Distributed Expertise: Sustaining Rural Training Tracks as a Strategy in Rural Medical Education
This project is building a national partnership between professional groups, academic units, governmental entities, and sustaining organizations to provide ongoing support and technical assistance to community-embedded rural health professions education. The project is (1) establishing a network of organizations and experts by visiting Rural Training Tracks (RTTs), creating RTT-state office of rural health coalitions, and convening stakeholder meetings; (2) building a Web portal with a virtual library of tools, information, and access to technical assistance; (3) developing new models and programs while sharing best practices; (4) initiating a process for identifying and training new leaders; and (5) publishing a final report. Under the NRHA umbrella and anchored by project directors and field offices in Idaho, Ohio, and Washington DC, the program is connecting RTT program directors, faculty, and staff with state offices of rural health, a rural assistance center, and a rural research center to bolster existing RTTs, foster new programs, and utilize community expertise in identifying systemic issues and remedies. While focused on rural medical education, the network will provide a model for community-embedded training and an infrastructure for training other rural health professions. UW WWAMI RHRC researchers are designing and maintaining a research data set and protocol for RTT site visits, including consents and IRB approval. The RHRC is the repository of these data-gathering efforts and will analyze and synthesize data underpinning reports and other dissemination activities. The RHRC is sharing data and coordinating its effort with the Graham Center in Washington DC to promote policy development, and assisting in the preparation of a final evaluation and report of this demonstration program.