The Emergency Medical Services and Community Paramedic Workforces Response to COVID-19


This study aims to understand how EMS personnel, particularly those in CP programs, were deployed to respond to COVID-19 and how roles changed as a result of the public health emergency.
Lead Researcher: Davis Patterson, PhD
Contact Info:



HRSA: HWRC Allied Health






Authors Title Type Date Documents/Media
Patterson DG, van Eijk MS, Pollack SW, Stubbs B, Hanson C The EMS and Community Paramedic Workforces Respond to COVID-19 PUBLICATION 06-01-2023
Full Report
Pollack SW The Emergency Medical Services and Community Paramedic Workforces Respond to COVID-19 PRESENTATION 04-14-2021
Pollack SW, Patterson DG, van Eijk M, Stubbs BA, Hanson C “EMS Providers Are Masters of the Workaround”: The Emergency Medical Services and Community Paramedic Workforces Respond to COVID-19 PRESENTATION 05-07-2021