, Coulthard C, Andrilla CHA, Schmitz D, Longenecker R Rural-centric residencies to prepare physicians for rural practice AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA 06-27-2016 What Impact Will Unified GME Accreditation Have on Rural-focused Physician Residencies?
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Spetz J NPs Not Working as NPs: Who and Where Are They? AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA 06-26-2016 Practice Characteristics of Rural Nurse Practitioners in the United States
Patterson DG, Coulthard C, Garberson L, Wingrove G, Larson EH What are community paramedicine programs doing to fill rural health care gaps? Community Paramedicine Insights Forum 07-18-2016 What Is the Potential of Community Paramedicine to Fill Rural Healthcare Gaps?
Andrilla CHA, Larson EH, Garberson L, Coulthard C Challenges in Providing Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Rural Places “Model for drug prevention and treatment in rural settings" United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, Vienna Austria 06-06-2016 Who Treats Opioid Addiction in Rural America? Quantifying the Availability of Buprenorphine Services in Rural Areas
Andrilla CHA, Larson EH, Coulthard C Geographic distribution of U.S. physicians trained to treat opioid use disorder National Rural Health Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN 05-10-2016 Who Treats Opioid Addiction in Rural America? Quantifying the Availability of Buprenorphine Services in Rural Areas
Andrilla CHA, Larson EH, Coulthard C Geographic Distribution of US Physicians Trained to Treat Opioid Use Disorder National Rural Health Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN 05-10-2016 Who Treats Opioid Addiction in Rural America? Quantifying the Availability of Buprenorphine Services in Rural Areas
Patterson DG, Coulthard C, Garberson L, Wingrove G, Larson EH What is the potential of community paramedicine to fill rural health care gaps? Rural EMS Conference, San Antonio, TX 04-21-2016 What Is the Potential of Community Paramedicine to Fill Rural Healthcare Gaps?
Patterson DG, Garberson L, Coulthard C, Andrilla CHA, Schmitz D, Longenecker R Rural-centric residencies to prepare physicians for rural practice Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, Chicago, IL 05-05-2016 Distributed Expertise: Sustaining Rural Training Tracks as a Strategy in Rural Medical Education
Longenecker R, Schmitz D, Patterson DG Rural Training Track residency programs: fostering resilience National Rural Health Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN 05-11-2016 Distributed Expertise: Sustaining Rural Training Tracks as a Strategy in Rural Medical Education
Patterson DG, Garberson L, Coulthard C, Andrilla CHA, Schmitz D, Longenecker R Rural-centric residencies to prepare physicians for rural practice National Rural Health Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN 05-12-2016 Distributed Expertise: Sustaining Rural Training Tracks as a Strategy in Rural Medical Education
Patterson DG, Coulthard C, Garberson L, Wingrove G, Larson EH What is the potential of community paramedicine to fill rural health care gaps? National Rural Health Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN 05-12-2016 What Is the Potential of Community Paramedicine to Fill Rural Healthcare Gaps?
Patterson DG, Coulthard C, Garberson L, Wingrove G, Larson EH What is the potential of community paramedicine to fill rural health care gaps? International Roundtable on Community Paramedicine, Saskatoon, SK, Canada 06-03-2016 What Is the Potential of Community Paramedicine to Fill Rural Healthcare Gaps?
Larson EH, Andrilla CHA, Coulthard C What makes physician assistant training programs successful at training rural PAs? National Rural Health Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN 05-16-2016 What Makes Physician Assistant Programs Successful at Training Rural PAs?
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Spetz J. NPs not working as NPs: Who and where are they? Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, Chicago, IL. 05-05-2016 Practice Characteristics of Rural Nurse Practitioners in the United States
Mroz TM, Andrilla CH, Skillman SM, Garberson LA, Patterson DG Use of Home Health Services among High-Risk Rural Medicare Beneficiaries and Outcomes of Care American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL 04-06-2016 Use of Home Health Services among High Risk Rural Medicare Patients: Patient, Service, and Community Factors Associated with Outcomes of Care
Skillman SM, Patterson DG, Coulthard C, Mroz T Access to Rural Home Health Services: Views from the Field Northwest Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA 03-17-2016 Access to Home Care Services in the Rural United States
Larson EH, Andrilla CH, Coulthard C What Makes PA Programs Successful at Training Rural PAs? Northwest Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA 03-17-2016 What Makes Physician Assistant Programs Successful at Training Rural PAs?
Skillman SM, Kaplan L, Andrilla CHA, Ostergard S., Patterson DG Support for rural recruitment and practice among U.S. nurse practitioner education programs AcademyHealth 2014 Annual Research Meeting, San Diego, CA 06-09-2014 What Strategies Are Nurse Practitioner Educational Programs Using to Encourage Rural Practice?
Skillman SM Support for rural recruitment and practice among U.S. nurse practitioner education programs Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, DC 05-01-2014 What Strategies Are Nurse Practitioner Educational Programs Using to Encourage Rural Practice?
Skillman SM, Palazzo L, Hart LG Rural RNs in the U.S. since 1980 20th Annual Northwest Regional Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-22-2007 Long-Term Trends in Characteristics of the Rural Nurse Workforce: A National Health Workforce Study
Skillman SM, Palazzo L, Hart LG Rural RNs in the U.S. since 1980 National Rural Health Association Annual Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska 05-01-2007 Long-Term Trends in Characteristics of the Rural Nurse Workforce: A National Health Workforce Study
Skillman SM, Palazzo L, Hart LG Rural RNs in the U.S. since 1980 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Orlando, Florida 06-01-2007 Long-Term Trends in Characteristics of the Rural Nurse Workforce: A National Health Workforce Study
Skillman SM, Palazzo L, Hart LG Rural RNs in the U.S. since 1980 Rural Nurse Conference, Richland, Washington 06-01-2007 Long-Term Trends in Characteristics of the Rural Nurse Workforce: A National Health Workforce Study
Patterson DG, Schmitz D, Longenecker R, Squire D, Skillman SM Rural Training Track finance RTT Collaborative Annual Meeting, Madison, WI 05-28-2015 Distributed Expertise: Sustaining Rural Training Tracks as a Strategy in Rural Medical Education
Patterson DG, CHA Andrilla, Schmitz D, Longenecker R, Skillman SM, Hanscom J The supply of rural physicians: new findings on rural training, practice choices, and care for vulnerable populations State Offices of Rural Health Region C Annual Meeting, Lansing, MI 08-12-2015 N/A
Patterson DG, CHA Andrilla, Schmitz D, Longenecker R, Skillman SM, Hanscom J Attracting rural physicians: new findings on rural training, practice choices, and care for vulnerable populations 2015 Rural Health Summit, Portland, OR 09-01-2015 N/A
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Hanscom J Loss of ACA primary care bonus may reduce Medicaid patient access Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, Alexandria, VA 05-30-2015 The Impact of Medicaid Primary Care Payment Increases in Washington State
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Hanscom J Loss of ACA primary care bonus may reduce Medicaid patient access AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Minneapolis, MN 06-15-2015 The Impact of Medicaid Primary Care Payment Increases in Washington State
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Hanscom J Discontinuing the ACA Medicaid bonus may reduce rural patient access National Rural Health Association 38th Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA 04-16-2015 The Impact of Medicaid Primary Care Payment Increases in Washington State
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Schmitz D, Longenecker R, Skillman SM Person, program or place? Physicians choosing rural practice 2015 Physician Recruitment Summit, New England Journal of Medicine CareerCenter, Boston, MA 09-25-2015 Family Medicine Rural Training Track Graduates: Determinants of Rural and Urban Practice
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Schmitz D, Longenecker R, Skillman SM Person, program or place? Family physicians choosing rural practice National Rural Health Association 38th Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA 04-15-2015 Family Medicine Rural Training Track Graduates: Determinants of Rural and Urban Practice
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Schmitz D, Longenecker R, Skillman SM Person, program or place? Family physicians choosing rural practice Eleventh Annual Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, Alexandria, VA 03-30-2015 Family Medicine Rural Training Track Graduates: Determinants of Rural and Urban Practice
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Ostergard S, Morrison C, Schmitz D, Longenecker R, Skillman SM Residency training to prepare future rural family physicians 28th Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA 03-18-2015 Family Medicine Rural Training Track Graduates: Determinants of Rural and Urban Practice
Longenecker R, Schmitz D, Patterson DG Rural training tracks 2015 Rural Health Summit, Portland, OR 09-01-2015 Distributed Expertise: Sustaining Rural Training Tracks as a Strategy in Rural Medical Education
Andrilla CHA, Rosenblatt RA, Caitlin M, Larson EH Geographic and specialty distribution of U.S. physicians trained to treat opioid use disorder Webinar on “Prevalence of Opioids and the Workforce to Provide Treatment in Rural and Urban Settings” for the Rural Health Research Gateway 06-25-2015 The Supply of Physicians Waivered to Treat Opioid Addiction in Rural America: Policy Options to Remedy Critical Shortages
Patterson DG Research in progress: what is the potential of community paramedicine to fill rural healthcare gaps? National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health Annual Meeting, Omaha, NE 11-30-2014 What Is the Potential of Community Paramedicine to Fill Rural Healthcare Gaps?
Patterson DG Community paramedicine: state of the evidence Milbank Memorial Fund Reforming States Group Meeting, New Orleans, LA 11-06-2014 What Is the Potential of Community Paramedicine to Fill Rural Healthcare Gaps?
Patterson DG, Garberson L, Andrilla CHA The potential of community paramedicine to fill rural healthcare gaps 28th Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA 03-18-2015 What Is the Potential of Community Paramedicine to Fill Rural Healthcare Gaps?
Patterson DG Characteristics of rural vs. urban community paramedicine programs and a summary of the evidence available on their outcomes Joint Committee on Rural Emergency Care, 2015 Rural Health Summit, Portland, OR 09-03-2015 What Is the Potential of Community Paramedicine to Fill Rural Healthcare Gaps?
Doescher MP The crisis in rural general surgery: can research drive policy change? Collwill Lecture, University of Missouri Family Medicine Department, Columbia, Missouri 08-15-2011 General and Specialist Surgeon Supply and Inpatient Procedural Content: A National Rural-Urban Study
Doescher MP, Jackson JE, Fordyce MA, Lynge DC Variability in general surgical practice in rural and urban U.S. hospital settings International Health Workforce Commission, Brisbane, Australia 10-15-2011 General and Specialist Surgeon Supply and Inpatient Procedural Content: A National Rural-Urban Study
Doescher MP, Jackson JE, Fordyce MA, Lynge DC Variability in surgical practice in rural and urban U.S. hospital settings AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, Washington 06-12-2011 General and Specialist Surgeon Supply and Inpatient Procedural Content: A National Rural-Urban Study
Doescher MP, Jackson JE, Fordyce MA, Lynge DC Variability in surgical practice in rural and urban U.S. hospital settings Association of American Medical Colleges Physician Workforce Research Conference, Washington, DC 05-06-2011 General and Specialist Surgeon Supply and Inpatient Procedural Content: A National Rural-Urban Study
Doescher MP, Jackson JE, Fordyce MA, Lynge DC Variability in surgical practice in rural and urban U.S. hospital settings National Rural Health Association 34th Annual Rural Health Conference, Austin, Texas 05-05-2011 General and Specialist Surgeon Supply and Inpatient Procedural Content: A National Rural-Urban Study
Doescher MP Variability in surgical practice and patient characteristics in rural and urban U.S. hospital settings Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-30-2011 General and Specialist Surgeon Supply and Inpatient Procedural Content: A National Rural-Urban Study
Doescher MP, Fordyce MA, Baldwin LM Predictors of negative birth outcomes in rural locations Health Outcomes Among Children and Families Living in Rural Communities Conference, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, Maryland 12-15-2011 Perinatal Health in the Rural United States, 2005
Baldwin LM, Fordyce MA, Doescher MP Maternal and infant health in rural America Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-14-2012 Perinatal Health in the Rural United States, 2005
Skillman SM, Palazzo L, Fordyce MA, Doescher MP, Butterfield P Factors associated with rural-residing RNs' choices to work in larger rural and urban areas AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Washington, DC 06-09-2008 Factors Associated with Rural-Residing Registered Nurses' Choices to work in Urban Locations and Larger Rural Cities
Skillman SM Nurse practitioners in rural America: Findings from 3 recent studies Vanderbilt University Center for Interdisciplinary Health Workforce Studies webinar series on the Rural Health Workforce 11-11-2014 Practice Characteristics of Rural Nurse Practitioners in the United States
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Spetz J Rural-urban differences in the primary care nurse practitioner workforce: Implications for recruitment and retention CHA Andrilla at the Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA 03-18-2015 Practice Characteristics of Rural Nurse Practitioners in the United States
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Patterson DG, Ostergard S, Fenton S Building the health information technology (HIT) workforce for rural primary care practices AcademyHealth Annual Research Conference, Baltimore, Maryland 06-22-2013 Health Information Technology (HIT) Workforce Needs in Rural America
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Patterson DG, Ostergard S Building the health information technology (HIT) workforce for rural primary care practices State Offices of Rural Health Region D Annual Meeting, San Diego, California 04-30-2013 Health Information Technology (HIT) Workforce Needs in Rural America
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Patterson DG, Ostergard S Building the health information technology (HIT) workforce for rural primary care practices 26th Annual Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-21-2013 Health Information Technology (HIT) Workforce Needs in Rural America
Doescher MP Primary care in rural America: can the crisis be solved? National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 11-17-2010 Health Care Reform Policy Briefs on Rural Health Workforce Issues
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Ostergard S, Morrison C, Schmitz D, Longenecker R, Skillman SM Residency training to prepare future rural family physicians National Rural Health Association 37th Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV 04-23-2014 A Novel Master File of Rural Family Medicine Residency Training: Program Models and Graduate Outcomes
Patterson DG, Fordyce MA, Skillman SM, Doescher MP The pre-hospital emergency medical services workforce in rural areas: results from a survey in nine states National Rural Health Association 36th Annual Rural Health Conference, Louisville, Kentucky 05-09-2013 The Pre-hospital Emergency Medical Services Workforce in Rural and Urban Areas
Patterson DG, Fordyce MA, Skillman SM, Doescher MP, Bolton PA, Williams I The pre-hospital emergency medical services workforce in rural areas: results from a survey in nine states Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-14-2012 The Pre-hospital Emergency Medical Services Workforce in Rural and Urban Areas
RTT Technical Assistance data component update RTT Annual Conclave, Athens, OH 04-17-2014 Distributed Expertise: Sustaining Rural Training Tracks as a Strategy in Rural Medical Education
Patterson DG, Schmitz D Physician rural tracks: graduate update National Rural Health Association 37th Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV 04-23-2014 Distributed Expertise: Sustaining Rural Training Tracks as a Strategy in Rural Medical Education
Patterson DG, Longenecker R, Schmitz D, Phillips RL, Skillman SM, Doescher MP Rural residency training for family medicine physicians: early-career outcomes AcademyHealth 2013 Annual Research Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland 06-23-2013 Distributed Expertise: Sustaining Rural Training Tracks as a Strategy in Rural Medical Education
Patterson DG, Longenecker R, Schmitz D, Phillips RL, Skillman SM, Doescher MP Rural residency training for family medicine physicians: early-career outcomes Ninth Annual AAMC Physician Workforce Research Conference, Alexandria, Virginia 05-02-2013 Distributed Expertise: Sustaining Rural Training Tracks as a Strategy in Rural Medical Education
Patterson DG, Longenecker R, Schmitz D, Phillips RL Jr, Skillman SM, Doescher MP Family medicine Rural Training Tracks: residency models and graduate outcomes 26th Annual Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-13-2013 Distributed Expertise: Sustaining Rural Training Tracks as a Strategy in Rural Medical Education
Patterson DG, Longenecker R, Schmitz D, Phillips RL Jr, Skillman SM, Doescher MP Rural Training Track research update 2013 Rural Training Track (RTT) Conclave Conference, Boise, Idaho 02-28-2013 Distributed Expertise: Sustaining Rural Training Tracks as a Strategy in Rural Medical Education
Patterson DG, Longenecker R, Schmitz D, Xierali IM, Phillips RL, Skillman SM, Doescher MP Rural training track characteristics and graduates' early-career outcomes National Rural Health Association 35th Annual Rural Health Conference, Denver, Colorado 04-18-2012 Distributed Expertise: Sustaining Rural Training Tracks as a Strategy in Rural Medical Education
Longenecker R, Schmitz D, Doescher MP, Patterson DG Training physicians for rural practice: Rural Training Track Technical Assistance Program National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health Region E Meeting, Juneau, Alaska 07-28-2011 Distributed Expertise: Sustaining Rural Training Tracks as a Strategy in Rural Medical Education
Patterson DG, Longenecker R, Schmitz D, Xierali IM, Phillips RL, Skillman SM, Doescher MP Rural training track characteristics and graduates' early-career outcomes Second Annual Rural Training Track Conclave, Omaha, Nebraska 03-01-2012 Distributed Expertise: Sustaining Rural Training Tracks as a Strategy in Rural Medical Education
Doescher MP Training physicians for rural practice: Rural Training Track Technical Assistance Program Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-30-2011 Distributed Expertise: Sustaining Rural Training Tracks as a Strategy in Rural Medical Education
Doescher MP Primary care supply: are we up to the challenge? Ohio Association of Community Health Centers and 3RNet Webinar: Creative Solutions to Meeting the Clinical Workforce Shortfall, Columbus, Ohio 02-28-2011 Distributed Expertise: Sustaining Rural Training Tracks as a Strategy in Rural Medical Education
Baldwin LM, Patel S, Andrilla CHA, Fordyce MA, Doescher MP Are rural cancer patients receiving recommended radiation therapy? AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, Illinois 06-28-2009 Use of Recommended Radiation Therapy in the Rural U.S.
Baldwin LM, Andrilla CHA, Porter MP, Rosenblatt RA, Patel S, Doescher MP Use of different treatment options by rural early stage prostate cancer patients 2010 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts 06-27-2010 Do Rural Patients with Early Stage Prostate Cancer Gain Access to All Treatment Choices?
Baldwin LM Are rural cancer patients with early stage prostate cancer accessing all treatment choices? 23rd Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-24-2010 Do Rural Patients with Early Stage Prostate Cancer Gain Access to All Treatment Choices?
Larson EH, Morrison C, Andrilla CHA, Ostergard S Which physician assistant programs produce rural physician assistants? Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA 03-01-2014 Which Physician Assistant Training Programs Produce Rural Physician Assistants? A National Study
Doescher MP, Jackson JE, Patterson DG, Skillman SM Association between problem drinking and access to Veterans Administration health care services among rural veterans, 2003-2004 2010 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts 06-27-2010 Problem Drinking: Trends Among Rural Veterans–A National Study
Doescher MP, Jackson JE Where do veterans with problem drinking receive health care? A national study AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, Illinois 06-28-2009 Problem Drinking: Trends Among Rural Veterans–A National Study
Doescher MP, Keppel GA, Skillman SM Dentist supply, access to dental care, and oral health among rural and urban residents: a national study 2010 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts 06-27-2010 Dentist Supply, Access to Dental Care, and Oral Health Among Rural and Urban Residents: A National Study
Doescher MP, Keppel GA, Skillman SM Dentist supply, access to dental care, and oral health among rural and urban residents: a national study 2010 National Rural Health Association 33rd Annual Rural Health Conference, Savannah, Georgia 05-18-2010 Dentist Supply, Access to Dental Care, and Oral Health Among Rural and Urban Residents: A National Study
Doescher MP The dental workforce, access to care and oral health status in the rural U.S. 23rd Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-24-2010 Dentist Supply, Access to Dental Care, and Oral Health Among Rural and Urban Residents: A National Study
Patterson DG, Keppel GA, Skillman SM, Doescher MP, Berry C, Daniel C The influence of state policies and practices on J-1 visa waiver physicians' service in rural and underserved areas AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Orlando, Florida 06-24-2012 The Influence of State Policies and Practices on J-1 Visa Waiver Physicians' Service in Rural Areas
Patterson DG, Keppel GA, Skillman SM, Doescher MP, Berry C, Daniel C States' strategies for recruiting physicians through the Conrad State 30 J-1 Visa Waiver Program National Rural Health Association 35th Annual Rural Health Conference, Denver, Colorado 04-18-2012 The Influence of State Policies and Practices on J-1 Visa Waiver Physicians' Service in Rural Areas
Patterson DG, Keppel GA, Skillman SM, Doescher MP, Berry C, Daniel C The influence of state policies and practices on J-1 visa waiver physicians' service in rural areas through the Conrad State 30 program 8th Annual Association of American Medical Colleges Physician Workforce Research Conference, Washington, DC 05-03-2012 The Influence of State Policies and Practices on J-1 Visa Waiver Physicians' Service in Rural Areas
Patterson DG, Keppel GA, Skillman SM, Doescher MP, Berry C, Daniel C The influence of state policies and practices on J-1 visa waiver physicians' service in rural areas through the Conrad 30 program Department of Family Medicine Grand Rounds, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 06-01-2011 The Influence of State Policies and Practices on J-1 Visa Waiver Physicians' Service in Rural Areas
Patterson DG, Keppel GA, Skillman SM, Doescher MP, Berry C, Daniel C The influence of state policies and practices on J-1 visa waiver physicians' service in rural areas National Rural Health Association 34th Annual Rural Health Conference, Austin, Texas 05-05-2011 The Influence of State Policies and Practices on J-1 Visa Waiver Physicians' Service in Rural Areas
Patterson DG, Keppel GA, Skillman SM, Doescher MP The influence of state policies and practices on J-1 visa waiver physicians' service in rural areas Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-30-2011 The Influence of State Policies and Practices on J-1 Visa Waiver Physicians' Service in Rural Areas
Doescher MP, Jackson JE, Fordyce MA, Rosenblatt RA Persistent Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) and health care access in rural America North American Primary Care Research Group, Seattle, Washington 11-17-2010 Persistent Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) and Health Care Access in Rural America
Doescher MP, Fordyce MA, Skillman SM, Jackson JE, Rosenblatt RA Persistent primary care health professional shortage areas (HPSAs) and health care access in rural America 2010 International Medical Workforce Collaborative Conference, New York, NY 05-02-2010 Persistent Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) and Health Care Access in Rural America
Doescher MP, Fordyce MA, Skillman SM, Jackson JE, Rosenblatt RA Persistent primary care health professional shortage areas (HPSAs) and health care access in rural America 2010 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts 06-27-2010 Persistent Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) and Health Care Access in Rural America
Skillman SM, Patterson DG HIT workforce development by community colleges in the U.S. and factors affecting rural student access National Rural Health Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV 04-23-2014 HIT Workforce Development in Rural-Serving Community Colleges
Skillman SM, Patterson DG HIT workforce development by community colleges in the US and factors affecting rural student access National Rural Health Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV 04-23-2014 HIT Workforce Development in Rural-Serving Community Colleges
Skillman SM HIT workforce development by community colleges in the US and factors affecting rural student access Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, DC 05-01-2014 HIT Workforce Development in Rural-Serving Community Colleges
Skillman SM HIT workforce development by community colleges in the US and factors affecting rural student access AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, San Diego, CA 06-08-2014 HIT Workforce Development in Rural-Serving Community Colleges
Hart LG Shortages of Health Providers in Rural Areas Nevada Office of Rural Health Recruitment and Retention Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada 01-10-2007 Health Center Expansion and Recruitment Survey: Joint South Carolina Rural Health Research Center and WWAMI Rural Health Research Center Project
Hart LG Rural CHC workforce 3RNet annual conference 10-04-2006 Health Center Expansion and Recruitment Survey: Joint South Carolina Rural Health Research Center and WWAMI Rural Health Research Center Project
Doescher MP Informing rural primary care workforce policy: what does the evidence tell us? Rural Health Research Gateway Webinar 09-30-2010 Health Care Reform Policy Briefs on Rural Health Workforce Issues
Doescher MP Can health care reform resuscitate rural primary care in our region? 23rd Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-24-2010 Health Care Reform Policy Briefs on Rural Health Workforce Issues
Skillman SM, Patterson DG Access to home health care in rural areas: what are the hurdles and how do we get over them? 27th Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA 03-20-2014 N/A
Schmitz D, Patterson DG, Deutchman M Promoting medical education scholarship in rural places RTT Annual Conclave, Athens, OH 04-16-2014 N/A
Patterson DG Community paramedicine: a rural Triple Aim strategy. Recent developments, opportunities, and resources National Rural Health Association 37th Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV 04-24-2014 What Is the Potential of Community Paramedicine to Fill Rural Healthcare Gaps?
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Ostergard S, Morrison C, Schmitz D, Longenecker R, Skillman SM Residency training to prepare family medicine physicians for rural practice Tenth Annual AAMC Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, DC 05-01-2014 A Novel Master File of Rural Family Medicine Residency Training: Program Models and Graduate Outcomes
Larson EH Opportunities to address rural health workforce needs and demand Rural Health Philanthropy Partnership Meeting, sponsored by Federal Office of Rural Health Policy and the National Rural Health Association, Washington, DC 05-01-2014 N/A
Doescher MP Tale of two specialties: general surgery and family medicine in rural America Grand Rounds, University of Minnesota School of Medicine, Duluth, Minnesota 04-15-2011 N/A
Doescher MP, Cole A Receipt of colorectal cancer screening among rural and urban minority group members Stephenson Cancer Center, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 01-31-2012 N/A
Patterson DG Current health workforce research at the WWAMI Rural Health Research Center National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health Region E Meeting, Juneau, Alaska 07-28-2011 N/A
Skillman SM Update: University of Washington WWAMI Rural Health Research Center National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health Region E Meeting, Laramie, Wyoming 08-20-2009 N/A
Skillman SM Issues in assessing the rural and primary care workforce HRSA National Center for Health Workforce Analysis Meeting: Best Practices in State Health Workforce Data and Planning, Alexandria, Virginia 05-16-2012 N/A
Skillman SM Studies of access to care: University of Washington Rural Health Research Center and Center for Health Workforce Studies Measuring Healthcare Access--Washington State Interagency Idea Exchange, Olympia, Washington 08-21-2008 N/A
Skillman SM The rural health workforce: building on what we know National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health, National Workforce Summit, Laramie, Wyoming 08-19-2009 N/A
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Schmitz D, Longenecker R, Skillman SM Person, program or place? Family physicians choosing rural practice AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Minneapolis, MN 06-15-2015 Family Medicine Rural Training Track Graduates: Determinants of Rural and Urban Practice
Kaplan L, Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Ostergard S Support for rural student recruitment and practice by nurse practitioner programs. Advanced Practice in Primary and Acute Care Pacific NW 37th Annual National Conference (Seattle, WA) 10-09-2014 What Strategies Are Nurse Practitioner Educational Programs Using to Encourage Rural Practice?
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Kaplan L, Doescher MP Outpatient productivity and practice characteristics of rural primary care nurse practitioners in states with varying physician oversight regulations AcademyHealth Annual Research Conference, Baltimore, Maryland 06-22-2013 The Current Contribution of Physicians, Advanced Practice Nurses, and Physician Assistants to the Rural Primary Care Workforce
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Kaplan L, Doescher MP Outpatient productivity and practice characteristics of rural primary care nurse practitioners in states with varying physician oversight regulations. Association of American Medical Colleges Physician Workforce Conference, Washington, DC 05-03-2013 The Current Contribution of Physicians, Advanced Practice Nurses, and Physician Assistants to the Rural Primary Care Workforce
Doescher MP The contributions of generalist physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants to rural primary care AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Orlando, Florida 06-24-2012 The Current Contribution of Physicians, Advanced Practice Nurses, and Physician Assistants to the Rural Primary Care Workforce
Patterson DG, Skillman SM, Robinson A, Wingrove G Discussion of opportunities identified to advance community paramedicine and conduct research to build the evidence base from the National Consensus Conference on Community Paramedicine Ninth International Roundtable on Community Paramedicine, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, United Kingdom 05-22-2013 National Consensus Conference on Community Paramedicine: Development of a Community Paramedicine Research Agenda
Patterson DG, Skillman SM Community paramedicine research agenda National Consensus Conference on Community Paramedicine, Atlanta, Georgia 10-02-2012 National Consensus Conference on Community Paramedicine: Development of a Community Paramedicine Research Agenda
Skillman SM, Palazzo L, Hart LG Rural RNs in the U.S. since 1980 Office of Rural Health Policy and Division of Nursing, HRSA, Rockville, Maryland 06-10-2008 Long-Term Trends in Characteristics of the Rural Nurse Workforce: A National Health Workforce Study
Skillman SM, Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Stover B Experiences Using the National Provider Identifier (NPI) for Health Workforce Research Webinar for the Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center, State University of New York, Albany, NY 03-25-2015 Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Distribution in Rural and Urban Areas of the U.S.
Skillman SM, Kaplan L, Fordyce MA, McMenamin PD, Doescher MP Understanding advanced practice registered nurse distribution in urban and rural areas of the United States using National Provider Identifier data National Rural Health Association Annual Rural Health Conference, Denver, Colorado 04-17-2012 Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Distribution in Rural and Urban Areas of the U.S.
Skillman SM, Kaplan L, Fordyce MA, McMenamin PD, Doescher MP Understanding advanced practice registered nurse distribution in urban and rural areas of the United States using National Provider Identifier data. Association of American Medical Colleges Physician Workforce Conference, Washington, DC 05-03-2012 Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Distribution in Rural and Urban Areas of the U.S.
Skillman SM, Keppel GA, Patterson DG, Doescher MP Allied Health Education in Community Colleges AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, Washington 06-12-2011 Community Colleges' Contributions to the Education of Allied Health Professionals in Rural Areas of the United States
Skillman SM, Keppel GA, Patterson DG, Doescher MP Allied Health Education in Community Colleges Institute of Medicine Workshop on Allied Health Workforce and Services, Washington, DC 05-09-2011 Community Colleges' Contributions to the Education of Allied Health Professionals in Rural Areas of the United States
Skillman SM, Keppel GA, Patterson DG, Doescher MP Allied Health Education in Community Colleges National Rural Health Association 34th Annual Rural Health Conference, Austin, Texas 05-05-2011 Community Colleges' Contributions to the Education of Allied Health Professionals in Rural Areas of the United States
Skillman SM, Keppel GA, Patterson DG, Doescher MP Allied Health Education in Community Colleges Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-27-2011 Community Colleges' Contributions to the Education of Allied Health Professionals in Rural Areas of the United States
Skillman SM, O'Halloran R, Kuebel H, Fulcher R, Adams E Allied Health Education in Community Colleges 2010 National Rural Health Association Annual Meeting, Savannah, Georgia 05-21-2010 Community Colleges' Contributions to the Education of Allied Health Professionals in Rural Areas of the United States
Doescher MP, Fordyce MA, Skillman SM Aging Rural Physician Workforce 2010 International Medical Workforce Collaborative Conference, New York, New York 05-02-2010 The Aging of the Rural Generalist Physician Workforce: Will Some Locations Be More Affected than Others?
Doescher MP, Fordyce MA, Skillman SM Aging Rural Physician Workforce AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, Illinois 06-28-2009 The Aging of the Rural Generalist Physician Workforce: Will Some Locations Be More Affected than Others?
Doescher MP, Fordyce MA, Skillman SM Aging Rural Physician Workforce Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-19-2009 The Aging of the Rural Generalist Physician Workforce: Will Some Locations Be More Affected than Others?
Hart LG, Morrill R, Cromartie J 2004 Rural-Urban Commuting Areas (V2) Academy Health annual conference 06-25-2006 Introduction to and Description of the 2004 (Version 2) Rural-Urban Commuting Areas (RUCAs)


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Skillman SM Understanding Who Is Providing What Healthcare Services to Whom and Where: Health Workforce Data Experiences from Washington State National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Healthcare Workforce Peer Learning Group, Salt Lake City, UT 01-17-2025 N/A
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Kett PM, Guenther GA, van Eijk MS, Patterson DG, Frogner BK Low Birthweight Rate Differences Associated With Distinct Perinatal Staffing Models at Federally Funded Health Centers American Public Health Association (APHA) 2024 Annual Meeting & Expo, Minneapolis, MN 10-30-2024 Does Variable Access to Perinatal Health Providers in Federally Qualified Health Centers Affect Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Birth Outcomes?
Kett PM, Shahrir S, Bekemeier B, Schaffer K, Zemmel DJ, Patterson DG Individual and Organizational Factors Associated With Public Health Workforce Competencies to Advance Health Equity American Public Health Association (APHA) 2024 Annual Meeting & Expo, Minneapolis, MN 10-27-2024 Identifying Factors that Support Local Health Department Workforce Capacity for Promoting Health Equity
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Trotter LJ Closing Keynote: Beyond Health Disparities: The Medical Workplace as a Site of Racialization, Expropriation, & Resistance British Sociological Association Medical Sociology Conference, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom 09-13-2024 N/A
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Frogner BK Keynote Presentation: Just How Bad are Long-Term Care Workforce Shortages? A Critical Examination of Driving Factors Advancing Workforce Analysis and Research for Dementia (AWARD) Network Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA 11-14-2024 N/A
Frogner BK Health Workforce Monitoring and Shortages in the US International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH) Network Annual Meeting, University of Washington, Virtual Event 11-04-2024 N/A
Frogner BK Health Workforce Diversity, Turnover, and Wages UW Medicine Office of Healthcare Equity Meeting, Virtual Event 09-25-2024 N/A
Stubbs BA The Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network: Recent Findings from Long-Term Care Facilities LeadingAge HR Workforce Solutions Council Meeting, Virtual Event 10-15-2024 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
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Stubbs BA Using Health Workforce Sentinel Network Data to Understand Employer Demand in Washington State Jobs for the Future Equitable Pathways Project Interview, Virtual Event 08-20-2024 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
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Sabin JA, Owens M, Ramos L Understanding Micro-aggressions and Implicit Bias Awareness among Providers and Educators in Maternal Health Women’s National Health Forum Working Group National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Virtual Event 06-14-2024 N/A
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Frogner BK Leveraging Data to Understand the Health Workforce Caring for Patients Living with ADRD Advancing Workforce Analysis and Research for Dementia (AWARD) Network Summer Institute, San Francisco, CA 07-15-2024 N/A
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Frogner BK, Andrilla H, Guenther GA, Gurjal K, Morales L, Ornelas IJ, Patterson DG, Sabin JA The Impact of Brief Implicit Bias Education on Patient-Centered Communication Among Clinical Teaching Faculty AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Baltimore, MD 07-01-2024 Implicit Race and Gender Bias, Bias Awareness, and Impact of a Course for Clinical Faculty
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Bekemeier B, Kett PM, Shahrir S Public Health Nurses in the COVID-19 Response: Roles, Skills and Training Needs AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Baltimore, MD 07-01-2024 N/A
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Jun J, Carle A, Frogner BK, Tubbs-Cooley H Comparison of Preventive Care Utilization and Employer Benefits across Healthcare Workers: Descriptive Study AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Baltimore, MD 07-01-2024 N/A
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Hu X, Conrad S, Dill M, Patterson DG Physician Practice Location Choice – a Path Analysis Examining Where Physicians Grew up and Where They Trained in Medical School and Residency AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Baltimore, MD 07-01-2024 N/A
Kett PM, Bekemeier B, Patterson DG, Schaffer K, Shahrir S, Zemmel D Factors Associated with Public Health Workforce Competencies to Advance Health Equity AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Baltimore, MD 07-01-2024 Identifying Factors that Support Local Health Department Workforce Capacity for Promoting Health Equity
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Frogner BK Leveraging Data to Understand the Health Workforce Caring for Patients Living with Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias 13th Annual Conference of the American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon), San Diego, CA 06-17-2024 N/A
Kett PM It’s Not Just about the Money: The Motivations, Benefits, and Challenges of Being a Travel Nurse 2024 National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers Annual Conference, San Diego, CA 06-17-2024 Are There Inequitable Influences of the Pandemic on Career Pathways of Travel Nurses?
Stubbs BA The Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network Overview Children & Youth Behavioral Health Workforce and Rates Subgroup Meeting, Virtual Event 04-17-2024 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Stubbs BA, Fullerton R The Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network Overview WA Pharmacy Commission Meeting, Virtual Event 04-22-2024 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Stubbs BA, Fullerton R The Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network: Recent Findings from K – 12 Schools Children and Youth Behavioral Health Work Group - School-based Behavioral Health and Suicide Prevention Subcommittee Meeting, Virtual Event 05-15-2024 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Stubbs BA, Fullerton R The Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network: Providing the “How” and “Why” in Workforce Demand Data Greater Health Now Learning Collaborative Meeting, Virtual Event 05-23-2024 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Weidner A, Evans D, Patterson DG, Spencer R Recruitment of Residents to Rural Programs: Early Outcomes of RRPD Cohort 1 Rural Medical Education Collaborative 2024 Annual Meeting, Asheville, NC 04-12-2024 N/A
Patterson DG, Longenecker RL, Bell D The Emerging Landscape of Rural Residency Training: Defining Program Types and Assessing Their Value Rural Medical Education Collaborative 2024 Annual Meeting, Asheville, NC 04-11-2024 N/A
Patterson DG, Longenecker RL, Bell D A Typology of Rural Residency Training to Support Educational Research and Prospective Applicants Social Mission Alliance Conference 2024, Durham, NC 04-09-2024 N/A
Frogner BK Current and Ongoing Challenges Facing the Health Workforce Modern Work and Workers’ Voices, California Labor Lab, Virtual Event 05-08-2024 N/A
Skillman SM Getting and Keeping a Strong and Resilient Health Workforce - It Takes a Village 2024 WWAMI GME Summit, Anchorage, AK 04-25-2024 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Patterson DG What is "Rural"? Rural PRO-CARE Annual Meeting 2024, Poulsbo, WA 04-22-2024 N/A
Frogner BK The Link Between Career Paths and Health Workforce Diversity PHRMCY 580: Current Trends in Pharmacy Science and Practice, School of Pharmacy, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 04-08-2024 N/A
Frogner BK Keynote Address: Population Health Begins with a Robust and Diverse Health Workforce Health Equity Roundtable, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 04-05-2024 N/A
Trotter LJ Long-Term Pandemic Impacts on Practice Orientations and Labor Relations for Registered Nurses Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center (HWTAC)/Health Workforce Interest Group Webinar, Virtual Event 04-04-2024 N/A
Patterson DG, Jonk Y, Duncan J The State of Rural EMS: Challenges and Opportunities National Rural Health Association Policy Institute, Washington, D.C. 02-15-2024 N/A
Frogner BK Panel: Overcoming the Direct Care Workforce Crisis Requires Evidence and Innovation On Aging 2024, American Society on Aging, San Francisco, CA 03-25-2024 N/A
Frogner BK Post-Pandemic Health Workforce Challenges Medtronic Health Economic and Outcomes Research Seminar Series, Virtual Event 03-21-2024 N/A
Frogner BK Invited Panel: Supporting the Laboratory Workforce 2024 American Clinical Laboratory Association (ACLA) Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. 03-14-2024 Finding a Career Path into the Clinical Laboratory Workforce
Skillman SM Washington State Health Workforce Sentinel Network – Recent Findings Meeting of Allied Health Center of Excellence Community and Technical College Deans and Directors, Virtual Event 02-21-2024 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Trotter LJ Reimagining Care: The Pandemic's Impact on What it Means to be a 'Good Nurse' University of Washington Evans School of Public Policy & Governance Research Seminar Series, Seattle, WA 02-28-2024 N/A
Trotter LJ Taking Carework Seriously in Bioethics: The Case of US Nurses During the Pandemic Oregon Bioethics and Ethics Colloquium, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR 01-12-2024 N/A
Trotter LJ For the Long Haul: The Pandemic’s Impact on Practice Orientations and Labor Relations for Registered Nurses University of California San Francisco Health Policy Grand Rounds, San Francisco, CA 12-05-2023 Are There Inequitable Influences of the Pandemic on Career Pathways of Travel Nurses?
Stubbs BA, Fullerton R The Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network: Recent Findings and Future Uses for K – 12 Education Planners Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) Webinar, Virtual Event 03-05-2024 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Stubbs BA The Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network: Findings Highlights and Upcoming Opportunities SEIU 1199NW Training Fund Board Meeting, Virtual Event 03-14-2024 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Stubbs BA, Smith D The Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network: Findings from Rural Respondents & Long-Term Care Facilities Washington Long Term Care - Rural Workgroup, Virtual Event 02-27-2024 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Williams-York B Burnout, Exhaustion Experiences of Discrimination, and Stress among Underrepresented and First Generation College Students in Graduate Health Professions Education American Physical Therapy Association's (APTA) Combined Sections Meeting, Boston, MA 02-15-2024 The Potential Burden of Being Underrepresented in Health Professional Programs
Kett PM Organizational and Community Factors Associated with Health Equity Competencies among the Local Public Health Workforce Hot Topics in Practice hosted by the Northwest Center for Public Health Practice, Virtual Event 02-27-2024 Identifying Factors that Support Local Health Department Workforce Capacity for Promoting Health Equity
Bekemeier B, Kett PM What Gets Counted Builds Evidence and Supports Advocacy - Enumerating the Public Health Nursing Workforce Association of Public Health Nurses 2024 Annual Conference, Denver, CO 04-16-2024 N/A
Kett PM Public Health Nurses in the COVID-19 Response: Roles, Skills and Training Needs Association of Public Health Nurses 2024 Annual Conference, Denver, CO 04-17-2024 N/A
Frogner BK Workforce Development and the Primary Care Spending Benchmark Washington State Advisory Committee on Primary Care, Virtual Event 01-23-2024 N/A
Frogner BK Understanding Barriers in Achieving Health Workforce Diversity Child Health Equity Research Program for Post-doctoral Trainees Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 01-18-2024 N/A
Skillman SM The Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network, Select Views of Fall 2023 Findings in Panel Discussion "Revitalizing our Workforce: Burnout, Staffing Gaps, & Reorganization in Panel" 2024 Washington State of Reform Health Policy Conference, Seattle, WA 01-04-2024 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Kett PM, Bekemeier B Public Health Nurses in the COVID-19 Response: Roles, Skills, and Training Needs Consortium for Workforce Research in Public Health (CWORPH) Year 1 Webinar, Virtual Event 12-15-2023 N/A
Stubbs BA US Health Workforce Commuting Patterns: Where Allied Health Care Workers Live and Work International Health Workforce Collaborative, Hybrid Event, Ottawa, Canada 12-07-2023 Leveraging Data Phase IV: Mapping Movement of Allied Health Professionals
Stubbs BA Understanding Health Workforce Demand during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond Using a Network of Policymakers and Industry Employers International Health Workforce Collaborative, Hybrid Event, Ottawa, Canada 12-07-2023 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Frogner BK (Moderator) Interactive Health Workforce Data Dashboards International Health Workforce Collaborative, Hybrid Event, Ottawa, Canada 12-07-2023 Leveraging Data Phase IV: Mapping Movement of Allied Health Professionals
Frogner BK The Looming Long-Term Care Crisis: State Action National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Forecast 2024, Austin, TX 12-05-2023 N/A
Frogner BK What Happened to the Nursing Workforce? Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics (Penn LDI) Seminar Series, Virtual Event 12-01-2023 N/A
Patterson DG Emergency Medicine in Rural America National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Podcasts | OAS Episode 198, Virtual Event 11-19-2023 N/A
Kett PK Launching the Institute for Policy Solutions at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing Invited participant to convening held by the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, Washington, D.C. 11-01-2023 N/A
Patterson DG Expanding the Health Workforce to Achieve Health Equity Association of Professors of Dermatology (APD) 2023 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL 11-18-2023 N/A
Kett PM, Bekemeier B Public Health Nurses in the COVID-19 Response: Roles, Skills, and Training Needs American Public Health Association (APHA) 2023 Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta, GA 11-14-2023 N/A
Kett PM, Bekemeier B, Patterson DG, Schaffer K Competencies, training needs, and turnover risk for the rural local public health workforce: Findings from the public health workforce interest and needs survey American Public Health Association (APHA) 2023 Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta, GA 11-14-2023 Examining Local Public Health Workforce Capacity and Challenges in Addressing Population Health Needs
Frogner BK The Health Care Workforce Under Pressure - Strikes, Shortages, and Staffing Requirements The Health Wonk Shop Podcast, Kaiser Family Foundation, Virtual Event 11-16-2023 N/A
Stubbs BA, Smith D The Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network: Recent Findings from Long Term Care Facilities Washington Long Term Care Planning Group Webinar, Virtual Event 11-08-2023 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Stubbs BA, Fullerton R The Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network: Recent Findings from Behavioral Health Organizations Health Industry Leadership Table (HILT) Behavioral Health Committee, Virtual Event 10-26-2023 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Stubbs BA, Fullerton R The Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network: Update on Recent Findings Yakima County Health Care Coalition, Virtual Event 10-20-2023 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Stubbs BA, Fullerton R The Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network: Update on Recent Findings Allied Health Deans & Director's Meeting, Virtual Event 10-18-2023 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Kett PM, Bekemeier B, Patterson DG Health equity and rural public health workforce competencies: Training needs identified from the Public Health Workforce Interest and Needs Survey Washington State Public Health Association 2023 Annual Conference, Wenatchee, WA 10-11-2023 Examining Local Public Health Workforce Capacity and Challenges in Addressing Population Health Needs
Sabin JA, Nagasawa P, Guenther GA, Kett PM, Williams-York B, Naidu A, Frogner BK Implicit and Explicit Race and Weight Bias Among Physician Assistant Preceptors and Trainees Learn Serve Lead 2023: The AAMC Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA 11-06-2023 Impact of a Course, COVID-19, Healthcare Equity, and Implicit Bias in the Clinical and Learning Environment, for Physician Assistant (PA) Preceptors and Trainees
Patterson DG The Rural Health Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities for Philanthropies 2023 Rural Health Philanthropy Partnership Meeting, Washington, D.C. 10-26-2023 N/A
Sabin JA Continuing Education on Implicit Bias in Healthcare St. Jude Clinical Faculty Development Workshop Series, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN 10-10-2023 Lasting Effects of Continuing Education on the Topic of Implicit Bias in the Clinical and Learning Environment
Frogner BK What Can Large Public Surveys Tell Us About the Dementia Care Workforce? Advancing Workforce Analysis and Research for Dementia (AWARD) Network, University of California, San Francisco, Virtual Event 11-01-2023 N/A
Frogner BK Addressing Health Workforce Shortages Now and in the Future 2023 Health Workforce Research Symposium, Washington, D.C. 10-11-2023 N/A
Frogner BK, Patterson DG, Skillman SM Health Workforce Research Center ‘State of the Field’ Roundtable Health Resources and Services Administration, Rockville, MD 10-10-2023 N/A
Frogner BK Understanding Health Workforce Challenges in the COVID Era Washington State Department of Health Common Text Speaker Series, Virtual Event 10-26-2023 N/A
Frogner BK Making Clinical Lab Careers Not the Road Less Traveled University of Washington Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Grand Rounds, Seattle, WA 11-01-2023 Finding a Career Path into the Clinical Laboratory Workforce
Frogner BK Update on Activities to Strengthen the Laboratory Workforce: Overview of a Career Pathway Survey American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP) 2023 Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA 10-19-2023 Finding a Career Path into the Clinical Laboratory Workforce
Mroz T, Prusynski RA Some But Not Too Much: Multiparticipant Therapy and Positive Patient Outcomes in Skilled Nursing Facilities Delivering Solutions 23, American Health Care Association (AHCA)/National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL) Convention & Expo, Denver, CO 10-01-2023 N/A
Mroz T, Prusynski RA Variation in Employment of Therapy Assistants in Skilled Nursing Facilities Based on Organizational Factors Delivering Solutions 23, American Health Care Association (AHCA)/National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL) Convention & Expo, Denver, CO 10-01-2023 Supply of and Demand for Therapy Services in Skilled Nursing Facilities
Stubbs BA Washington’s Health Workforce Sentinel Network: Recent Findings and Future Directions Washington Health Workforce Council, Virtual Event 09-21-2023 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM, Stubbs BA, Fullerton R Washington’s Health Workforce Sentinel Network: Recent Findings and Future Directions Washington Association for Community Health Webinar, Virtual Event 09-11-2023 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM, Stubbs BA, Fullerton R Washington’s Health Workforce Sentinel Network: Recent Findings and Future Directions Washington Workforce Government Group, Virtual Event 09-07-2023 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Stubbs BA Understanding Health Workforce Demand Using a Network of Policymakers and Industry Employers: The Health Workforce Sentinel Network UW Department of Family Medicine Research Seminar, Virtual Event 09-05-2023 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM, Stubbs BA The Health Workforce Sentinel Network: Recent Behavioral Health Findings Highlights Washington State Health Care Authority Children and Youth Behavioral Health Work Group, Virtual Event 08-02-2023 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Frogner BK Building a Resilient, Diverse, and Sustainable Health Workforce Health Industry Leadership Table Quarterly Meeting, Virtual Event 09-15-2023 N/A
Frogner BK Health Workforce Challenges in the Post-COVID Era UW Department of Family Medicine Grand Rounds, Seattle, WA 09-13-2023 N/A
Frogner BK Health Workforce Approaches in the US: Center for Health Workforce Studies at University of Washington Canadian Health Workforce Network, Virtual Event 09-07-2023 N/A
Frogner BK The Time is NOW: Healthcare Jobs in the Post-Pandemic Period Commencement Address for the Introduction to the Healthcare Employment Apprenticeship Program (IHAP), Virtual Event 08-10-2023 N/A
Trotter LJ Out Sick: Pandemic Burnout and its Impact on Care and Labor Relations in Health Care American Sociological Association’s Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA 08-19-2023 N/A
Trotter LJ Invited Discussant on Book Salon Panel for Saida Grundy’s book, Respectable: Politics and Paradox in Making the Morehouse Man Association of Black Sociologist’s Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA 08-18-2023 N/A
Trotter LJ Putting Medicine in its (Proper) Place: Seeing Medical Education as a Case, Not a Field The Social Transformation of the Sociology of Health Professions Education Conference, Philadelphia, PA 08-17-2023 N/A
Trotter LJ Invited Panelist for Healing the Healers: Strategies for Alleviating Burnout Among Health Care Workers AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-25-2023 N/A
Trotter LJ Bedside Matters: Ethical Considerations of AI in Medical Decision-Making Cognition Studio, Seattle, WA 06-23-2023 N/A
Trotter LJ Keynote: Staying the Course: Being an NP in Challenging Times New Mexico NP Council’s Spring Conference, Albuquerque, NM 04-27-2023 N/A
Trotter LJ Keynote Panel: Explicating Bioethics Relative to Race, History, Medical Inequity, and the Practice of Medicine The National Black Nurse Practitioner Association’s Annual Conference. Houston, TX 04-22-2023 N/A
Skillman SM The Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network - Spring 2023 Workforce Demand Update and Trends Since 2016 Washington Health Workforce Council Meeting, Port Angeles, WA 06-22-2023 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Espinosa C, Lucas T, Jones C, Kern L, Mroz TM, Arbaje A, Ankuda C, Feldman P, Thompson M, Shen M, Sterling M Understanding the Perspectives of Key Home Health Stakeholders Towards Home Health Value-Based Purchasing (HHVBP) in the United States AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-26-2023 N/A
Sabin JA, Nagasawa P, Kett PM, Guenther GA, Naidu A, Williams-York B, Frogner BK Implicit and Explicit Race and Weight Bias among Physician Assistant Preceptors and Trainees AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-26-2023 Impact of a Course, COVID-19, Healthcare Equity, and Implicit Bias in the Clinical and Learning Environment, for Physician Assistant (PA) Preceptors and Trainees
Kett PM, Frogner BK, Brahim MC, Wright B, Staloff J, Johnson H Characterizing Financial Support for Federally Qualified Health Centers during the COVID-19 Pandemic AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-26-2023 How Financial Support During the COVID Crisis Affected the Federally Qualified Health Center Workforce
Guenther GA, Williams-York B, Kett PM, Snyder CR, Mohammed S, van Eijk M, Frogner BK Factors Associated with Burnout Among Health Professional Program Faculty: A Mixed Methods Study AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-26-2023 Burnout and Stress Among Medical and Health Professional Program Faculty
Stubbs BA, Skillman SM Understanding Health Workforce Demand during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond Using a Network of Policymakers and Industry Employers AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-26-2023 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Sabin JA, Guenther GA, Kett PM, Naidu A, Nagasawa P, Frogner BK Impact of Implicit Bias Education on Bias Awareness Among Physician Assistant Preceptors and Trainees AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-26-2023 Impact of a Course, COVID-19, Healthcare Equity, and Implicit Bias in the Clinical and Learning Environment, for Physician Assistant (PA) Preceptors and Trainees
Bacci J, Pollack SW, Skillman SM Community Pharmacy Workforce’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-26-2023 Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Community Pharmacist Patient Care and Future Workforce Needs
Mroz TM, Skillman SM, Dunlap B State Support for Community College and Impact on Diversity in Health Professions Programs AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-26-2023 State Support for Community College and Diversity in Health Professions Programs
Kett PM, Frogner BK, Brahim MC, Wright B, Staloff J, Johnson H Workforce Outcomes Associated with COVID-Related Funding to Federally Qualified Health Centers AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-26-2023 How Financial Support During the COVID Crisis Affected the Federally Qualified Health Center Workforce
Guenther GA, Kett PM, Williams-York B, Mohammed S, Patterson DG, Snyder CR, van Eijk M, Frogner BK Burnout in Underrepresented Students and Faculty in Health Professional Programs AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-26-2023 Burnout and Stress Among Medical and Health Professional Program Faculty
Frogner BK, Woodward K, Dill J, Trotter LJ Where Have All the Healthcare Workers Gone? AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-26-2023 N/A
Kett PM, Guenther GA, van Eijk M, Skillman SM Perspectives from Community-Based Doulas on Medicaid Policy and Needed Systems Change AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-25-2023 Doula Project 2.0: Increasing the Use of Doulas by Underserved Communities
Mroz TM Home Health Agency Closures Following Implementation of the Patient-Driven Groupings Model and Emergence of the COVID-19 Pandemic AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-27-2023 N/A
Kett PM Public Health Services and Systems Research IG: Spotlight on Emerging Research AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-26-2023 N/A
Frogner BK Understanding the Role of HSR Across the Globe Through the Lens of Current Workforce Issues AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-26-2023 N/A
Prusynski RA Skilled Nursing Facility Changes in Ownership: Organizational Predictors and Relationships with Short-Stay Medicare Patient Outcomes AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-25-2023 N/A
Skillman SM Methodological Strategies for Studying the Health Workforce AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-24-2023 N/A
Staloff J, Brahim MC, Frogner BK, Sabbatini A National and State-Level Trends in Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Visit Rates at Federally Qualified Health Centers, 2012-2019 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-26-2023 N/A
Dill J, Iztayeva A, Frogner BK, Henning-Smith C Understanding Healthcare Worker Labor Market Exits in Rural Areas during the COVID-19 Pandemic AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-26-2023 N/A
Dill J, Iztayeva A, Frogner BK, Henning-Smith C Occupational Transitions among Direct Care Workers During COVID-19 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA 06-26-2023 N/A
Kett PM, Bekemeier B PH WINS for the Future: Understanding the Strengths and Needs of Rural Public Health Hot Topics in Practice hosted by the Northwest Center for Public Health Practice, Virtual Event 01-23-2023 Examining Local Public Health Workforce Capacity and Challenges in Addressing Population Health Needs
Frogner BK Opening Plenary: Building a Resilient, Diverse and Sustainable Health Workforce HRSA Region 10 Health Workforce Forum, Renton, WA 06-23-2023 N/A
Frogner BK How Much Does Health Insurance Coverage Matter for Healthcare Worker Turnover? 12th Annual Conference of the American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon), St Louis, MO 06-14-2023 N/A
Kett PM The Nurse-Trained Public Health Director’s Relationship to Health Department Performance, Health Equity Work and the Public’s Health Association of Community Health Nursing Educators & Association of Public Health Nurses (ACHNE & APHN) Joint Conference, San Diego, CA 06-07-2023 N/A
Kett PM, Bekemeier B, Patterson DG, Schaffer K Competencies, Training Needs, and Turnover Risk for the Rural Local Public Health Workforce: Findings from the Public Health Workforce Interest and Needs Survey Department of Family Medicine Fair & Scholarship Forum, Seattle, WA 04-12-2023 Examining Local Public Health Workforce Capacity and Challenges in Addressing Population Health Needs
Guenther GA, Kett PM, Williams-York B, Mohammed SA, Snyder CR, van Eijk M Comparing Underrepresented Student and Faculty Burnout in Health Professional Programs Department of Family Medicine Fair & Scholarship Forum, Seattle, WA 04-12-2023 Burnout and Stress Among Medical and Health Professional Program Faculty
Achkar MA, Patterson DG, Frogner BK, Skillman SM, Dahal A Integrating Immigrant Health Professionals into the U.S. Healthcare Workforce: Barriers and Solutions Department of Family Medicine Fair & Scholarship Forum, Seattle, WA 04-12-2023 Accelerated Pathways for Internationally Educated Health Professionals
Guenther GA, Williams-York B, Kett PM, Snyder CR, Mohammed S, van Eijk M, Frogner BK Factors associated with burnout among health profession program faculty: a mixed methods study Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, D.C. 05-04-2023 Burnout and Stress Among Medical and Health Professional Program Faculty
Sabin JA, Guenther GA, Ma K, Williams-York B, Barrington W, Frogner BK Perceived Usefulness and Strengths of Brief Implicit Bias Education for Academic Clinicians Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, D.C. 05-04-2023 Lasting Effects of Continuing Education on the Topic of Implicit Bias in the Clinical and Learning Environment
Mroz TM, Skillman SM, Dunlap B State Support for Community College and Impact on Diversity in Health Professions Programs Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, D.C. 05-04-2023 State Support for Community College and Diversity in Health Professions Programs
Frogner BK How much does health insurance coverage matter for healthcare worker turnover? Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, D.C. 05-04-2023 N/A
Bacci J, Pollack SW, Skillman SM Community pharmacy workforce's response to the COVID-19 pandemic Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, D.C. 05-04-2023 Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Community Pharmacist Patient Care and Future Workforce Needs
Kett PM, Guenther GA, van Eijk M, Skillman SM Supporting the Doula Workforce: Doulas' Perspectives on Medicaid Expansion and Needed Systems Change Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, D.C. 05-04-2023 Doula Project 2.0: Increasing the Use of Doulas by Underserved Communities
Kett PM, Bekemeier B, Patterson DG Comparing rural and urban local public health workforce skills, training needs, and turnover risk Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, D.C. 05-04-2023 Examining Local Public Health Workforce Capacity and Challenges in Addressing Population Health Needs
Kett PM, Frogner BK, Brahim MC, Wright B, Staloff J, Johnson H Workforce Outcomes Associated with COVID-related Funding to Federally Qualified Health Centers Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, D.C. 05-04-2023 How Financial Support During the COVID Crisis Affected the Federally Qualified Health Center Workforce
Kett PM, Frogner BK, Brahim MC, Wright B, Staloff J, Johnson H Characterizing Financial Support for Federally Qualified Health Centers during the COVID-19 Pandemic Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, D.C. 05-04-2023 How Financial Support During the COVID Crisis Affected the Federally Qualified Health Center Workforce
Guenther GA, Kett PM, Williams-York B, Mohammed S, Patterson DG, Snyder CR, van Eijk M, Frogner BK Comparing Underrepresented Student and Faculty Burnout in Health Professional Programs Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, D.C. 05-04-2023 Burnout and Stress Among Medical and Health Professional Program Faculty
Sabin JA, Guenther GA, Kett PM, Naidu A, Nagasawa P, Frogner BK Impact of Implicit Bias Education on Bias Awareness Among Physician Assistant Preceptors/Trainees Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, D.C. 05-04-2023 Impact of a Course, COVID-19, Healthcare Equity, and Implicit Bias in the Clinical and Learning Environment, for Physician Assistant (PA) Preceptors and Trainees
Sabin JA, Guenther GA, Kett PM, Naidu A, Nagasawa P, Frogner BK Implicit and Explicit Race and Weight Bias Among Physician Assistant Preceptors and Trainees Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, D.C. 05-04-2023 Impact of a Course, COVID-19, Healthcare Equity, and Implicit Bias in the Clinical and Learning Environment, for Physician Assistant (PA) Preceptors and Trainees
Skillman SM, Stubbs BA Understanding Health Workforce Demand Using a Network of Policymakers and Industry Employers Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, D.C. 05-04-2023 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Frogner BK Keynote: In Conversation: The HRSA-Funded Health Workforce Research Centers Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, D.C. 05-04-2023 N/A
Frogner BK Appreciating the Efforts Underway COLA Workforce Action Alliance Summit, Fort Worth, TX 05-02-2023 N/A
Frogner BK What Is The Nursing Crisis? Understanding It From All Angles Johns Hopkins School of Nursing and the Hopkins Business of Health Initiative, Virtual Event 04-14-2023 N/A
Frogner BK The Shortage in Healthcare Personnel and Labor Force Issues. The Murphy Institute at Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 03-24-2023 N/A
Frogner BK Setting the Stage: What We Know (and Don’t Know) About the Dementia Care Workforce National Institute on Aging National Research Summit on Care, Services, and Support for Persons with Dementia and Their Care Partners/Caregivers, Virtual Event 03-22-2023 N/A
Frogner BK Tackling Labor Force Shortages in Health Care Roundtable Committee for Economic Development of The Conference Board 01-25-2023 N/A
Frogner BK Health Workforce Trends: Implications for the Therapy Workforce. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Grand Rounds 01-10-2023 N/A
Skillman SM Improving Access to Oral Health Care for Rural, Tribal and Underserved Communities HRSA IEA Region 10 01-12-2023 Washington Oral Health Workforce Tracking Program
Stubbs BA The Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network Fall 2022 Update Washington Health Workforce Council 12-08-2022 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Frogner BK National Health Workforce Trends The Future of State Workforce Policy in Palliative Care hosted by the Center to Advance Palliative Care and the Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy at Yale Law School, Virtual Event 12-20-2022 N/A
Guenther G, Kett P Birth Doulas Addressing Systemic Racism in Underserved Communities Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center (HWTAC) Webinar, Virtual Event 12-15-2022 Increasing Access to Doulas to Support a Diverse Population
Lee D, Sabin JA, Mohammed SA, Kett PM, Frogner BK Inequitable Care Delivery for COVID-19 Positive People of Color and People with Disabilities American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Meeting 2022, Chicago, IL 11-11-2022 Exploring Health Workforce Influence on Equitable Care Delivery and Stigmatization toward COVID-19 Positive People of Color and People with Disabilities
Frogner BK National Health Workforce Trends Washington state House Committee on College & Workforce Development - Virtual 11-10-2022 N/A
Frogner BK Health Workforce Trends Bridging Pharmacy Education and Practice Summit, Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners. Washington, DC 11-03-2022 N/A
Frogner BK Addressing the Health Care Workforce Crisis: Framing Solutions 29th Annual Princeton Conference – Virtual 10-19-2022 N/A
Frogner BK National Workforce Trends: Placing LTC Workforce in Context Long-term Care Workforce Development Initiative of the Washington state Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board - Virtual 10-18-2022 N/A
Frogner BK National Health Workforce Trends Health Workforce Council, Washington state Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board - Virtual 10-13-2022 N/A
Kett P The Nurse-Trained Public Health Director’s Relationship to Health Department Performance, Health Equity Work and the Public’s Health 2022 Washington State Public Health Association Annual Conference for Health Seattle, WA 10-11-2022 N/A
Skillman SM Washington’s Nursing Workforce: Problems Meeting Employer Demand and Opportunities for Solutions Presentation to Washington Senate Higher Education and Workforce Development Committee 12-01-2022 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM AXIOS Health Care Vitals: Seattle - Expert Voices Roundtable AXIOS-Delta Dental Institute Health Care Vitals, Expert Voices Roundtable, Seattle, WA. 10-17-2022 N/A
Fullerton R, Skillman SM Health Workforce Apprenticeships National Conference of State Legislatures Base Camp (Virtual) 11-15-2022 Apprenticeships as Pathways to Healthcare Careers: Experiences of Employers Using Medical Assistant Apprenticeships
Sabin JA Health Workforce Development: Literacy in Health Equity 2022 HRSA Region 10 Health Equity Conference – Virtual 09-15-2022 Lasting Effects of Continuing Education on the Topic of Implicit Bias in the Clinical and Learning Environment
Frogner BK Strengthening the Clinical Lab Professional Workforce: Perspectives from Employers and Educators Washington State Society of Pathologists 2022 Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA 10-01-2022 Identifying the Barriers and Facilitators to Strengthen the Clinical Lab Professional Workforce
Frogner BK House Poor No More: Disrupting the Difficulty of Finding a Home in Hawai’i for Health Professionals Hawai’i Health Workforce Summit, Waikiki, HI 09-24-2022 N/A
Frogner BK Dentists in Medicaid: Who Are They, Where Do They Locate, How Do They Practice? American Dental Association Health Policy Institute Webinar 09-15-2022 N/A
Skillman SM Health Workforce Sentinel Network Update Presentation to Washington Health Workforce Council. (Virtual). 08-12-2022 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM Data and Insights for Health Workforce Planning in Washington Invited keynote presentation to the Greater Columbia Accountable Community of Health Workforce Summit – Future of the Healthcare Workforce. Walla Walla, WA 07-28-2022 N/A
Frogner BK Strengthening Care by Focusing on Health Workforce Retention 3M Inside Angle Podcast 08-23-2022 N/A
Frogner BK Relationship between Health Care Labor and Health Care Spending Health Care Cost Transparency Board Meeting - Virtual 08-17-2022 N/A
Frogner BK, Garcia E. The Clinical Laboratory Workforce: Essential Before, Critical Now, and a Blueprint for a Stronger Future 2022 American Association for Clinical Chemistry Annual Scientific Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo, Chicago, IL 07-26-2022 Identifying the Barriers and Facilitators to Strengthen the Clinical Lab Professional Workforce
Frogner BK, Skillman SM Anticipating and Preparing for the Longer-Term Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Nursing Workforce Invited participant to meeting held by Center for Interdisciplinary Health Workforce Studies, Bozeman, MT 06-24-2022 N/A
Frogner BK Keynote: Disparities in the Healthcare Workforce Northwest Health Career Path Summit - Virtual 06-02-2022 N/A
Frogner BK Reimagining Primary Care Through a Health Justice Lens Weitzman Institute Virtual Symposium 05-04-2022 N/A
Stubbs BA, Maxey H Understanding State Healthcare Workforce Needs National Governors Association Next Generation of the Healthcare Workforce Learning Collaborative 04-27-2022 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
York B Session on Burnout Prevention Through Wellness and Resiliency Northwest Regional Primary Care Association 05-16-2022 The Potential Burden of Being Underrepresented in Health Professional Programs
Frogner BK Tracking Turnover Among US Health Care Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic Country Roundtable – US. Virtual Meeting of the International Health Workforce Collaborative 04-04-2022 Where and From What Industries are Health Care Workers Entering Health Care Jobs and Where are We Losing Them During COVID-19?
Skillman SM Data and Insights for Health Workforce Planning and Policy in Washington SEIU Healthcare 1199NW Multi-Employer Training Fund Board of Trustees Meeting 04-07-2022 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
van Eijk M An Update from HRSA’s Health Workforce Research Centers (HWRCs) Bureau of Health Workforce Virtual All-Grantee & Stakeholder Meeting 04-6-2022 Doula Project 2.0: Increasing the Use of Doulas by Underserved Communities
Stubbs BA, Skillman SM The Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network: Update on Recent Findings Northwest Rural Health Conference 03-21-2022 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Frogner BK American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Leadership Forum: General Session ASCP Leadership Forum 2022 05-02-2022 Identifying the Barriers and Facilitators to Strengthen the Clinical Lab Professional Workforce
Lee D Providers' Observations of Inequitable Care for COVID-19 Positive People of Color and People with Disabilities 2022 AAMC Health Workforce Conference: Virtual Meeting 05-06-2022 Exploring Health Workforce Influence on Equitable Care Delivery and Stigmatization toward COVID-19 Positive People of Color and People with Disabilities
Sabin JA Frontline healthcare providers’ perspectives on stigmatization of COVID-19 2022 AAMC Health Workforce Conference: Virtual Meeting. 05-05-2022 Exploring Health Workforce Influence on Equitable Care Delivery and Stigmatization toward COVID-19 Positive People of Color and People with Disabilities
Kett PM and Guenther GA Experiences and Work-Related Conditions of Birth Doulas Working in Underserved Communities in the United States. 2022 AAMC Health Workforce Conference: Virtual Meeting. 05-05-2022 Doula Project 2.0: Increasing the Use of Doulas by Underserved Communities
Guenther, GA Stress and Burnout among Underrepresented Students in Graduate Health Professional Programs. 2022 AAMC Health Workforce Conference: Virtual Meeting 05-05-2022 The Potential Burden of Being Underrepresented in Health Professional Programs
Skillman, SM (Moderator) Wages and Well-Being: Do Gender and Gender Composition of the Practice environment matter? 2022 AAMC Health Workforce Conference: Virtual Meeting. 05-05-2022 N/A
Sabin JA, Guenther GA, Ornelas IJ, Patterson DG, Andrilla C, Morales L, Gurjal K, Frogner BK Lasting Effects of Brief Implicit Bias Education on Academic Clinicians’ Personal Bias Awareness 2022 AAMC Health Workforce Conference: Virtual Meeting 05-05-2022 Lasting Effects of Continuing Education on the Topic of Implicit Bias in the Clinical and Learning Environment
Frogner, BK Gender-Based Wage Gaps among Health Care Workers: Is There a Spillover Effect? 2021 AAMC Health Workforce Conference: Virtual Meeting 05-05-2022 Gender-Based Wage Gaps Among Health Care Workers: Is There a Spillover Effect?
Sabin JA, Guenther GA, Ornelas IJ, Patterson DG, Andrilla C, Morales L, Gurjal K, Frogner BK Lasting Effects of Brief Implicit Bias Education on Academic Clinicians’ Personal Bias Awareness 2022 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM) 06-06-2022 Implicit Race and Gender Bias, Bias Awareness, and Impact of a Course for Clinical Faculty
Patterson, D Stress and Burnout among Underrepresented Students in Graduate Health Professional Programs 2022 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM) 06-06-2022 The Potential Burden of Being Underrepresented in Health Professional Programs
Dill J, Frogner BK Gender-Based Wage Gaps Among Health Care Workers: Is There a Spillover Effect? 2022 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM) 06-06-2022 Gender-Based Wage Gaps Among Health Care Workers: Is There a Spillover Effect?
Kett PM Public Health Services and Systems Research: Spotlight on Emerging Research 2022 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM) 06-05-2022 N/A
Kett P, van Eijk M, Guenther G, Skillman S. Experiences and Work-related Conditions of Birth Doulas Working in Underserved Communities in the United States. 2022 AAMC Health Workforce Conference: Virtual Meeting. 05-05-2022 Doula Project 2.0: Increasing the Use of Doulas by Underserved Communities
Sabin JA, Lee D, Mohammed SA, Kett PM, Frogner BK Frontline healthcare providers’ perspectives on stigmatization of COVID-19 2022 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM) 06-06-2022 Exploring Health Workforce Influence on Equitable Care Delivery and Stigmatization toward COVID-19 Positive People of Color and People with Disabilities
Kett PM, van Eijk M, Guenther G, Skillman S Experiences and Work-Related Conditions of Birth Doulas Working in Underserved Communities in the United States 2022 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM) 06-05-2022 Doula Project 2.0: Increasing the Use of Doulas by Underserved Communities
Stubbs BA, Dunlap B Washington State’s Health Workforce Sentinel Network Update Washington Health Workforce Council 10-28-2021 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Frogner BK, Guenther G, Skillman, SM Strengthening the Clinical Lab Professional Workforce: The Roles and Concerns of Educators and Employers American Society for Clinical Pathology Annual Conference 2021 10-28-2021 Identifying the Barriers and Facilitators to Strengthen the Clinical Lab Professional Workforce
Sabin JA, Pereda B, Palermo AG, Boatright D, St. Cloud T Addressing Institutionalized Racism in Academic Medicine - Anti-Racism in Medicine: A Learning-to-Action Approach? 2021 AAMC Health Workforce Conference: Virtual Meeting 11-09-2021 Lasting Effects of Continuing Education on the Topic of Implicit Bias in the Clinical and Learning Environment
Frogner BK Which Health Care Workers Were at Greatest Employment Risk During the COVID Crisis? Graduate Seminar, Department of Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, University of Maryland 10-07-2021 N/A
Delameter P, Long JC, Patterson D Which Rurality Definition? The Relative Performance of 8 Federal Rural Definitions in Identifying Rural-Urban Disparities Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center (HWTAC) Webinar Series 07-27-2021 N/A
Batra S (Presenter), Frogner BK (Moderator) Social Mission Metrics: Measuring the Social Mission of Dental, Medical, and Nursing Schools Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center (HWTAC) Webinar Series 08-26-2021 N/A
Skillman SM, Flores A, Garcia E Inside the Lab Podcast: Workforce Policy American Society for Clinical Pathology Inside the Lab Podcast. Season 2, Episode 3 09-14-2021 Identifying the Barriers and Facilitators to Strengthen the Clinical Lab Professional Workforce
Frogner BK, Skillman SM Health Workforce Development: Aligning Interprofessional Education, Team-based Models of Care, Organizational Cultural, DEI Strategies and Workforce Development Nexus Summit 2021 09-27-2021 N/A
Lee D, Mroz T Disability Competency Training in Medical Education Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center (HWTAC) Webinar Series 09-28-2021 Disability Competency Training in Medical Education
Pollack SW The Emergency Medical Services and Community Paramedic Workforces Respond to COVID-19 Department of Family Medicine 50th Anniversary Annual Fair and Scholarship Forum 04-14-2021 The Emergency Medical Services and Community Paramedic Workforces Response to COVID-19
Johnson H RN Pathways: Roles of Prior Healthcare Jobs and Financial Support Department of Family Medicine 50th Anniversary Annual Fair and Scholarship Forum 04-14-2021 What are Career Pathways to Registered Nursing?
Pollack SW Training Occupational Therapy Practitioners for the Behavioral Health Workforce Department of Family Medicine 50th Anniversary Annual Fair and Scholarship Forum 05-14-2021 Occupational Therapists as part of the Behavioral Health Workforce
Pollack SW, Patterson DG, van Eijk M, Stubbs BA, Hanson C “EMS Providers Are Masters of the Workaround”: The Emergency Medical Services and Community Paramedic Workforces Respond to COVID-19 AAMC 2021 Group on Diversity and Inclusion and Health Workforce Research Joint Virtual Conference 05-07-2021 The Emergency Medical Services and Community Paramedic Workforces Response to COVID-19
Oster NV, Skillman SM, Frogner BK, Dahal A, Stubbs BA, Pollack SW, Guenther G Characterizing the Respiratory Therapist, Physical Therapist and Pharmacist Workforce Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic AAMC 2021 Group on Diversity and Inclusion & Health Workforce Research Joint Virtual Conference 05-07-2021 How are Allied Health Workers Being Deployed During COVID-19?
Patterson DG, Al Achkar M Accelerated Pathways for Internationally Educated Health Professionals Refugee Forum of King County 06-17-2021 Accelerated Pathways for Internationally Educated Health Professionals
Patterson DG Accelerated Pathways for Internationally Educated Health Professionals Skilled Immigrant and Refugee Engagement Network (SIREN) 04-20-2021 Accelerated Pathways for Internationally Educated Health Professionals
Al Achkar M, Dahal A, Patterson DG Accelerated Pathways for Internationally Educated Health Professionals Northwest Health Career Pathway Summit 04-18-2021 Accelerated Pathways for Internationally Educated Health Professionals
Sabin, JA (Presenter), Frogner BK (Moderator) Evaluating a Course on Implicit Bias in Clinical and Learning Environments: Provider Bias-awareness, Patient-centeredness, and Reflections Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center (HWTAC) 06-24-2021 Implicit Race and Gender Bias, Bias Awareness, and Impact of a Course for Clinical Faculty
Mroz T (Chair/Discussant) Access to Post-Acute Care and Quality Outcomes AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting 2021 06-14-2021 N/A
Frogner BK (Discussant) What We Learned from the HSR Workplace Culture Study AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting 2021 06-16-2021 N/A
Dahal A Well-being of Health Care Workers Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting 2021 06-17-2021 Are Allied Health Providers Sick? If So, Are There Wage Consequences Associated with Being Sick?
Frogner BK The Unequal Effect of COVID on the Health Workforce: Early Evidence from National Surveys and Interviews AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting 2021 06-17-2021 N/A
Skillman SM (Moderator) Providing Behavioral Health Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Social Workers’ Rapid Transition to Tele-behavioral Health Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center (HWTAC) 05-20-2021 N/A
Skillman SM (Moderator and Discussant), Ryskina K, Hall R, Bhandari N, Schoebel V COVID-19’s Effects on the Health Care Workforce AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting 2021 06-15-2021 N/A
Guenther G, Skillman S, Frogner BK Strengthening the Clinical Lab Professional Workforce: The Roles and Concerns of Educators and Employers AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting 2021 06-15-2021 Identifying the Barriers and Facilitators to Strengthen the Clinical Lab Professional Workforce
Williams-York B, Guenther G The Increased Burden and Burnout Among Underrepresented Students in Graduate Health Professional Programs AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting 2021 06-15-2021 The Potential Burden of Being Underrepresented in Health Professional Programs
Lee D, Pollack SW, Mroz T, Frogner BK, Skillman S Disability Competency Training in Medical Education AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting 2021 06-15-2021 Disability Competency Training in Medical Education
Mroz TM, Pollack SW, Skillman SM, Frogner BK Training Occupational Therapy Practitioners for the Behavioral Health Workforce AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting 2021 06-15-2021 Occupational Therapists as part of the Behavioral Health Workforce
Pollack SW, Patterson DG, van Eijk M, Stubbs BA, Hanson C “EMS Providers Are Masters of the Workaround”: The Emergency Medical Services and Community Paramedic Workforces Respond to COVID-19 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting 2021 06-15-2021 Growth and Sustainability of the U.S. Community Paramedic Workforce to Address Unmet Healthcare Needs
Skillman SM, Johnson H, Frogner BK Pathways to Registered Nursing: Roles of Prior Health Care Jobs and Financial Support AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting 2021 06-15-2021 What are Career Pathways to Registered Nursing?
Guenther G, Kett P Addressing Systemic Racism in Birth Doula Services to Improve Health AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting 2021 06-15-2021 Increasing Access to Doulas to Support a Diverse Population
Sabin JA, Geunther G, Andrilla H, Gujral K, Morales L, Ornelas I, Patterson D, Frogner BK Primary Care Provider Reflections on Teaching and Practice Following a Course on Implicit Bias in the Clinical and Learning Environment AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting 2021 06-17-2021 Lasting Effects of Continuing Education on the Topic of Implicit Bias in the Clinical and Learning Environment
Frogner BK Congressional testimony on the Health Profession Opportunity Grant (HPOG) Program Hearing on Health Profession Opportunity Grants: Past Successes and Future Uses in front of the Worker and Family Support Subcommittee of the Committee on Ways and Means in the U.S. House of Representatives 03-10-2021 N/A
Frogner BK What We Know about Health Workforce Diversity in Washington State and How It Relates to Health Equity Washington Student Achievement Council 04-19-2021 N/A
Frogner BK COVID and the Health Workforce – What Have We Learned One Year Later? Canadian Health Workforce Network 03-25-2021 N/A
Frogner BK Expanded Scope of Practice Laws During the Pandemic – A Trends That’s Here to Stay? Altarum’s Healthcare Value Hub 03-30-2020 N/A
Frogner BK, Dill J Which Health Care Workers are at Greatest Risk of Unemployment During the COVID Crisis? AAMC 2021 Group on Diversity and Inclusion and Health Workforce Research Joint Virtual Conference 05-06-2021 Where and From What Industries are Health Care Workers Entering Health Care Jobs and Where are We Losing Them During COVID-19?
Pollack SW, Mroz TM, Skillman SM, Frogner BK Training Occupational Therapy Practitioners for the Behavioral Health Workforce AAMC 2021 Group on Diversity and Inclusion & Health Workforce Research Joint Virtual Conference 05-07-2021 Occupational Therapists as part of the Behavioral Health Workforce
Williams-York, B, Guenther G, Lea T, Dahal A, Frogner BK, Patterson DG, Mohamed S Stress and Burnout Among Underrepresented Minority (URM) Students in Health Professional Programs AAMC 2021 Group on Diversity and Inclusion & Health Workforce Research Joint Virtual Conference 05-07-2021 The Potential Burden of Being Underrepresented in Health Professional Programs
Patterson DG, Nudell N Rural Emergency Medical Services: Providing Evidence-Based Care National Rural Health Association Annual Conference 05-05-2021 N/A
Prusynski RA, Frogner BK, Dahal A, Skillman SM, Mroz TM Therapy Assistant Staffing and Quality Outcomes in Skilled Nursing Facilities AAMC 2021 Group on Diversity and Inclusion & Health Workforce Research Joint Virtual Conference 05-07-2021 Supply of and Demand for Therapy Services in Skilled Nursing Facilities
Guenther G, Frogner BK (Moderator) Strengthening the Clinical Lab Professional Workforce: The Roles and Concerns of Educators and Employers AAMC 2021 Group on Diversity and Inclusion & Health Workforce Research Joint Virtual Conference 05-07-2021 Identifying the Barriers and Facilitators to Strengthen the Clinical Lab Professional Workforce
Lee D Disability Competency Training in Medical Education AAMC 2021 Group on Diversity and Inclusion & Health Workforce Research Joint Virtual Conference 05-07-2021 Disability Competency Training in Medical Education
Guenther G, Kett P Addressing Systemic Racism to Improve Health Through Birth Doula Services AAMC 2021 Group on Diversity and Inclusion & Health Workforce Research Joint Virtual Conference 05-06-2021 Increasing Access to Doulas to Support a Diverse Population
Shanley C, Kaplan L, Stubbs BA, Gorski MS, Meyer PR Critical Gaps in Rural Nursing: Moving Ideas to Action Northwest Rural Health Conference 03-24-2021 Washington State’s Nurse Workforce – 2019
Skillman SM, Stubbs BA, O’Connor J, Dunlap B Engaging stakeholders to address health workforce challenges: Recent projects from the Center for Health Workforce Studies at the University of Washington Northwest Rural Health Conference 03-23-2021 N/A
Skillman SM, Stubbs BA Thinking about health workforce data and research in health policy and planning ARNP Policy Seminar. University of California, San Francisco 02-16-2021 N/A
Johnson H, Skillman SM Exploring pathways to registered nursing: Recent research using the 2018 National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses RN Research Using the NSSRN. Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center (HWTAC) 02-18-2021 What are Career Pathways to Registered Nursing?
Skillman SM, Pollack S, Maier R, Pearson K Health professions that can provide evidence-based non-pharmacological pain management Northwest Rural Health Conference 03-08-2021 Role of Allied Health Professions in Treating Pain
Skillman SM Thinking about solving health workforce problems: Insights for planning and policy Oral Health Workforce Sprint – Delta Dental of Washington 03-12-2021 N/A
Frogner BK Health Workforce ChallengesDuring the COVID-19 Crisis: Lessons from the United States Canadian Institute for Health Information 02-08-2021 N/A
O’Connor J, Skillman SM Washington’s Health Workforce – Committee Update (including WA Behavioral Health Workforce Assessment) Washington State Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee 01-27-2021 Washington State Behavioral Health Workforce Assessment 2019-2020
O’Connor J, Skillman SM Washington’s Health Workforce – Committee Update (including WA Health Workforce Sentinel Network) Washington State Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee 01-27-2021 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Sabin, J Addressing Institutionalized Racism in Academic Medicine 2020 AAMC Lean Serve Lead Annual Meeting 11-16-2020 Implicit Race and Gender Bias, Bias Awareness, and Impact of a Course for Clinical Faculty
Frogner BK Current Challenges for Health Professionals and Communities Conference on Expanding Scope of Practice after COVID-19. Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics and Penn Nursing, University of Pennsylvania 11-20-2020 N/A
Williams-York, B Diversity in the Rehabilitation Workforce: Mission Impossible? UW Rehab Grand Rounds 11-10-2020 The Potential Burden of Being Underrepresented in Health Professional Programs
Mroz TM, Dahal A, Skillman SM, Prusynski RA, Frogner BK Variation in Employment of Therapy Assistants in Skilled Nursing Facilities Based on Organizational Factors AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting 2020 07-28-2020 Supply of and Demand for Therapy Services in Skilled Nursing Facilities
Guenther G, Mohammed S, Frogner BK, Skillman SM Racial and Ethnic Diversity of Associate’s Degree in Nursing Programs, 2012-2018 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting 2020 07-28-2020 Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Associate Degree Programs in Nursing
Frogner BK Health Workforce and COVID-19: Where Are We, How Did We Get Here, and How Do We Move Ahead? Lunchtime lecture for University of Washington Department of Family Medicine Residents 09-02-2020 N/A
Frogner BK COVID’s Effect on the Health Workforce: What Does the Data Tell Us and What Gaps Remain? University of Washington Department of Family Medicine Research Section Seminar 09-01-2020 N/A
Frogner BK Research as a Vehicle for Change: Strategies for Developing Equity Focused Grant Proposals Pt II Conference on Pedagogy and Research on Race, Identity, Social Justice and Meaning (PR2ISM) organized by the University of Washington Postdoc Diversity Alliance 08-17-2020 N/A
Skillman SM, Stubbs BA Characterizing Washington’s Nursing Workforce Washington Allied Health Deans and Directors Meeting 06-17-2020 Washington State’s Nurse Workforce – 2019
Skillman SM What’s Demand Got To Do With It? Washington Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission Workshop: Planning Together: Taking Action Steps to Address the Critical Gaps in Washington’s Nursing Workforce 09-10-2020 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Stubbs BA, Skillman SM Washington’s Nursing Workforce – 2019 Washington Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission Workshop: You asked for it: Data Jamboree/Findings Fiesta 07-09-2020 Washington State’s Nurse Workforce – 2019
Stubbs BA, Aragon S, Gorski MS Using Data from a Mandatory Survey to Describe Washington’s ARNP, RN and LPN Workforce Forum of Nursing Workforce Centers 2020 06-24-2020 N/A
Stubbs BA, Proto M, Sundean L, Skillman SM Employer Perspectives on Nursing Workforce Needs in Two States: The Health Workforce Sentinel Network Forum of Nursing Workforce Centers 2020 06-15-2020 N/A
Frogner BK Advice on Engaging in Health Workforce Research American Academy of Physician Assistants and Physician Assistant Education Association Research Fellows Meeting 08-10-2020 N/A
Frogner BK Sacrificing on the Frontlines during COVID-19: Health Care Workers at Risk UW Worker Memorial Day hosted by the School of Public Health 04-27-2020 N/A
Frogner BK State workforce strategies in response to COVID-19: experiences from the field Hosted by HWTAC 05-21-2020 N/A
Frogner BK Webinar hosted by Health Workforce Special Interest Group of the International Health Economics Association The panelists from the World Health Organization (WHO) and experts from Italy and the U.S discussed both short-term and long-term challenges to sustain the health workforce as the COVID-19 pandemic evolves 05-06-2020 N/A
Frogner BK Emergency health workforce policies to address COVID-19: expanding scopes of practice UCSF webinar 03-31-2020 N/A
Papadakis E, Skillman SM. Healthcare workforce planning and development in the age of COVID-19: An overview Washington State Senate Higher Education and Workforce Development Committee 07-16-2020 N/A
Guenther G, York B, Lea T The Potential Burden of Being Underrepresented in Health Professional Programs REHAB 518 PT Professional Series III: Diversity, Inclusion and Health Disparities 07-01-2020 The Potential Burden of Being Underrepresented in Health Professional Programs
Frogner BK Low-Wage Health Care Workers and Risk During COVID-19 Pandemic NextGen MD/MBA Program 07-29-2020 N/A
Frogner BK Addressing the Nursing Home Workforce Crisis through Matching and Training Eldercare Workforce Alliance 07-09-2020 N/A
Frogner BK Health Workforce Concerns during COVID-19 AcademyHealth/Health Care Systems Research Network Community of Practice in Response to COVID-19 06-12-2020 N/A
Frogner BK Nursing Home Workforce Challenges During COVID-19 Pandemic Briefing to U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee Majority Staff 07-06-2020 N/A
Frogner BK COVID-related Clinician Burnout Health Resources and Services Administration 06-18-2020 N/A
Frogner BK Interview with Dr. Bianca Frogner on scope-of-practice regulations and how they can be redesigned to better serve the needs of patients. Interview 04-01-2020 N/A
Patterson DG Overeducated and Undervalued? An Exploratory Analysis of Educational Surplus, Income, and Immigration Status in Entry-Level Healthcare Jobs International Health Workforce Collaborative 2019 10-21-2019 Immigrants in Allied Health Professions
Skillman SM, Coleman L, O’Connor JG Health care workforce development Washington State House of Representatives Health Care and Wellness Committee. Olympia, WA 11-21-2019 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM Assessing the best uses of apprenticeships in health care International Health Workforce Collaborative. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 10-22-2019 The Role of Apprenticeships in Meeting Employers’ Demand for Allied Health Occupations
Frogner BK Current Supply/Stock of Health Services Researchers American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 96th Annual Conference, Chicago, IL 11-06-2019 N/A
Frogner BK Is Health Care a Desirable Place to Work? Examining Trends in Competition for Health Care Labor Health Services Research Colloquium, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA 10-28-2019 N/A
Frogner BK What Can Public Data Tell Us about Health Workforce Diversity in the US? International Health Workforce Collaborative (IHWC): Data Olympics. Ottawa, Canada 10-21-2019 N/A
Frogner BK The Healthcare Industry’s Competition for Low-Skilled Labor 11th World Congress of the International Health Economics Association (IHEA), Basel, Switzerland 07-13-2019 N/A
Skillman SM Using a novel approach to obtain and deploy demand data for health workforce development: Recent applications of the Health Workforce Sentinel Network AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. Washington, DC 06-04-2019 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM Washington State’s Health Workforce Sentinel Network Update. Washington State Health Workforce Council. Olympia, WA 08-06-2019 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM Recent findings from the Washington State Health Workforce Sentinel Network Washington State Association of Health Care Recruiters. Renton, WA 07-17-2019 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM Signals of Connecticut’s health workforce demand: Initial findings from the Health Workforce Sentinel Network – Connecticut Statewide Nursing & Healthcare Summit. Plantsville, CT 07-09-2019 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Jopson AD Filling gaps for medical assistants: The apprenticeship approach Washington State Association of Health Care Recruiters. Renton, WA 07-17-2019 The Role of Apprenticeships in Meeting Employers’ Demand for Allied Health Occupations
Skillman, SM Examining rural health care quality: What does the workforce have to do with it? American Association of Health Care Journalists – Rural Workshop. Aurora, CO 06-12-2019 N/A
Skillman SM, Ruttinger C, Spetz J, Aragon S Describing workforce demand: Three states’ data collection and dissemination approaches and examples of uses of the data National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers. Denver CO 06-13-2019 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM, Moore J, Spetz J, Chan G Nurse workforce supply and demand projections: How different models and source data influence the results National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers. Denver CO 06-13-2019 N/A
Patterson DG, Schwartz MR, McCarty RL State incentive programs that encourage allied health professionals to provide care for underserved populations. Poster presented at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Washington, DC, 2019 06-03-2019 State Incentive Programs that Encourage Allied Health Professionals to Provide Care for Underserved Populations
Patterson DG, Dahal A, Snyder C, Frogner BK Overeducated and undervalued? an exploratory analysis of educational surplus, income, and immigration status in entry-level healthcare jobs AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Washington, DC, 2019 06-03-2019 Immigrants in Allied Health Professions
Stubbs BA Beyond Basic License Data: Learning more about the Registered Nurse Workforce in Washington State 15th Annual Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference 2019 Alexandria, VA 05-03-2019 Washington State’s Registered Nurse Workforce – 2018
Frogner BK The Healthcare Industry’s Competition for Low-Skilled Labor 15th Annual Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference 2019 Alexandria, VA 05-03-2019 N/A
Patterson DG Overeducated and Undervalued? An Exploratory Analysis of Educational Surplus, Income, and Immigration Status in Entry-Level Healthcare Jobs 15th Annual Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference 2019 Alexandria, VA 05-03-2019 Immigrants in Allied Health Professions
Skillman SM Using a novel approach to obtain and deploy demand data for health workforce development: Recent applications of the Health Workforce Sentinel Network 15th Annual Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference 2019 Alexandria, VA 05-03-2019 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Patterson DG State Incentive Programs that Encourage Allied Health Professionals to Provide Care for Underserved Populations 15th Annual Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, 2019 Alexandria, VA 05-02-2019 State Incentive Programs that Encourage Allied Health Professionals to Provide Care for Underserved Populations
Frogner BK, Skillman SM How Health Workforce Modeling Approaches are Evolving to Address the Needs of a Transforming Health System 15th Annual Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Panel Discussion. 2019 Alexandria, VA 05-02-2019 N/A
Jopson AD Filling Gaps for Medical Assistants: The Apprenticeship Approach 15th Annual Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference. Plenary Presentation. 2019 Alexandria, VA 05-03-2019 The Role of Apprenticeships in Meeting Employers’ Demand for Allied Health Occupations
Frogner BK Health Workforce Everywhere: Understanding the Breadth and Depth of the Health Workforce Center for Health Policy Fairbanks School for Public Health Indiana University, 2018 11-26-2018 N/A
Frogner BK Future of Work in Health Care: Overview of Workforce Needs Legislative Committee on Economic Development & International Relations Olympia, WA 2018 11-13-2018 N/A
Frogner BK Industry Sector Strategy: Building a Latino Healthcare Workforce for the 21st Century NALEO National Policy Institute on Workforce Development, Los Angeles, CA, 2019 03-30-2019 N/A
Frogner BK Re-Imagining the Health Workforce in an Age of Disruption 15th Annual Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference. Keynote Luncheon Addres. 2019 Alexandria, VA 05-03-2019 N/A
Skillman SM The rural health workforce: Supporting effective rural workforce planning in Washington with data Northwest Rural Health Conference. 2019. SeaTac, WA 03-27-2019 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Ferguson D, Skillman SM, Stubbs BA, Swadener S Understanding Washington’s health workforce: Using the Sentinel Network to assess need and find solutions. Poster presented at Northwest Rural Health Conference. 2019. SeaTac, WA. 03-26-2019 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM, Jopson A Medical assistants: Recent studies from the University of Washington Washington MA Educators Meeting. 2019. Renton Technical College, Renton, WA 03-08-2019 Expanding Role of Medical Assistants
Stubbs BA, Skillman SM, Aragon S Washington State’s registered nurse workforce: Results of a 2018 survey Poster presented at Northwest Rural Health Conference. 2019. SeaTac, WA 03-26-2019 Washington State’s Registered Nurse Workforce – 2018
Skillman SM, Stubbs BA Recent research related to health workforce education in Washington Health Sciences Deans, Directors and Program Coordinators meeting. 2019. Renton Technical College, Renton, WA 03-07-2019 Washington State’s Registered Nurse Workforce – 2018
Skillman SM, Stubbs BA Recent research related to health workforce education in Washington Health Sciences Deans, Directors and Program Coordinators meeting. 2019. Renton Technical College, Renton, WA. 03-07-2019 The Role of Apprenticeships in Meeting Employers’ Demand for Allied Health Occupations
Papadakis E, Skillman SM Health workforce Sentinel Network Washington State House Higher Education Committee. 2019. Olympia, WA 02-14-2019 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Stubbs BA, Ferguson D, Swadener S The Sentinel Network and the Accountable Communities of Health: How to Obtain Maximum Benefit in Innovation and Workforce Planning Washington Workforce Conference. SeaTac, WA. 2018 11-07-2018 N/A
Patterson DG, Skillman SM The rural healthcare workforce then and now: Evidence and policy themes Milbank Memorial Fund Reforming States Group meeting. 2018. Portland, OR 11-14-2018 N/A
Skillman SM Health workforce research to fill gaps in state health workforce planning: Recent experiences from Washington State HealthForce Center, University of California San Francisco. 2018. San Francisco, CA 10-25-2018 N/A
Skillman SM Medical assistants’ careers and factors affecting retention Washington State Association of Health Care Recruiters Meeting. 2018. Seattle, WA. 07-19-2018 Expanding Role of Medical Assistants
Skillman SM, Dahal A, Frogner BK, Andrilla CHA Medical Assistants’ Careers and Factors Affecting Retention AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA 06-25-2018 Expanding Role of Medical Assistants
Jopson AD, Frogner BK, Dahal A Contingent Workers in Long-Term Care Poster presented at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Health Workforce Interest Group, Seattle, WA 06-23-2018 Allied Health Professionals and the “Gig Economy”: Trends in Alternative Work Arrangements
Skillman SM Washington State’s Nurse in Long Term Care: Recent Research Findings. Nursing and Long Term Care Workgroup, Tumwater, WA 07-10-2018 2018 Registered Nurses in Washington: Snapshot of Demographics and Employment Characteristics
Skillman SM, Frogner BK, Papadakis E, Washko M Will Past Trends Help Us Predict the Future of the Health Workforce? Reflection on Twenty Years of Health Workforce Research AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA 06-26-2018 N/A
Stubbs BA, Frogner BK, Skillman SM Emerging Roles and Occupations in the Health Workforce AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA 06-25-2018 Emerging Roles in Allied Health Occupations
Stubbs BA, Frogner BK, Skillman SM Emerging Roles and Occupations in the Health Workforce AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Health Workforce Interest Group, Seattle, WA 06-23-2018 Emerging Roles in Allied Health Occupations
Skillman SM, Dahal A, Frogner BK, Andrilla CHA Medical Assistants’ Careers and Factors Affecting Retention AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Health Workforce Interest Group, Seattle, WA 06-23-2018 Expanding Role of Medical Assistants
Frogner BK, Dahal A, Skillman SM, Patterson DG Commuting Patterns of Healthcare Workers 7th Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, Atlanta GA 06-12-2018 Commuting Patterns of Allied Health Workers and Registered Nurses
Dahal A, Frogner BK, Skillman SM, Patterson DG Commuting Patterns of Healthcare Workers AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Health Workforce Interest Group, Seattle, WA 06-23-2018 Commuting Patterns of Allied Health Workers and Registered Nurses
Stubbs BA, Clark AK Presenting Data Using Online Interactive Dashboards: The Washington State Health Workforce Sentinel Network Experience Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center (HWTAC) 05-23-2018 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Jopson AD, Frogner BK, Dahal A Contingent Workers in Long-term Care 7th Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, Atlanta, GA, 2018 06-11-2018 Allied Health Professionals and the “Gig Economy”: Trends in Alternative Work Arrangements
Jopson AD, Frogner BK, Dahal A Contingent Workers in Long-term Care 14th Annual AAMC Health Workforce Research Conference, Tysons, VA, 2018 05-10-2018 Allied Health Professionals and the “Gig Economy”: Trends in Alternative Work Arrangements
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz M, Hager LJ, Skillman SM Oral healthcare access for all: workforce trends and solutions in Washington state Presented at the State Offices of Rural Health Region E Annual Meeting, Bellingham, WA, 2017. 07-26-2017 The Status of the Oral Health Workforce in Washington State
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz M, Hager LJ, Skillman SM Oral healthcare access for all: workforce trends and solutions. Presented at the State Offices of Rural Health Region C Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH, 2017. 08-08-2017 The Status of the Oral Health Workforce in Washington State
Skillman SM The rural health workforce: Making sense and use of the data available for rural workforce planning 14th Annual AAMC Health Workforce Research, Pre-Conference. Tyson, VA. 2018. 05-09-2018 N/A
Skillman SM, Dahal A, Frogner BK Medical assistants’ career pathways 14th Annual AAMC Health Workforce Research Conference. Tyson, VA. 2018. 05-11-2018 Expanding Role of Medical Assistants
Skillman SM, McCarty RL, Gattman N, Balassa A Washington’s behavioral health workforce assessment: understanding barriers and finding solutions Poster presented at the 17th International Health Workforce Collaborative. Queenstown, New Zealand. 2018. 04-11-2018 Washington State Behavioral Health Workforce Assessment
Skillman SM, McCarty RL, Gattman N, Balassa A Washington’s behavioral health workforce assessment: understanding barriers and finding solutions. 14th Annual AAMC Health Workforce Research Conference. Tyson, VA. 2018. 05-10-2018 Washington State Behavioral Health Workforce Assessment
Skillman SM, Stubbs BA, Clark AK Washington State’s health workforce Sentinel Network: A novel way to obtain and deploy workforce demand data Poster presented at the 17th International Health Workforce Collaborative. Queenstown, New Zealand. 2018. 04-11-2018 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM, Aragon S Washington state’s RNs: A tale of two surveys National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers. Rosemont, IL. 2018. 06-08-2018 Washington State’s Registered Nurse Workforce – 2018
Frogner BK, Stubbs BA, Skillman SM Emerging Roles and Occupations in the Health Workforce 14th Annual AAMC Health Workforce Research Conference, Tysons, VA 05-11-2018 Emerging Roles in Allied Health Occupations
McCarty RL Rural Insights from Washington’s Behavioral Health Workforce Assessment Northwest Rural Health Conference. Spokane, WA 03-27-2018 Washington State Behavioral Health Workforce Assessment
Skillman SM A novel way to obtain and deploy health workforce demand data: The Washington State Health Workforce Sentinel Network Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center (HWTAC) Webinar 03-20-2018 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM The data disconnect: Making sense and use of the data available for rural workforce planning Northwest Rural Health Conference. Spokane, WA 03-26-2018 N/A
McCarty RL, Skillman SM Washington’s Behavioral Health Workforce Assessment: Understanding Barriers and Finding Solutions Department of Family Medicine Research Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 01-09-2018 Washington State Behavioral Health Workforce Assessment
Skillman SM The eldercare workforce: Meeting the long term services and support needs of older adults. Plenary presentation to the Elder Friendly Futures Conference. 2017, Lynnwood, WA. 09-14-2017 N/A
Skillman SM Preliminary findings: Survey of Medical Assistants in Washington Allied Health Deans & Directors Meetings, Yakima Valley College 10-16-2017 Expanding Role of Medical Assistants
Skillman SM, McCarty RL Washington State’s behavioral health workforce assessment Presentation at the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH) Region E meeting. Bellingham, WA. 2017 07-26-2017 Washington State Behavioral Health Workforce Assessment
Frogner BK A framework for educating health professionals to address the social determinants of health Webinar for the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education. Minnesota, MN. 2017 05-26-2017 N/A
Frogner BK Implications of Trump administration policies for the health workforce Panel presentation at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Health Workforce Interest Group, New Orleans, LA, 2017 06-24-2017 N/A
Frogner BK, Matzke J Lessons from abroad: how does the healthcare workforce compare across Australia, Canada, and US? Poster at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2017 06-25-2017 N/A
Frogner BK, Matzke J Lessons From Abroad: How Does the Healthcare Workforce Compare Across Australia, Canada, and US? Poster at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Jun 25 2017 N/A
Frogner BK, Matzke J Lessons From Abroad: How Does the Healthcare Workforce Compare Across Australia, Canada, and US? Poster at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Jun 25 2017 N/A
Frogner BK Impact of ACA repeal on jobs Panel presentation at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2017 06-26-2017 N/A
Frogner BK Understanding the current health services research workforce and maximizing its future Panel presentation at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2017 06-26-2017 N/A
Frogner BK Health workforce needs of an aging population Invited participant to conference held by Center for Interdisciplinary Health Workforce Studies, Bozeman, MT. 2017 07-18-2017 N/A
Snyder CR, Dahal A, Frogner BK Occupational mobility among individuals in entry-level health professions. Presented at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. New Orleans, LA. 2017 06-26-2017 Career Paths of Allied Health Professionals
Frogner BK, Snyder CR Examining "Teamness" in primary care Poster presented at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, 2017, New Orleans, LA 06-26-2017 Impact of Innovations on Primary Care Workforce Configurations
Skillman SM A novel way to obtain and deploy health workforce demand data: the Washington State Health Workforce Sentinel Network Presentation to the National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers. 2017, Denver, CO. 06-09-2017 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Stubbs BA, Frogner BK, Skillman SM The value of real time labor market information for monitoring health workforce demand: a case study examining employer demand for health information technology skills Poster presented at the Health Workforce Interest Group Meeting at Academy Health, New Orleans, LA. 2017 06-24-2017 Emerging Health IT Roles and Skillsets
Stubbs BA, Skillman SM, Clark AK, Patterson DG Washington State’s Health Workforce Sentinel Network: a novel way to obtain and deploy workforce demand data Poster presented at the Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 2017 06-26-2017 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz M, Hager LJ, Skillman SM Oral healthcare access for all: workforce trends and solutions in Washington State Poster presented at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June 26, 2017, New Orleans, LA 06-26-2017 The Status of the Oral Health Workforce in Washington State
Stubbs BA A novel way to obtain and deploy health workforce demand data: the Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network Presentation at Health Workforce Interest Group Meeting, Academy Health, 2017, New Orleans, LA 06-24-2017 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM Examining the relationship between the health workforce and health outcomes. Presented session at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. New Orleans, LA. 2017 06-25-2017 N/A
Gattman N, McCarty RL Barriers and solutions in Washington’s behavioral health workforce Washington Behavioral Healthcare Conference, Vancouver, WA 06-15-2017 Washington State Behavioral Health Workforce Assessment
Dahal A, Snyder CR, Frogner BK Occupational mobility among individuals in entry-level health professions Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, DC 05-05-2017 Impact of Innovations on Primary Care Workforce Configurations
Frogner BK, Matzke J How does the healthcare workforce compare across Australia, Canada, and US? Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, DC 05-05-2017 N/A
Frogner BK, Snyder CR Examining "Teamness" in primary care Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, DC 05-04-2017 Impact of Innovations on Primary Care Workforce Configurations
Stubbs BA A novel way to obtain and deploy health workforce demand data: the Washington Health Workforce Sentinel Network Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, DC 05-04-2017 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM Data visualization workshop - Panel facilitator Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, DC 05-03-2017 N/A
Skillman SM, Dahal A, Frogner BK, Stubbs BA Leveraging data to monitor the allied health workforce: national supply estimates using different data sources Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, DC 05-04-2017 Leveraging Data to Monitor the Allied Health Workforce: Building a Database for Studies of Workforce Size, Distribution and Availability
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz M, Hager LJ, Skillman SM Oral healthcare access for all: workforce trends and solutions in Washington state Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, Arlington, VA 05-04-2017 The Status of the Oral Health Workforce in Washington State
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz M, Hager LJ, Skillman SM Oral health in rural Washington: workforce challenges and opportunities Northwest Rural Health Conference, SeaTac, WA 02-28-2017 The Status of the Oral Health Workforce in Washington State
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz M, Hager LJ, Skillman SM The status of the oral health workforce in Washington state Washington State Health Workforce Council. Renton, WA 11-08-2016 The Status of the Oral Health Workforce in Washington State
McCarty RL, Skillman SM Barriers and solutions in Washington’s behavioral health workforce Presented at the Future of Healthcare in Washington State Conference, Renton, WA. 2017 03-30-2017 Washington State Behavioral Health Workforce Assessment
McCarty RL, Skillman SM Barriers and solutions in Washington’s behavioral health workforce Presented at the Northwest Rural Health Conference, 2017, Seattle, WA 03-01-2017 Washington State Behavioral Health Workforce Assessment
Stubbs BA, Skillman SM, Ferguson D. The Sentinel Network: identifying emerging health workforce demand and training needs in Washington State Presented at the Washington Association of Healthcare Recruiters meeting, 2017, Seattle, WA 03-15-2017 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Stubbs BA, Skillman SM, Ferguson D The Sentinel Network: identifying emerging health workforce demand and training needs in Washington State Presented at the Northwest Rural Health Conference, 2017, Seattle, WA. 03-01-2017 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Dahal A, Skillman SM Supply, distribution, and education pathways of physicians in 2016 in the WWAMI states Presented at the Northwest Rural Health Conference, 2017, Seattle, WA 03-01-2017 N/A
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz M, Hager LJ, Skillman SM The status of the oral health workforce in Washington state Presented to the Washington State Health Workforce Council. Renton, WA, 2016 11-08-2016 N/A
Frogner BK Plenary: The health workforce; where are we? Where are we going? Panel speaker at conference titled Using Our Voice to Build Better Systems: Management and Labor Convening on Building a Skilled Workforce for Quality of Care, Healthcare Career Advancement Program and Center on Wisconsin Strategy, Arlington, VA. 2017 03-07-2017 N/A
Frogner BK US health workforce trends Guest speaker at Lincoln Healthcare Leadership Staffing Think Tank, Nashville, TN. 2017 02-13-2017 N/A
Frogner BK Panel: Putting consumer health informatics into practice Guest lecture in course titled, Community Health Informatics and Information Exchange, School of Public Health, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 2017 02-10-2017 N/A
Frogner BK Does Medicare managed care affect diabetic patient cost, use and quality associated with different medical labor inputs? Guest lecture to the Program in Health Economics and Outcomes Methodology (PHEnOM), School of Public Health/School of Pharmacy, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 2017 02-09-2017 N/A
Frogner BK Future challenges to the US healthcare system Guest lecture in course titled, Justice in Health Care, Department of Bioethics and Humanities, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 2017 03-02-2017 N/A
Frogner BK Health workforce: role of non-physician providers Guest lecture in course titled, Health Economics, School of Pharmacy, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 2017 01-25-2017 N/A
Snyder CR Racism, microaggressions, and multiracial families in the health care setting Centers for Comparative and Health Systems Effectiveness (CHASE) Work in Progress Speaker Series. Seattle, WA. 2016 10-01-2016 N/A
Patterson DG, Frogner BK Immigrants in health care jobs: divergent paths Poster at International Health Workforce Collaborative. Washington, DC. 2016 10-01-2016 N/A
LeRouge C, Sayer G, Rubenstein LV, Frogner BK, Snyder CR, Sangameswaran S Evaluation of the VA Clinic Practice Management Model implementation: promoting a healthcare data informed culture to improve access Guest lecture at the University of Washington Department of Health Services Doctoral Seminar, Seattle, WA. 2016 10-01-2016 N/A
Gattman N, Skillman SM, McCarty RL Washington State behavioral health workforce analysis Presentation to the Washington State Select Committee on Quality Improvement in State Hospitals. 2016, Olympia, WA 11-22-2016 Washington State Behavioral Health Workforce Assessment
Skillman SM Washington State’s Health Workforce Sentinel Network Webinar presented to the American Hospital Association, Allied Association – Workforce Liaisons. 2016 11-10-2016 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Allen S, Skillman SM Building a sustainable rural primary care workforce in the U.S.: the WWAMI approach Poster presentation to the International Health Workforce Collaborative, 2016, Washington, DC 10-01-2016 N/A
Skillman SM Washington State’s Health Workforce Sentinel Network Presented to the Washington State Health Workforce Council, 2016, Renton, WA 09-01-2016 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Patterson DG, Frogner BK Immigrants in health care jobs: divergent paths AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA 06-26-2016 Immigrants in Allied Health Professions
Skillman SM, Patterson DG, Coulthard C, Mroz T Access to rural home health services: views from the field. Presented at the 28th Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA, March 18, 2016. 03-01-2016 N/A
Skillman SM Washington State’s health workforce Sentinel Network. Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, 2016, Chicago, IL. 05-01-2016 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Spetz J NPs not working as NPs: Who and where are they? Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, 2016, Chicago, IL. 05-01-2016 N/A
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Spetz J NPs not working as NPs: Who and where are they? Poster presented at AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, June 26, 2016, Boston, MA 06-01-2016 N/A
Skillman SM Washington State’s health workforce: (1) Physicians and (2) Washington’s Health Workforce Sentinel Network Presented at Washington Association of Community and Migrant Health Centers Workforce Committee meeting, 2016, Tacoma, WA 07-01-2016 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM Washington State’s Health Workforce Sentinel Network Presented at the Registered Nurse Supply and Demand Forecasting Meeting, 2016, Big Sky, MT 07-01-2016 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM, Patterson DG, Coulthard C, Mroz T Access to rural home health services: views from the field AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA 06-27-2016 N/A
Skillman SM The Health Workforce Research Center on allied health at the UW Center for Health Workforce Studies Health Workforce Interest Group, AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA 06-25-2016 N/A
Skillman SM Data on Washington State nurse supply for workforce planning: Issues to consider Presented at Collection of Minimum Data Set Webinar, Washington Department of Health, 2016, Tumwater, WA. 06-14-2016 N/A
Snyder CR, Skillman SM, Frogner BK Facilitating racial and ethnic diversity in the health workforce AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Health Economics Interest Group, Boston, MA 06-26-2016 Facilitating Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Health Workforce
Patterson DG, Frogner BK Immigrants in health care jobs AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Health Economics Interest Group, Boston, MA 06-26-2016 Immigrants in Allied Health Professions
Frogner BK Low skilled, low wage workers in health care AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Health Economics Interest Group, Boston, MA 06-26-2016 Impacts of Greater Use of Low Skilled, Low-wage Workers in Health Care Delivery
Frogner BK, Harwood K, Pines J, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz M Does unrestricted access to physical therapy reduce health spending? AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Health Economics Interest Group, Boston, MA 06-26-2016 Direct Access to Physical Therapists
Frogner BK Microsimulations to improve health care delivery AcademyHealth Health Economics Interest Group, Washington, DC 05-16-2016 N/A
Frogner BK Who is entering/exiting health care, and why do we care? UCSF Health Workforce Center Seminar, San Francisco, CA 04-14-2016 Impacts of Greater Use of Low Skilled, Low-wage Workers in Health Care Delivery
Park J, Wu X, Frogner BK, Pittman P The effects of the implementation of Patient-Centered Medical Home on staffing and productivity in the community health centers 6th Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon), Philadelphia, PA 06-14-2016 Impact of Electronic Health Records on Community Health Center Staffing
Frogner BK Financial status of low skilled, low wage workers in health care 6th Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon), Philadelphia, PA 06-14-2016 Impacts of Greater Use of Low Skilled, Low-wage Workers in Health Care Delivery
Frogner BK, Wu X, Park J, Pittman P Longitudinal analysis of the impact of electronic health records on staffing mix in community health centers 6th Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon), Philadelphia, PA 06-15-2016 Impact of Electronic Health Records on Community Health Center Staffing
Frogner BK, Harwood K, Pines J, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz M Does unrestricted access to physical therapy reduce health spending? 6th Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon), Philadelphia, PA 06-14-2016 Direct Access to Physical Therapists
Frogner BK, Parente ST, Cerra F, Luftiya N, Tomai L Does Medicare Managed Care affect diabetes patient cost, use and quality associated with different medical labor inputs? 6th Biennial Conference of the American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon), Philadelphia, PA 06-13-2016 Big Data Study on Team-Based Care for Diabetes Patients
Frogner BK National nursing and health care workforce data meeting Future of Nursing Campaign for Action at the Center to Champion Nursing in America, AARP and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Washington, DC 05-10-2016 N/A
Frogner BK, Harwood K, Pines J, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz M Does unrestricted access to physical therapy reduce health spending? 12th Annual Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Chicago, IL 04-06-2016 Direct Access to Physical Therapists
Frogner BK Low skilled, low wage workers in health care 12th Annual Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Chicago, IL 04-05-2016 Impacts of Greater Use of Low Skilled, Low-wage Workers in Health Care Delivery
Snyder CR, Skillman SM, Frogner BK Facilitating racial and ethnic diversity in the health workforce 12th Annual Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Chicago, IL 04-05-2016 Facilitating Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Health Workforce
Patterson DG, Frogner BK Immigrants in health care jobs 12th Annual Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Health Workforce Research Conference, Chicago, IL 04-05-2016 Immigrants in Allied Health Professions
Skillman SM Data on Washington State nurse supply for workforce planning: Issues to consider. Presented at Collection of Minimum Data Set Webinar, Washington Department of Health, Tumwater, WA. 06-01-2016 N/A
Frogner BK Regional Physician Workforce WWAMI GME Summit, Spokane, WA 03-31-2016 N/A
Hager LJ, Skillman SM Washington State’s health workforce Sentinel Network Future of Healthcare in Washington Conference, Bellevue, WA 03-24-2016 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Frogner BK Perspectives from the Field Interview Series: Interview with Bianca Frogner, PhD on Health Information Exchange. Health Information and the Law: A Project of The George Washington University’s Hirsh Health Law and Policy Program and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation., Washington, DC 10-13-2015 N/A
Frogner BK A discussion of the IOM Report, a framework for educating health professionals to address the social determinants of health National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Washington, DC 03-09-2016 Educating Health Professionals to Address the Social Determinants of Health
Frogner BK, Jecker N Supply and demand of health workforce. BH 474/PHIL 411 Justice in Health Care, Department of Bioethics and Humanities, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 03-01-2016 Entry and Exit of Workers in Long-Term Care
Frogner BK, Norris T, Erickson J Center for Health Workforce Studies Update WWAMI Rural Integrated Training Experience, Department of Family Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 11-16-2015 N/A
Frogner BK, Coe N Low wage, low-skilled workers in health care Program in Health Economics and Outcomes Methodology (PHEnOM), School of Public Health/School of Pharmacy, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 11-05-2015 Impacts of Greater Use of Low Skilled, Low-wage Workers in Health Care Delivery
Frogner BK, Phillips W Who’s entering and who’s leaving health care, and why do we care? Grand Rounds, Department of Family Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 11-04-2015 Entry and Exit of Workers in Long-Term Care
Frogner BK, Fei X Identifying emerging occupations in health care using national language processing Treehouse Seminars, Department of Linguistics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 11-03-2015 Emerging Health IT Roles and Skillsets
Frogner BK, Harwood K, Pines J, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz M Webinar: HCCI emerging uses of claims data (part 1) National Academy of State Health Policy, Washington, DC 12-03-2015 Direct Access to Physical Therapists
Frogner BK, Stover B, Skillman SM Web meeting: Low-wage, low-skilled health care workers RAND Health Workforce Interest Group, National 11-16-2015 Impacts of Greater Use of Low Skilled, Low-wage Workers in Health Care Delivery
Skillman SM, Copp K, Hoff K, Loney K, Easton M AHECs support rural communities in health workforce development Northwest Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA 03-16-2016 N/A
Patterson DG, Frogner BK, Stover B Immigrants in health care jobs in the rural Northwest Northwest Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA 03-17-2016 Immigrants in Allied Health Professions
Skillman SM, Hager LJ Washington State’s health workforce Sentinel Network Northwest Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA 03-17-2016 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM, Hager LJ A new approach to monitoring changes in health workforce demand: Washington’s health workforce industry sentinel network Washington State Allied Health Center of Excellence, Deans and Directors meeting, Seattle, WA 11-19-2015 Health Workforce Sentinel Network
Skillman SM Health workforce planning for Washington’s changing future Washington State House of Representatives House Health and Wellness Committee, Olympia, WA 11-20-2015 N/A
Frogner BK, Westerman B, DiPietro L Hiring Patterns of Athletic Trainers in Ambulatory Care Settings: A Qualitative Study 15th Conference of the International Health Workforce Collaborative, London, England 05-12-2015 Value of Athletic Trainers in Ambulatory Care Settings
Frogner BK, Westerman B, DiPietro L Hiring patterns of athletic trainers in ambulatory care settings: A qualitative study 11th Annual Health Workforce Research Conference of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), Washington, DC 04-30-2015 Value of Athletic Trainers in Ambulatory Care Settings
Frogner BK, Spetz J Exit and entry of workers in long-term care AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Minneapolis, MN 06-15-2015 Entry and Exit of Workers in Long-Term Care
Frogner BK, Spetz J Entry and exit of workers in long-term care Health Workforce Technical Assistance Center (HWTAC), Albany, NY 05-20-2015 Entry and Exit of Workers in Long-Term Care
Frogner BK, Harwood K, Pines J, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz M Early findings from study on early and unrestricted access to physical therapy Roundtable presentation at National Academy of State Health Policy, Dallas, TX 10-24-2015 Does Unrestricted Access to Physical Therapy Reduce Health Spending?
Skillman SM Health workforce planning for a changing future: data, intelligence and crystal balls Health Professions Network Fall Meeting, Seattle, WA 10-6-2015 N/A
Patterson DG, Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Doescher MP Delivering health care to elderly and low-income populations: medical providers' acceptance of Medicaid and Medicare patients in Wyoming 38th North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington 11-16-2010 Wyoming Health Care Workforce Distribution and Policy Analyses
Patterson DG, Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Doescher MP Obstacles to high-quality patient care: findings from a survey of Wyoming medical providers 38th North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington 11-16-2010 Wyoming Health Care Workforce Distribution and Policy Analyses
Patterson DG, Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Doescher MP Workforce challenges in delivering healthcare to elderly and low-income populations: Wyoming providers' acceptance of Medicaid and Medicare patients Sixth Annual Association of American Medical Colleges Physician Workforce Research Conference, Alexandria, Virginia 05-06-2010 Wyoming Health Care Workforce Distribution and Policy Analyses
Patterson DG, Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Doescher MP Delivering healthcare to elderly and low-income populations: medical providers' acceptance of Medicaid and Medicare patients in Wyoming National Rural Health Association 33rd Annual Rural Health Conference, Savannah, Georgia 05-19-2010 Wyoming Health Care Workforce Distribution and Policy Analyses
Patterson DG, Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Doescher MP Workforce challenges in delivering healthcare to elderly and low-income populations: Wyoming medical providers' acceptance of Medicaid and Medicare patients 2010 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts 06-27-2010 Wyoming Health Care Workforce Distribution and Policy Analyses
Patterson DG, Skillman SM, Doescher MP, Andrilla CHA Obstacles to high-quality patient care: findings from a survey of Wyoming medical providers 2010 National Rural Health Association 33rd Annual Rural Health Conference, Savannah, Georgia 05-19-2010 Wyoming Health Care Workforce Distribution and Policy Analyses
Patterson DG Obstacles and opportunities for providing high quality care: new findings on Wyoming's health workforce 23rd Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-24-2010 Wyoming Health Care Workforce Distribution and Policy Analyses
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Doescher MP, Robinson BJ Wyoming primary care gaps and policy options Association of American Medical Colleges Physician Workforce Conference, Washington, DC 04-30-2009 Wyoming Health Care Workforce Distribution and Policy Analyses
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Doescher MP, Robinson BJ The primary care workforce in Wyoming: gaps and options for improvement Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-19-2009 Wyoming Health Care Workforce Distribution and Policy Analyses
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Doescher MP, Robinson BJ Wyoming primary care gaps and policy options National Rural Health Association Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida 05-06-2009 Wyoming Health Care Workforce Distribution and Policy Analyses
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Alves-Dunkerson J, Mouradian W, Doescher MP Washington State's oral health workforce 2010 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts 06-27-2010 Assessment of the Oral Health Workforce in Washington State
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Alves-Dunkerson J, Mouradian W, Doescher MP Washington State's oral health workforce 2010 National Oral Health Conference, St. Louis, Missouri 04-27-2010 Assessment of the Oral Health Workforce in Washington State
Skillman SM Washington's oral health workforce 23rd Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-24-2010 Assessment of the Oral Health Workforce in Washington State
Doescher MP, Skillman SM Recent workforce studies by the UW CHWS: physicians, licensed practical nurses, and the oral health workforce in Washington and studies of the Wyoming health care workforce Health Care Personnel Shortage Task Force Meeting, Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board, Des Moines, Washington 12-01-2009 Assessment of the Oral Health Workforce in Washington State
Skillman SM, Hart LG Dental hygienists and nurses: supply is low, demand is high 15th Annual Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-21-2002 Washington State's Dental Hygienist Workforce through 2020: Influential Factors and Available Data
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Tieman L, Kaplan L, Brown MA, Doescher MP Demographic, practice, and education characteristics of nurses in Washington State. AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, Illinois 06-28-2009 Demographic, Education, and Practice Characteristics of Registered Nurses in Washington State: Results of a 2007 Survey
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Tieman L, Doescher MP Demographic, education, and practice characteristics of registered nurses in Washington State: results of a 2007 survey Washington State Health Personnel Shortage Task Force, SeaTac, Washington 06-30-2008 Demographic, Education, and Practice Characteristics of Registered Nurses in Washington State: Results of a 2007 Survey
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Tieman L, Doescher MP Registered nurses in Washington State: findings from the 2007 survey Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission, Seattle, Washington 11-13-2008 Demographic, Education, and Practice Characteristics of Registered Nurses in Washington State: Results of a 2007 Survey
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Tieman L, McCook AU Washington State registered nurse supply and demand projections: 2011-2031 Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-14-2012 Projections of Washington State RN Supply and Demand through 2031
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Hart LG Washington State registered nurse supply and demand projections: 2006-2025 21st Annual Northwest Regional Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-20-2008 Projections of Washington State RN Supply and Demand through 2025
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Hart LG Washington State registered nurse supply and demand projections: 2006-2025 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Washington, DC 06-09-2008 Projections of Washington State RN Supply and Demand through 2025
Skillman SM Washington's health workforce: Results from recent research Washington State House of Representatives' Education Committee, Olympia, Washington 01-26-2015 Washington State’s Physician Workforce
Skillman SM Washington's physician workforce: 2014 supply and distribution, and strategies to relieve shortages Washington State Senate's Higher Education Committee, Olympia, Washington 01-22-2015 Washington State’s Physician Workforce
Skillman SM, Benedetti TJ, Baldwin LM, Andrilla CHA, Bowditch E, Carr KC, Myers SJ Professional liability issues and practice patterns of obstetrical providers in Washington State AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts 06-26-2005 Professional Liability Issues and Practice Patterns of Obstetrical Providers in Washington State
Skillman SM, Benedetti TJ, Baldwin LM, Andrilla CHA, Bowditch E, Carr KC, Myers SJ Professional liability issues and practice patterns of obstetrical providers in Washington State AAMC Physician Workforce Conference: Expanding the Science, Enhancing the Impact, Washington, DC 05-06-2005 Professional Liability Issues and Practice Patterns of Obstetrical Providers in Washington State
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Patterson DG, Thomas A, Tieman L Washington State licensed practical nurse supply and demand projections: 2007-2026 2010 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts 06-27-2010 Projections of Washington State LPN Supply and Demand through 2025
Doescher MP, Skillman SM Recent workforce studies by the UW CHWS: physicians, licensed practical nurses, and the oral health workforce in Washington and studies of the Wyoming health care workforce Health Care Personnel Shortage Task Force Meeting, Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board, Des Moines, Washington 12-01-2009 Projections of Washington State LPN Supply and Demand through 2025
Skillman SM, Hart LG Dental hygienists and nurses: supply is low, demand is high 15th Annual Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-21-2002 Washington's Hospital Staffing Surveys – 2001, 2002, 2003-4, 2005
Skillman SM, Hutson T, Andrilla CHA Results of the 2002 Washington State Hospital Survey Washington State Hospital Association Health Personnel Shortage Task Force, Seattle, Washington 06-04-2003 Washington's Hospital Staffing Surveys – 2001, 2002, 2003-4, 2005
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Hutson T, Deacon H, Praseuth T 2004 hospital survey and other recent health workforce studies in Washington Semi-Annual Health Skill Panel Meeting "Washington Health Skill Panels: Leading the Way," Tacoma, Washington 11-08-2004 Washington's Hospital Staffing Surveys – 2001, 2002, 2003-4, 2005
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Phippen E, Hutson T, Bowditch E, Praseuth T Washington's hospital staffing trends: three years of survey findings 18th Annual Northwest Regional Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-24-2005 Washington's Hospital Staffing Surveys – 2001, 2002, 2003-4, 2005
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Tieman L, Kaplan L, Brown MA, Doescher MP Demographic, practice, and education characteristics of nurses in Washington State AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, Illinois 06-28-2009 Demographic, Education, and Practice Characteristics of Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners in Washington State: Results of a 2008 Survey
Skillman SM, Sadow-Hasenberg J, Hart LG, Henderson T The Workforce Investment Act of 1998: how are states using WIA funds to develop their health workforce? (early findings) Preconference workshop at 26th Annual National Rural Health Association Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah 05-16-2003 The Workforce Investment Act of 1998: Are States Targeting the Health Workforce?
Skillman SM, Sadow-Hasenberg J, Hart LG, Henderson T The effects of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 on health workforce development in the states AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, San Diego, California 06-06-2004 The Workforce Investment Act of 1998: Are States Targeting the Health Workforce?
Pittman P, Moore JM, Salsberg E, Skillman SM, Kronick R, Straw R New frontiers in health workforce research: rethinking the data infrastructure 2010 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts 06-27-2010 The Future of Health Services Data and Methods: Health Care Workforce Planning
Pittman P, Moore JM, Salsberg E, Skillman SM A vision for improved health workforce data 2010 Association of American Medical Colleges Physician Workforce Conference, Arlington, Virginia 05-05-2010 The Future of Health Services Data and Methods: Health Care Workforce Planning
Skillman SM, Yen W Washington State primary care provider survey, 2011-2012: summary of survey findings Washington State Medical Association Interspecialty Advisory Council Meeting, SeaTac, Washington 04-20-2013 Washington State Survey of Primary Care Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants–Technical Assistance
Skillman SM, Mounts T, Yen W, Robertson C, Jensen K, Johnson N How can Washington's rural primary care workforce meet demand in 2014 and beyond? 26th Annual Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-20-2013 Washington State Survey of Primary Care Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants–Technical Assistance
Skillman SM Washington State primary care provider survey, 2011-2012: summary of findings Washington State Health Personnel Shortage Task Force, Pierce College, Puyallup, Washington 10-04-2012 Washington State Survey of Primary Care Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants–Technical Assistance
Doescher MP The crisis in rural general surgery: can research drive policy change? Collwill Lecture, University of Missouri Family Medicine Department, Columbia, Missouri 08-15-2011 General and Specialist Surgeon Supply and Inpatient Procedural Content: A National Rural-Urban Study
Doescher MP, Jackson JE, Fordyce MA, Lynge DC Variability in general surgical practice in rural and urban U.S. hospital settings International Health Workforce Commission, Brisbane, Australia 10-15-2011 General and Specialist Surgeon Supply and Inpatient Procedural Content: A National Rural-Urban Study
Doescher MP, Jackson JE, Fordyce MA, Lynge D Variability in surgical practice in rural and urban U.S. hospital settings AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, Washington 06-12-2011 General and Specialist Surgeon Supply and Inpatient Procedural Content: A National Rural-Urban Study
Doescher MP, Jackson JE, Fordyce MA, Lynge D Variability in surgical practice in rural and urban U.S. hospital settings Association of American Medical Colleges Physician Workforce Research Conference, Washington, DC 05-06-2011 General and Specialist Surgeon Supply and Inpatient Procedural Content: A National Rural-Urban Study
Doescher MP, Jackson JE, Fordyce MA, Lynge D Variability in surgical practice in rural and urban U.S. hospital settings National Rural Health Association 34th Annual Rural Health Conference, Austin, Texas 05-05-2011 General and Specialist Surgeon Supply and Inpatient Procedural Content: A National Rural-Urban Study
Doescher MP Variability in surgical practice and patient characteristics in rural and urban U.S. hospital settings Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-30-2011 General and Specialist Surgeon Supply and Inpatient Procedural Content: A National Rural-Urban Study
Skillman SM Health workforce planning: who, what, how? National Governors Association's Health Workforce Policy Academy Retreat, Indianapolis, IN 05-23-2015 Health Workforce Planning Technical Assistance to States (NGA)
Skillman SM Building alignment: Access, education and economic development -- state/local linkages for health workforce development National Governors Association Health Workforce Policy Academy Retreat, Denver, CO 11-19-2014 Health Workforce Planning Technical Assistance to States (NGA)
Skillman SM Health workforce planning National Governors Association's Health Workforce Policy Academy Retreat, Frankfort, Kentucky 12-02-2014 Health Workforce Planning Technical Assistance to States (NGA)
Skillman SM Health workforce planning for Colorado National Governors Association-sponsored Health Workforce Retreat, Denver, Colorado 01-07-2014 Health Workforce Planning Technical Assistance to States (NGA)
Skillman SM The economic opportunity of revamping your health care workforce National Governors Association Conference "Learning from Each Other: The Roles of States in Transforming their Health Systems," Washington, DC 01-15-2014 Health Workforce Planning Technical Assistance to States (NGA)
Skillman SM Health workforce investment: future demands, tools and resources National Governors Association-sponsored Health Workforce Retreat, Frankfort, Kentucky 01-17-2014 Health Workforce Planning Technical Assistance to States (NGA)
Skillman SM Washington's health workforce: meeting the state's needs National Governors Association-sponsored Technical Assistance Retreat, SeaTac, Washington 09-05-2013 Health Workforce Planning Technical Assistance to States (NGA)
Doescher MP, Fordyce MA, Baldwin LM Predictors of negative birth outcomes in rural locations Health Outcomes Among Children and Families Living in Rural Communities Conference, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, Maryland 12-15-2011 Perinatal Health in the Rural United States, 2005
Baldwin LM, Fordyce MA, Doescher MP Maternal and infant health in rural America Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-14-2012 Perinatal Health in the Rural United States, 2005
Skillman SM, Palazzo L, Fordyce MA, Doescher MP, Butterfield P Factors associated with rural-residing RNs' choices to work in larger rural and urban areas AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Washington, DC 06-09-2008 Factors Associated with Rural-Residing Registered Nurses' Choices to work in Urban Locations and Larger Rural Cities
Skillman SM, Hart LG Employment, education and demographic characteristics of registered nurses in rural areas of the U.S.: analysis of the 2000 National Sample Survey of RNs 17th Annual Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-25-2004 Characteristics of Rural RNs in the U.S.: Analysis of the 2000 National Sample Survey of RNs
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Patterson DG, Ostergard S, Fenton S Building the health information technology (HIT) workforce for rural primary care practices AcademyHealth Annual Research Conference, Baltimore, Maryland 06-22-2013 Health Information Technology (HIT) Workforce Needs in Rural America
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Patterson DG, Ostergard S Building the health information technology (HIT) workforce for rural primary care practices State Offices of Rural Health Region D Annual Meeting, San Diego, California 04-30-2013 Health Information Technology (HIT) Workforce Needs in Rural America
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Patterson DG, Ostergard S Building the health information technology (HIT) workforce for rural primary care practices 26th Annual Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-21-2013 Health Information Technology (HIT) Workforce Needs in Rural America
Doescher MP Primary care in rural America: can the crisis be solved? National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 11-17-2010 Policy Briefs on Rural Health Workforce Issues
Patterson DG, Longenecker R, Schmitz D, Phillips RL, Skillman SM, Doescher MP Rural residency training for family medicine physicians: early-career outcomes Ninth Annual AAMC Physician Workforce Research Conference, Alexandria, Virginia 05-02-2013
Baldwin LM, Patel S, Andrilla CHA, Fordyce MA, Doescher MP Are rural cancer patients receiving recommended radiation therapy? AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, Illinois 06-28-2009 Use of Recommended Radiation Therapy in the Rural U.S.
Baldwin LM, Andrilla CHA, Porter MP, Rosenblatt RA, Patel S, Doescher MP Use of different treatment options by rural early stage prostate cancer patients 2010 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts 06-27-2010 Do Rural Patients with Early Stage Prostate Cancer Gain Access to All Treatment Choices?
Baldwin LM Are rural cancer patients with early stage prostate cancer accessing all treatment choices? 23rd Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-24-2010 Do Rural Patients with Early Stage Prostate Cancer Gain Access to All Treatment Choices?
Doescher MP, Jackson JE, Patterson DG, Skillman SM Association between problem drinking and access to Veterans Administration health care services among rural veterans, 2003-2004 2010 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts 06-27-2010 Problem Drinking: Trends Among Rural Veterans–A National Study
Doescher MP, Jackson JE Where do veterans with problem drinking receive health care? A national study AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, Illinois 06-28-2009 Problem Drinking: Trends Among Rural Veterans–A National Study
Doescher MP, Keppel GA, Skillman SM Dentist supply, access to dental care, and oral health among rural and urban residents: a national study 2010 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts 06-27-2010 Dentist Supply, Access to Dental Care, and Oral Health Among Rural and Urban Residents: A National Study
Doescher MP, Keppel GA, Skillman SM Dentist supply, access to dental care, and oral health among rural and urban residents: a national study 2010 National Rural Health Association 33rd Annual Rural Health Conference, Savannah, Georgia 05-18-2010 Dentist Supply, Access to Dental Care, and Oral Health Among Rural and Urban Residents: A National Study
Doescher MP The dental workforce, access to care and oral health status in the rural U.S. 23rd Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-24-2010 Dentist Supply, Access to Dental Care, and Oral Health Among Rural and Urban Residents: A National Study
Doescher MP Physician supply in Montana: the future is now Montana Board of Regents Meeting, Bozeman, Montana 11-16-2009 Montana Physician Supply 2009
Frogner BK, Skillman SM Pathways to middle skilled allied health occupations. At: Symposium on the supply chain for middle-skilled jobs: Education, training and certification pathways National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC 06-25-2015 Pathways to Middle Skilled Allied Health Care Occupations
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Hanscom J Discontinuing the ACA Medicaid bonus may reduce rural patient access National Rural Health Association 38th Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA 04-16-2015 The Impact of Medicaid Primary Care Payment Increases in Washington State
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Hanscom J Loss of ACA primary care bonus may reduce Medicaid patient access Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, Alexandria, VA 05-30-2015 The Impact of Medicaid Primary Care Payment Increases in Washington State
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Hanscom J Loss of ACA primary care bonus may reduce Medicaid patient access AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Minneapolis, MN 06-15-2015 The Impact of Medicaid Primary Care Payment Increases in Washington State
Hart LG, Skillman SM, Hagopian A, Fordyce MA, Thompson MJ, Konrad TR International medical graduate (IMG) physicians in the U.S.: Changes since 1981 International Symposium on Past and Future Trends of Health Workforce, sponsored by the Institut d'Estudis de la Salut and the World Health Organization - Barcelona, Spain 01-01-2005 International Medical Graduates: Changes in Characteristics Over Time
Doescher MP Physician workforce: past, present, and future University of Washington School of Medicine Graduate Medical Education Summit, Spokane, Washington 10-31-2010 Impact of the University of Washington School of Medicine on Physician Supply in Washington State
Doescher MP, Skillman SM Recent workforce studies by the UW CHWS: physicians, licensed practical nurses, and the oral health workforce in Washington and studies of the Wyoming health care workforce Health Care Personnel Shortage Task Force Meeting, Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board, Des Moines, Washington 12-01-2009 Impact of the University of Washington School of Medicine on Physician Supply in Washington State
Doescher MP Current and future physician supply in Idaho Idaho Health Professions Education Council Meeting, Boise, Idaho 12-15-2009 Current and Future Physician Supply in Idaho, 2009
Doescher MP, Jackson JE, Fordyce MA, Rosenblatt RA Persistent Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) and health care access in rural America North American Primary Care Research Group, Seattle, Washington 11-17-2010 Persistent Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) and Health Care Access in Rural America
Doescher MP, Fordyce MA, Skillman SM, Jackson JE, Rosenblatt RA Persistent primary care health professional shortage areas (HPSAs) and health care access in rural America 2010 International Medical Workforce Collaborative Conference, New York, NY 05-02-2010 Persistent Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) and Health Care Access in Rural America
Doescher MP, Fordyce MA, Skillman SM, Jackson JE, Rosenblatt RA Persistent primary care health professional shortage areas (HPSAs) and health care access in rural America 2010 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts 06-27-2010 Persistent Primary Care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) and Health Care Access in Rural America
Skillman SM, Basye A Home care aides in Washington State: estimating current supply and future demand Care for the Future Forum sponsored by the SEIU Healthcare NW Training Partnership, Tukwila, Washington 11-15-2010 Home Care Aides in Washington State: Estimating Current Supply and Future Demand
Hart LG Shortages of Health Providers in Rural Areas Nevada Office of Rural Health Recruitment and Retention Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada 01-10-2007 Health Center Expansion and Recruitment Survey: Joint South Carolina Rural Health Research Center and WWAMI Rural Health Research Center Project
Hart LG Rural CHC workforce 3RNet annual conference 10-04-2006 Health Center Expansion and Recruitment Survey: Joint South Carolina Rural Health Research Center and WWAMI Rural Health Research Center Project
Doescher MP Informing rural primary care workforce policy: what does the evidence tell us? Rural Health Research Gateway Webinar 09-30-2010 N/A
Skillman SM, Patterson DG Access to home health care in rural areas: what are the hurdles and how do we get over them? 27th Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, WA 03-20-2014 N/A
Schmitz D, Patterson DG, Deutchman M Promoting medical education scholarship in rural places RTT Annual Conclave, Athens, OH 04-16-2014 N/A
Patterson DG Community paramedicine: a rural Triple Aim strategy. Recent developments, opportunities, and resources National Rural Health Association 37th Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV 04-24-2014 N/A
Patterson DG, Andrilla CHA, Ostergard S, Morrison C, Schmitz D, Longenecker R, Skillman SM Residency training to prepare family medicine physicians for rural practice Tenth Annual AAMC Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, DC 05-01-2014 N/A
Larson E Opportunities to address rural health workforce needs and demand Rural Health Philanthropy Partnership Meeting, sponsored by Federal Office of Rural Health Policy and the National Rural Health Association, Washington, DC 05-01-2014 N/A
Doescher MP Tale of two specialties: general surgery and family medicine in rural America Grand Rounds, University of Minnesota School of Medicine, Duluth, Minnesota 04-15-2011 N/A
Doescher MP, Cole A Receipt of colorectal cancer screening among rural and urban minority group members Stephenson Cancer Center, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 01-31-2012 N/A
Patterson DG Current health workforce research at the WWAMI Rural Health Research Center National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health Region E Meeting, Juneau, Alaska 07-28-2011 N/A
Skillman SM Update: University of Washington WWAMI Rural Health Research Center National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health Region E Meeting, Laramie, Wyoming 08-20-2009 N/A
Skillman SM Solving state health workforce planning: factors to consider and ideas from other states West Virginia Rural Health Conference, The Resort at Glade Springs, Daniels, West Virginia 11-14-2012 N/A
Skillman SM, Phippen E Washington's health workforce: challenges and promising practices St. Francis Hospital Leadership Retreat, Lakewold Gardens, Gravelly Lake, Washington 07-11-2012 N/A
Skillman SM How to find and use health workforce data on state health workforce supply and distribution HRSA National Center for Health Workforce Analysis Meeting: Best Practices in State Health Workforce Data and Planning, Alexandria, Virginia 05-15-2012 N/A
Skillman SM Washington's health workforce: What do we know? What can we know? Healthcare Leadership Workforce Summit: Envisioning the Future, Planning for Change, Bellingham, Washington 05-23-2012 N/A
Skillman SM Policy implications of primary care practice redesign with and without payment reform: summation panel The Primary Care Workforce Crisis: Driving Health Policy Change through Innovation, Seattle, Washington 05-25-2011 N/A
Skillman SM Wyoming Healthcare Commission workforce project: the role of the University of Washington (WWAMI) Center for Health Workforce Studies and Rural Health Research Center Wyoming Healthcare Commission, Cheyenne, Wyoming 10-13-2008 N/A
Skillman SM The right mix: linking the workforce to patient and health outcomes AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, Illinois 06-30-2009 N/A
Frogner BK, Frech III HE, Parente ST What do health care efficiency rankings tell us? Efficiency ranking among OECD countries 10th World Congress of the International Health Economics Association, Milan, Italy 07-15-2015 N/A
Frogner BK, Spetz J Exit and Entry of Workers in Long-Term Care 2nd Economics of the Health Workforce Conference, Milan, Italy 07-12-2015 N/A
Skillman SM Rural-urban differences in the primary care nurse practitioner workforce: Implications for recruitment and retention AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Washington, DC 06-14-2015 N/A
Skillman SM Rural-urban differences in the primary care nurse practitioner workforce: Implications for recruitment and retention National Forum of Nursing Workforce Centers, Denver, CO 06-10-2015 N/A
Skillman SM Rural-urban differences in the primary care nurse practitioner workforce: Implications for recruitment and retention International Health Workforce Collaborative, London and Cambridge, England 05-15-2015 N/A
Skillman SM Rural-urban differences in the primary care nurse practitioner workforce: Implications for recruitment and retention Association of American Medical Colleges Health Workforce Research Conference, Washington, DC 04-30-2015 N/A
Skillman SM, Frogner BK Health workforce planning in the WWAMI region 2015 WWAMI Legislative Staff Tour, Boise-Seattle (Seattle WA) 08-12-2015 N/A
Patterson DG Community paramedicine research: how can we build the evidence for quality and value ZOLL Summit 2014, Denver, CO 05-14-2014 N/A
Skillman SM The health workforce in a transformed health care system Washington State Department of Labor and Industries-sponsored conference "The Affordable Care Act: Impact on Healthcare Delivery and Workers' Comp Healthcare," Seattle, Washington 12-06-2013 N/A
Skillman SM The future of Washington's healthcare workforce: managing change and repairing collapsed bridges The Future of Healthcare in Washington Conference, Bellevue, Washington 06-19-2013 N/A
Skillman SM Health workforce planning: meeting the needs of Montana's communities and health care systems National Governors' Association-Sponsored Technical Assistance Retreat, Helena, Montana 08-13-2013 N/A
Skillman SM Our health workforce: what's known, suspected and lots of questions Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County, Healthcare Sector Employer Panel, Seattle, Washington 04-05-2013 N/A
Skillman SM What is the most appropriate geographic unit of analysis for measuring the adequacy of the primary care workforce? HRSA National Center for Health Workforce Analysis Meeting: Data and Methods for Tracking the Supply, Demand, Distribution, and Adequacy of the Primary Care Workforce, Bethesda, Maryland 04-20-2012 N/A
Skillman SM Data needed to understand health workforce supply Washington State Health Care Personnel Shortage Task Force, Puyallup, Washington 06-06-2012 N/A
Doescher MP Setting the stage: the workforce of the future Washington State Hospital Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington 10-31-2010 N/A
Doescher MP How federal health care reform could resuscitate primary care in Washington State Washington State Senate Health & Long-Term Care Committee Meeting on National Health Care Reform, Olympia, Washington 10-01-2009 N/A
Doescher MP Can health care reform resuscitate primary care in Missouri? Missouri State Strategic Partnership Session, Jefferson, Missouri 10-26-2009 N/A
Doescher MP Transforming medical education today to meet the workforce demands of tomorrow Education in Medicine Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 10-30-2009 N/A
Skillman SM Health workforce shortages: crisis or opportunity? University of Washington Master's in Health Administration Alumni Day, Seattle, Washington 05-21-2009 N/A
Kaplan L, Skillman SM, Andrilla CA, Ostergard S Support for rural student recruitment and practice by nurse practitioner programs. Advanced Practice in Primary and Acute Care Pacific NW 37th Annual National Conference (Seattle, WA) 10-09-2014 What Strategies Are Nurse Practitioner Educational Programs Using to Encourage Rural Practice?
Palazzo L, Skillman SM Washington employers' current and expected demand for five health care occupations: preliminary findings from employer interviews "Meeting Employers' Workforce Needs," SeaTac, Washington 06-03-2013 Current and Future Demand for Home Care Aides, Nursing Assistants Certified, Medical Assistants, Licensed Practical Nurses, and Associate's Degree Registered Nurses in Washington State
Palazzo L, Skillman SM Washington employers' current and expected demand for five health care occupations: preliminary findings from employer interviews "Meeting Employers' Workforce Needs," Spokane, Washington 05-30-2013 Current and Future Demand for Home Care Aides, Nursing Assistants Certified, Medical Assistants, Licensed Practical Nurses, and Associate's Degree Registered Nurses in Washington State
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Kaplan L, Doescher M Outpatient productivity and practice characteristics of rural primary care nurse practitioners in states with varying physician oversight regulations AcademyHealth Annual Research Conference, Baltimore, Maryland 06-22-2013 The Current Contribution of Physicians, Advanced Practice Nurses, and Physician Assistants to the Rural Primary Care Workforce
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Kaplan L, Doescher M Outpatient productivity and practice characteristics of rural primary care nurse practitioners in states with varying physician oversight regulations. Association of American Medical Colleges Physician Workforce Conference, Washington, DC 05-03-2013 The Current Contribution of Physicians, Advanced Practice Nurses, and Physician Assistants to the Rural Primary Care Workforce
Doescher M The contributions of generalist physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants to rural primary care AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Orlando, Florida 06-24-2012 The Current Contribution of Physicians, Advanced Practice Nurses, and Physician Assistants to the Rural Primary Care Workforce
Patterson DG, Skillman SM, Robinson A, Wingrove G Discussion of opportunities identified to advance community paramedicine and conduct research to build the evidence base from the National Consensus Conference on Community Paramedicine Ninth International Roundtable on Community Paramedicine, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, United Kingdom 05-22-2013 National Consensus Conference on Community Paramedicine: Development of a Community Paramedicine Research Agenda
Patterson DG, Skillman SM Community paramedicine research agenda National Consensus Conference on Community Paramedicine, Atlanta, Georgia 10-02-2012 National Consensus Conference on Community Paramedicine: Development of a Community Paramedicine Research Agenda
Skillman SM, Palazzo L, Hart LG, Keepnews D Where have the nurses gone? An exploratory study of RNs with expired licenses in Washington State AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Health Workforce Interest Group, Seattle, Washington 06-24-2006 RNs with Expired Licenses in Washington
Skillman SM, Palazzo L, Hart LG Rural RNs in the U.S. since 1980 Office of Rural Health Policy and Division of Nursing, HRSA, Rockville, Maryland 06-10-2008 Long-Term Trends in Characteristics of the Rural Nurse Workforce: A National Health Workforce Study
Skillman SM, Kaplan L, Fordyce MA, McMenamin PD, Doescher MP Understanding advanced practice registered nurse distribution in urban and rural areas of the United States using National Provider Identifier data National Rural Health Association Annual Rural Health Conference, Denver, Colorado 04-17-2012 Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Distribution in Rural and Urban Areas of the U.S.
Skillman SM, Kaplan L, Fordyce MA, McMenamin PD, Doescher MP Understanding advanced practice registered nurse distribution in urban and rural areas of the United States using National Provider Identifier data. Association of American Medical Colleges Physician Workforce Conference, Washington, DC 05-03-2012 Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Distribution in Rural and Urban Areas of the U.S.
Skillman SM, Keppel GA, Patterson DG, Doescher MP Allied Health Education in Community Colleges AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, Washington 06-12-2011 Community Colleges' Contributions to the Education of Allied Health Professionals in Rural Areas of the United States
Skillman SM, Keppel G, Patterson DG, Doescher MP Allied Health Education in Community Colleges Institute of Medicine Workshop on Allied Health Workforce and Services, Washington, DC 05-09-2011 Community Colleges' Contributions to the Education of Allied Health Professionals in Rural Areas of the United States
Skillman SM, Keppel GA, Patterson DG, Doescher MP Allied Health Education in Community Colleges National Rural Health Association 34th Annual Rural Health Conference, Austin, Texas 05-05-2011 Community Colleges' Contributions to the Education of Allied Health Professionals in Rural Areas of the United States
Skillman SM, Keppel G, Patterson DG, Doescher MP Allied Health Education in Community Colleges Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-27-2011 Community Colleges' Contributions to the Education of Allied Health Professionals in Rural Areas of the United States
Skillman SM, O'Halloran R, Kuebel H, Fulcher R, Adams E Allied Health Education in Community Colleges 2010 National Rural Health Association Annual Meeting, Savannah, Georgia 05-21-2010 Community Colleges' Contributions to the Education of Allied Health Professionals in Rural Areas of the United States
Doescher MP, Fordyce MA, Skillman SM Aging Rural Physician Workforce 2010 International Medical Workforce Collaborative Conference, New York, New York 05-02-2010 The Aging of the Rural Generalist Physician Workforce: Will Some Locations Be More Affected than Others?
Doescher MP, Fordyce MA, Skillman SM Aging Rural Physician Workforce AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, Illinois 06-28-2009 The Aging of the Rural Generalist Physician Workforce: Will Some Locations Be More Affected than Others?
Doescher MP, Fordyce MA, Skillman SM Aging Rural Physician Workforce Northwest Regional Rural Health Conference, Spokane, Washington 03-19-2009 The Aging of the Rural Generalist Physician Workforce: Will Some Locations Be More Affected than Others?
Hart LG, Morrill R, Cromartie J 2004 Rural-Urban Commuting Areas (V2) Academy Health annual conference 06-25-2006 Introduction to and Description of the 2004 (Version 2) Rural-Urban Commuting Areas (RUCAs)