Where and From What Industries are Health Care Workers Entering Health Care Jobs and Where are We Losing Them During COVID-19?
With many jobs being lost in the economy, health care becomes an “attractive” though scary place to work. We used the monthly Current Population Survey (CPS) data to track how displaced workers from other industries may be entering health care jobs. We tracked which health care settings may be losing workers and in what jobs. We analyzed earnings and hours worked, which informed our understanding of how “surge” may be addressed by just adding more hours to people’s time. In addition, we studied the potential tension between unemployment checks are a better deal compared to working in a hazardous job like health care at this time. We also looked at insurance status and child care support for some of the people in the sample but not all, which gave us a sense of how vulnerable the workers are and maybe looked at how this breaks down by rural versus urban, race, and ethnicity.
HRSA: HWRC Allied Health
Authors | Title | Type | Date | Documents/Media |
Frogner BK, Dill J | Tracking turnover among health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic | PUBLICATION | 05-01-2022 | Article |
Frogner BK | Tracking Turnover Among US Health Care Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic | PRESENTATION | 04-04-2022 | |
Frogner BK, Dill J | Which Health Care Workers are at Greatest Risk of Unemployment During the COVID Crisis? | PRESENTATION | 05-06-2021 |