Professional Liability Issues and Practice Patterns of Obstetrical Providers in Washington State


Obstetrical providers (obstetrician/gynecologists, family physicians, certified nurse midwives and licensed midwives) were surveyed in 2004 to assess their demographic and practice characteristics, liability insurance characteristics, practice changes and limitations due to liability insurance issues, obstetrical practices, and obstetrical practice environment changes. Funded by HRSA’s National Center for Health Workforce Analysis through a Congressional Appropriation to the UW CHWS.






Authors Title Type Date Documents/Media
Dresden GM, Baldwin LM, Andrilla CHA, Skillman SM, Benedetti TJ Influence of obstetric practice on workload and practice patterns of family physicians and obstetrician-gynecologists PUBLICATION 01-01-2008 Article
Benedetti TJ, Baldwin LM, Skillman SM, Andrilla CHA, Bowditch E, Carr KC, Myers SJ Professional liability issues and practice patterns of obstetrical providers in Washington State PUBLICATION 06-01-2006 Article
Skillman SM, Benedetti TJ, Baldwin LM, Andrilla CHA, Bowditch E, Carr KC, Myers SJ Professional liability issues and practice patterns of obstetrical providers in Washington State PRESENTATION 06-26-2005
Skillman SM, Benedetti TJ, Baldwin LM, Andrilla CHA, Bowditch E, Carr KC, Myers SJ Professional liability issues and practice patterns of obstetrical providers in Washington State PRESENTATION 05-06-2005