Leveraging Data Phase IV: Mapping Movement of Allied Health Professionals


This study illustrates the work and residence locations for 16 health care occupations using data from a 5-year (2014-2017) pooled sample of the American Community Survey (ACS). These workforce commuting findings, presented at the sub-state level based on work and residence PUMAs, are displayed on a UW CHWS data dashboard. The 16 health occupations and occupation groups included in these analyses are clinical laboratory technologists and technicians, diagnostic-related technologists and technicians, medical assistants, occupational therapists, pharmacists, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, social and human service assistants, social workers, speech-language pathologists, dental assistants, dental hygienists, dentists, advanced practice nurses, registered nurses, and licensed practical and vocational nurses. These findings are displayed in the “Commuting Patterns” data dashboard found in the Leveraging Data dashboard.

Lead Researcher: Susan M. Skillman, MS
Contact Info: skillman@uw.edu



HRSA: HWRC Allied Health






Findings Brief



Authors Title Type Date Documents/Media
Stubbs BA US Health Workforce Commuting Patterns: Where Allied Health Care Workers Live and Work PRESENTATION 12-07-2023 Media
Frogner BK (Moderator) Interactive Health Workforce Data Dashboards PRESENTATION 12-07-2023