Projections of Washington State RN Supply and Demand through 2025


This study projected trends in the supply and demand of registered nurses (RNs) in Washington State from 2005 through 2025. The project used available data on RNs in the state to estimate the influence of different factors on RN supply and demand across 20 years. Another goal of the project was to describe the limitations of the models and the types of data that would improve the accuracy of these models in the future. Funded by the Washington Center for Nursing through Department of Health grant #N14191.
Lead Researcher: Susan M. Skillman, MS
Contact Info:, 206-543-3557






Authors Title Type Date Documents/Media
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Hart LG Washington State registered nurse supply and demand projections: 2006-2025 PUBLICATION 06-01-2007
Full report Policy brief
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Hart LG Washington State registered nurse supply and demand projections: 2006-2025 PRESENTATION 03-20-2008
Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Hart LG Washington State registered nurse supply and demand projections: 2006-2025 PRESENTATION 06-09-2008