Impact of a Course, COVID-19, Healthcare Equity, and Implicit Bias in the Clinical and Learning Environment, for Physician Assistant (PA) Preceptors and Trainees


This study builds upon prior CHWS studies on implicit bias among health professionals. This study adapted the implicit bias course (Implicit Bias in the Clinical and Learning Environment) used in prior studies to meet the needs of Physician Assistant (PA) preceptors and trainees, and address issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic’s effect on diverse patient populations. The research provides information on the extent of training needed for PA preceptors and trainees in the areas of social determinants of health, health inequity, implicit bias, and how to apply this knowledge to clinical settings. The study highlights inequities in Covid-19 illness and death as examples of systemic racism, social determinants, and implicit biases.

Lead Researcher: Janice A. Sabin, PhD, MSW

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HRSA: HWRC Health Equity






Authors Title Type Date Documents/Media
Sabin JA, Nagasawa P, Guenther GA, Kett PM, Williams-York B, Naidu A, Frogner BK Implicit and Explicit Race and Weight Bias Among Physician Assistant Preceptors and Trainees PRESENTATION 11-06-2023
Sabin JA, Nagasawa P, Kett PM, Guenther GA, Naidu A, Williams-York B, Frogner BK Implicit and Explicit Race and Weight Bias among Physician Assistant Preceptors and Trainees PRESENTATION 06-26-2023
Sabin JA, Guenther GA, Kett PM, Naidu A, Nagasawa P, Frogner BK Impact of Implicit Bias Education on Bias Awareness Among Physician Assistant Preceptors and Trainees PRESENTATION 06-26-2023
Sabin JA, Guenther GA, Kett PM, Naidu A, Nagasawa P, Frogner BK Impact of Implicit Bias Education on Bias Awareness Among Physician Assistant Preceptors/Trainees PRESENTATION 05-04-2023
Sabin JA, Guenther GA, Kett PM, Naidu A, Nagasawa P, Frogner BK Implicit and Explicit Race and Weight Bias Among Physician Assistant Preceptors and Trainees PRESENTATION 05-04-2023