Washington State's Dental Hygienist Workforce through 2020: Influential Factors and Available Data


This study examined Washington’s dental hygienist supply and demand from 2000 through 2020. Readily available literature and data permitted an extremely limited analysis of trends in dental hygienist supply and demand, and the projections are presented as a basis for discussion and critique. The limitations confronting workforce planning and the possibilities for improving the data and understanding of the field are presented. This 2004 study was funded by HRSA’s National Center for Health Workforce Analysis through a Congressional Appropriation to the UW CHWS.
Lead Researcher: Davis G. Patterson, PhD
Contact Info: davisp@uw.edu, 206-543-1892






Authors Title Type Date Documents/Media
Patterson DG, Skillman SM, Hart LG Washington State's dental hygienist workforce through 2020: influential factors and available data PUBLICATION 01-01-2004
Full report Policy brief
Skillman SM, Hart LG Dental hygienists and nurses: supply is low, demand is high PRESENTATION 03-21-2002