Direct Access to Physical Therapists


This study used commercial health insurance claims data to identify how health care utilization (e.g., imaging and opioid use) and spending patterns vary by whether the patient sees a physical therapist first or another provider. This study also looked at how state scope of practice laws allowing or restricting direct access to physical therapy impacts these patterns. This study was conducted under the State Health Policy Grant Program at the Health Care Cost Institute and in partnership with the National Academy of State Health Policy, and with sponsorship by the Arnold Family Foundation.
Lead Researcher: Bianca K. Frogner, PhD
Contact Info:, 206-616-9657



Health Care Cost Institute/Arnold Family Foundation






Authors Title Type Date Documents/Media
Frogner BK, Harwood K, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz MR, Pines JM Physical Therapy as the First Point of Care to Treat Low Back Pain: An Instrumental Variables Approach to Estimate Impact on Opioid Prescription, Health Care Utilization, and Costs PUBLICATION 05-23-2018 Article
Frogner BK, Harwood K, Pines J, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz MR Does Unrestricted Direct Access to Physical Therapy Reduce Utilization and Health Spending? PUBLICATION 01-01-2016 Article
Frogner BK, Harwood K, Pines J, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz M Does Unrestricted Access to Physical Therapy Reduce Health Spending? PRESENTATION 06-26-2016
Frogner BK, Harwood K, Pines J, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz M Does Unrestricted Access to Physical Therapy Reduce Health Spending? PRESENTATION 06-14-2016 PowerPoint
Frogner BK, Harwood K, Pines J, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz M Does unrestricted access to physical therapy reduce health spending? PRESENTATION 04-06-2016 PowerPoint
Frogner BK, Harwood K, Pines J, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz M Webinar: HCCI Emerging Uses of Claims Data (Part 1) PRESENTATION 12-03-2015 Media