The Workforce Investment Act of 1998: Are States Targeting the Health Workforce?
This 2002-2003 project identified and described the efforts that linked job seekers with the health workforce through Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) programs throughout the United States. It enumerated the goals and strategies that states and their regional workforce boards were using to develop their health workforce using WIA funding. Funded by HRSA, National Center for Health Workforce Analysis.
Authors | Title | Type | Date | Documents/Media |
Skillman SM, Sadow-Hasenberg J, Hart LG, Henderson T | The effects of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 on health workforce development in the states | PUBLICATION | 11-01-2004 | Full report |
Skillman SM, Sadow-Hasenberg J, Hart LG, Henderson T | The Workforce Investment Act of 1998: how are states using WIA funds to develop their health workforce? (early findings) | PRESENTATION | 05-16-2003 | |
Skillman SM, Sadow-Hasenberg J, Hart LG, Henderson T | The effects of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 on health workforce development in the states | PRESENTATION | 06-06-2004 |