Implicit Race and Gender Bias, Bias Awareness, and Impact of a Course for Clinical Faculty


This study evaluated an online course for academic teaching faculty titled, Implicit Bias in the Clinical and Learning Environment. The course was originally developed by members of the team as foundational implicit bias education for teaching faculty. We recruited a national sample of academic clinicians (physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners) to measure clinician implicit and explicit attitudes about race and stereotypes about gender, pre and post course measures of bias awareness, and the quality of pre and post course patient centered communication. We elicited clinicians’ reflections on the impact of the course on their teaching and practice and development of strategies to improve patient care and teaching.
Lead Researcher: Janice A. Sabin, PhD, MSW
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HRSA: HWRC Health Equity






Authors Title Type Date Documents/Media
Sabin J, Guenther G, Ornelas IJ, Patterson DG, Andrilla C, Morales L, Gurjal K, Frogner BK Brief online implicit bias education increases bias awareness among clinical teaching faculty PUBLICATION 12-27-2021 Article
Frogner BK, Andrilla H, Guenther GA, Gurjal K, Morales L, Ornelas IJ, Patterson DG, Sabin JA The Impact of Brief Implicit Bias Education on Patient-Centered Communication Among Clinical Teaching Faculty PRESENTATION 07-01-2024
Sabin JA, Guenther GA, Ornelas IJ, Patterson DG, Andrilla C, Morales L, Gurjal K, Frogner BK Lasting Effects of Brief Implicit Bias Education for Academic Clinicians: From Learning to Action PRESENTATION 06-06-2022
Sabin, JA (Presenter), Frogner BK (Moderator) Evaluating a Course on Implicit Bias in Clinical and Learning Environments: Provider Bias-awareness, Patient-centeredness, and Reflections PRESENTATION 06-24-2021 Media
Sabin, J Addressing Institutionalized Racism in Academic Medicine PRESENTATION 11-16-2020