The Aging of the Rural Generalist Physician Workforce: Will Some Locations Be More Affected than Others?
This study identifies rural locations with high proportions of generalist physicians nearing retirement age. As fewer young physicians choose generalist careers, the retirement of older physicians may place additional strain on rural generalist supply. This study quantifies the extent to which rural generalist physician shortages may be exacerbated by physician retirement, focusing on known shortage locations. The study used data from the American Medical Association and American Osteopathic Association 2005 Masterfiles. This study was funded by HRSA’s Office of Rural Health Policy.
Authors | Title | Type | Date | Documents/Media |
Fordyce MA, Doescher MP, Skillman SM | The aging of the rural primary care physician workforce: will some locations be more affected than others? | PUBLICATION | 09-30-2013 | Full report. |
Doescher MP, Fordyce MA, Skillman SM | Policy brief: the aging of the primary care physician workforce: are rural locations vulnerable? | PUBLICATION | 06-01-2009 | Policy brief. |
Doescher MP, Fordyce MA, Skillman SM | The aging of the U.S. generalist physician workforce: are rural locations at higher risk? | PRESENTATION | 05-02-2010 | |
Doescher MP, Fordyce MA, Skillman SM | The aging of the rural primary care physician workforce: are some locations more vulnerable than others? | PRESENTATION | 06-28-2009 | |
Doescher MP, Fordyce MA, Skillman SM | The aging of the rural generalist physician workforce: are some areas affected more than others? | PRESENTATION | 03-19-2009 |