Do Rural Patients with Early Stage Prostate Cancer Gain Access to All Treatment Choices?


This research will use cancer registry data from 10 states to examine the degree to which rural residents diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer access the full range of surveillance, surgical, and radiation treatment options. Study findings will inform cancer centers, advocacy groups, rural program planners, and policymakers about services and programs needed to ensure that rural prostate cancer patients can choose from among all treatment options.






Authors Title Type Date Documents/Media
Baldwin LM, Andrilla CHA, Porter MP, Rosenblatt RA, Patel S, Doescher MP Treatment of early-stage prostate cancer among rural and urban patients PUBLICATION 08-15-2013 Article
Baldwin LM, Andrilla CHA, Porter MP, Rosenblatt RA, Patel S, Doescher MP Do Rural Patients with Early-Stage Prostate Cancer Gain Access to All Treatment Choices? PUBLICATION 02-01-2014
Full Report Policy Brief
Baldwin LM, Andrilla CHA, Porter MP, Rosenblatt RA, Patel S, Doescher MP Use of different treatment options by rural early stage prostate cancer patients PRESENTATION 06-27-2010
Baldwin LM Are rural cancer patients with early stage prostate cancer accessing all treatment choices? PRESENTATION 03-24-2010