Sabin JA, Nagasawa P, Guenther GA, Kett PM, Williams-York B, Naidu A, Frogner BK |
Implicit and Explicit Race and Weight Biases Among Physician Assistant Preceptors and Trainees |
Link to Document
Brumbaugh KQ, Kaplan L, Ma K, Mokdad A, Frogner BK, Rios Casas F, McCoy T, Bello B |
Identifying Emerging Drivers and Interventions to Reduce Vaccine Hesitancy Among Long-Term Care Facility Nursing Staff |
Link to Document
Lee D, van Eijk MS, Oster NV, Frogner BK, Skillman SM |
US Home Care Worker’s Access to and Use of Benefits During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mixed-Methods Study |
Link to Document
Mokdad A, Frogner BK, Brumbaugh KQ, Kaplan L, Ma K, Rios Casas F, McCoy T, Bello B |
Identifying Emerging Drivers And Interventions to Reduce Vaccine Hesitancy Among Long-Term Care Facility Nursing Staff |
Link to Document
Guenther GA, Shahrir SF, Skillman SM, Kundu I, Garcia E, Frogner BK |
Career Pathways Into the Medical Laboratory Workforce: Education, Exposures, and Motivations |
Link to Document
Kett PM, Guenther GA, van Eijk MS, Patterson DG, Frogner BK |
Low Birthweight Rate Differences Associated With Distinct Perinatal Staffing Mixes at Federally Funded Health Centers |
Link to Document
Mroz TM, Dunlap BM, Frogner BK |
Economic Insecurity During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Healthcare Workers by Educational Attainment |
Link to Document
Frogner BK |
Striking the Right Staffing Balance in Health Centers |
Link to Document
Prusynski RA, Mroz TM, Frogner BK |
Differences in Staffing for Non-Nursing Occupations Across U.S. Skilled Nursing Facilities During 2018-2023 |
Full Report |
Guenther GA, Pollack SW, Stubbs BA, Frogner BK, Skillman SM |
Characteristics of the Current Dental Hygienist Workforce in Washington State |
Full Report |
Cole MB, Wright B, Kett PM, Johnson HM, Staloff J, Frogner BK |
COVID-19 Federal Funding To Health Centers: Tracking Distribution, Locations, And Patient Characteristics |
Link to Document
Kett PM, Cole MB, Wright B, Frogner BK |
Association of Federal COVID-19 Funding Distributions With Workforce and Capacity in Health Centers |
Link to Document
Williams-York B, Guenther GA, Patterson DG, Mohammed S, Kett PM, Dahal A, Frogner BK |
Burnout, Exhaustion, Experiences of Discrimination, and Stress among Underrepresented and First-Generation College Students in Graduate Health Profession Education |
Link to Document
Dahal A, Frogner BK |
Mental and Physical Health Status of U.S. Health Care Workers |
Full Report |
Pollack SW, Guenther GA, Stubbs BA, Patterson DG, Frogner BK, Skillman SM |
Characteristics of the Current Dental Assistant and Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary Workforces in Washington State |
Full Report |
Dill J, Frogner BK |
The Gender Wage Gap Among Healthcare Workers Across Educational and Occupational Groups |
Link to Document
Rochford H, Frogner BK |
Strategies for Advancing Diversity and Inclusion in Health Services Research |
Link to Document
Prusynski RA, Frogner BK, Rundell SD, Pradhan S, Mroz TM |
Is More Always Better? Financially Motivated Therapy and Patient Outcomes in Skilled Nursing Facilities |
Link to Document
Prusynski RA, Frogner BK, Mroz TM |
Staffing Trends for Non-Nursing Occupations in Skilled Nursing Facilities in the United States Between 2018-2022 |
Full Report |
Bacci JL, Pollack SW, Skillman SM, Odegard PS, Danielson JH, Frogner BK |
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Community Pharmacy Workforce |
Link to Document
Islas IG, Brantley E, Portela Martinez M, Salsberg E, Dobkin F, Frogner BK |
Documenting Latino Representation In The US Health Workforce |
Link to Document
Pollack SW, Skillman SM, Mroz TM, Frogner BK |
Medical Assistants’ Telehealth Roles and Skills in Primary Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Full Report |
Frogner BK, Patterson DG, Skillman SM |
The workforce needed to address population health |
Link to Document Interview
Frogner BK |
How can we make caring for older adults desirable work? |
Link to Document
Lee D, Pollack SM, Mroz T, Frogner BK, Skillman SM |
Disability competency training in medical education |
Link to Document
LeRouge C, Shahrir SF, Frogner BK |
Landscape of the Health Informatics Workforce: Rapid Response Brief |
Rapid Response Brief |
Al Achkar M, Dahal A, Frogner BK, Skillman SM, Patterson DG |
Integrating Immigrant Health Professionals into the U.S. Healthcare Workforce: Barriers and Solutions |
Link to Document
Lee D, Kett PM, Mohammed SA, Frogner BK, Sabin J |
Inequitable care delivery toward COVID-19 positive people of color and people with disabilities |
Link to Document Policy Brief |
Prusynski RA, Humbert A, Leland NE, Frogner BK, Saliba D, Mroz TM |
Dual impacts of Medicare payment reform and the COVID-19 pandemic on therapy staffing in skilled nursing facilities |
Link to Document
Frogner BK |
Patients Receive Flexible And Accessible Care When State Workforce Barriers Are Removed |
Link to Document
Frogner BK |
The Link Between Sick Leave Laws and Emergency Department Visits |
Link to Document
Nasseh K, Frogner BK, Vujicic M |
A closer look at disparities in earnings between white and minoritized dentists |
Link to Document
van Eijk MS, Prueher L, Kett PM, Frogner BK, Guenther GA |
Financial Instability of Federal Navigator Program Challenges Organizations to Help Uninsured Enroll in Health Insurance Coverage |
Link to Document
Ornelas IJ, Schwartz M, Sabin JA, Frogner BK |
Using Experiential Education in Health Professions Training to Improve Health Equity: Lessons Learned from Interviews With Key Informants |
Link to Document
van Eijk MS, Frogner BK |
How are Health Care Workers Utilized in Health Equity Interventions? An Exploratory Review |
Full Report |
Guenther G, Kett P, Skillman SM, Frogner BK |
The Birth Doula Workforce in the U.S.: Rapid Response Brief |
Rapid Response Brief |
Kett P, Skillman SM, Frogner BK |
The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Workforce: Rapid Response Brief |
Rapid Response Brief |
Skillman SM, Johnson HM, Frogner BK |
Pathways to Registered Nursing: Influences of Health-Related Work Experience and Education Financing |
Link to Document
Van Eijk E, Guenther GA, Jopson AD, Skillman SM, Frogner BK |
Health workforce challenges impact the development of robust doula services for underserved populations in the United States |
Link to Document
Frogner BK |
Patients Receive Flexible And Accessible Care When State Workforce Barriers Are Removed |
Link to Document
Oster NV, Skillman SM, Frogner BK |
Health Workforce Issues in American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Populations |
Rapid Response Brief |
Jopson AD, Cummings AG, Frogner BK, Skillman SM |
Employers’ perspectives on the use of medical assistant apprenticeships: a qualitative study |
Link to Document
Harwood KJ, Pines J, Andrilla CH, Frogner BK |
Where to start? A two stage residual inclusion approach to estimating influence of the initial provider on health care utilization and costs for low back pain in the US |
Link to Document
Dill J, Frogner BK, Travers J |
Taking the long view: understanding the rate of second job holding among long-term care workers |
Link to Document
Frogner BK, Dill J |
Tracking turnover among health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic |
Link to Document
Oster NV, Patterson DG, Skillman SM, Frogner BK |
COVID-19 and the Rural Health Workforce: The Impact of Federal Pandemic Funding to Address Workforce Needs |
Policy Brief |
Pines JM, Harwood K, Andrilla CHA, Frogner BK |
Opioid Prescriptions, Radiography, and Costs for Self-Limited “One-and- Done” Lower Back Pain Visits in a Commercially Insured Population |
Findings Brief |
Van Eijk MS, Guenther GA, Kett PM, Jopson AD, Frogner BK, Skillman SM |
Addressing systemic racism in birth doula services to reduce health inequities in the United States. |
Link to Document
van Eijk MS, Kett PM, Prueher L, Frogner BK, Guenther GA |
Lack of Consistent Investment in Federal Insurance Navigator Program Undermines Navigators’ Equity Work in Vulnerable Communities |
Link to Document
Sabin J, Guenther G, Ornelas IJ, Patterson DG, Andrilla C, Morales L, Gurjal K, Frogner BK |
Brief online implicit bias education increases bias awareness among clinical teaching faculty |
Link to Document
Frogner BK |
How the Health Services Research Workforce Supply in the United States is Evolving |
Link to Document
Jopson AD, Frogner BK |
An Examination of Health Care Workers in Nonstandard Work Arrangements and Self-Employment |
Full Report |
Dahal A, Stubbs BA, Frogner BK, Skillman SM |
Leveraging Data to Monitor the Allied Health Workforce: State Supply Estimates |
Full Report |
Frogner BK |
How Do You Create a “Zero-Burnout” Primary Care Practice? |
Link to Document
Beck AJ, Spetz J, Pittman P, Frogner BK, Fraher EP, Moore J, Armstrong D, Buerhaus PI |
Investing In A 21st Century Health Workforce: A Call For Accountability |
Link to Document
Armstrong D, Moore J, Fraher EP, Frogner BK, Pittman P, Spetz J |
COVID-19 and the Health Workforce |
Link to Document
Frogner BK, Schwartz M |
Examining Wage Disparities by Race and Ethnicity of Health Care Workers |
Link to Document
Dahal A, Frogner BK, Skillman SM, Patterson DG |
Accelerating Health Professions Pathways for Immigrants |
Full Report |
Prusynski R, Frogner BK, Skillman SM, Dahal A, Mroz TM |
Therapy Assistant Staffing and Patient Quality Outcomes in Skilled Nursing Facilities |
Link to Document
Prusynski R, Frogner BK, Dahal A, Skillman SM, Mroz T |
Skilled Nursing Facility Characteristics Associated with Financially Motivated Therapy and Relation to Quality |
Oster NV, Guenther G, Frogner BK, Skillman SM |
The Clinical Laboratory Workforce in the U.S.: Supply, Distribution, Education Pathways, and State Responses to the COVID-19 Emergency |
Policy Brief |
Oster NV, Skillman SM, Frogner BK |
COVID-19’s Effect on the Employment Status of Health Care Workers |
Policy Brief |
Prusynski R, Leland N, Frogner BK, Leibbrand C, Mroz TM |
Therapy Staffing in Skilled Nursing Facilities Declined After Implementation of the Patient Driven Payment Model |
Link to Document
Mohammed SA, Guenther GA, Frogner BK, Skillman SM |
Examining the Racial and Ethnic Diversity of Associate Degree in Nursing Programs by Type of Institution in the US, 2012–2018 |
Link to Document
Frogner BK |
One Change That Could Help Nursing Homes Recover from COVID-19 Fears and Become Safer Places for Aging Parents |
Link to Document
Frogner BK, Skillman SM |
Op-Ed: It’s Time to Address Staffing at Nursing Homes — The Elephant in the Room |
Link to Document
Oster NV, Skillman SM, Stubbs BA, Dahal A, Guenther G, Frogner BK |
The Physical Therapist Workforce in the U.S.: Supply, Distribution, Education Pathways, and State Responses to the COVID -19 Emergency |
Policy Brief |
Frogner BK, Skillman SM |
The Challenge in Tracking Unemployment Among Health Care Workers and Why It Matters |
Link to Document
Oster NV, Pollack SW, Skillman SM, Stubbs BA, Dahal A, Guenther G, Frogner BK |
The Pharmacist Workforce in the U.S.: Supply, Distribution, Education Pathways, and State Responses to Emergency Surges in Demand |
Full Brief
Lai AY, Skillman SM, Frogner BK |
Is It Fair? How To Approach Professional Scope-Of-Practice Policy After The COVID-19 Pandemic |
Link to Document
Pollack SW, Skillman S, Frogner BK |
Assessing the Size and Scope of the Pharmacist Workforce in the U.S. |
Full Report |
Mroz TM, Dahal A, Prusynski R, Skillman S, Frogner BK |
Variation in Employment of Therapy Assistants in Skilled Nursing Facilities Based on Organizational Factors |
Link to Document
Mroz TM, Frogner BK, Patterson DG |
The Impact Of Medicare’s Rural Add-On Payments On Supply Of Home Health Agencies Serving Rural Counties |
Link to Document
Fraher EP, Pittman P, Frogner BK, Spetz J, Moore J, Beck AJ, Armstrong D, Buerhaus PI |
Ensuring and Sustaining a Pandemic Workforce |
Link to Document
Frogner BK, Fraher EP, Spetz J, Pittman P, Moore J, Beck AJ, Armstrong D, Buerhaus PI |
Modernizing Scope-of-Practice Regulations — Time to Prioritize Patients |
Link to Document
Dahal A, Skillman SM, Patterson DG, Frogner BK |
What Commute Patterns Can Tell Us About the Supply of Allied Health Workers and Registered Nurses |
Full Report
Policy Brief |
Skillman SM, Frogner BK, Dahal A, Stubbs BA, Guenther G |
The Respiratory Therapist Workforce in the U.S. Supply, Distribution, Education Pathways, and State Responses to Emergency Surges in Demand |
Rapid Response Brief |
LeRouge C, Sangameswaran S, Frogner BK, Snyder CR, Rubenstein L, Kirsh S, Sayre G |
The Group Practice Manager in the VHA: A View From the Field |
Link to Document
Pollack SW, Skillman SM, Frogner BK |
The Health Workforce Delivering Evidence-Based Non-Pharmacological Pain Management |
Full Report Policy Brief |
Frogner BK |
Interchangeability of PAs and NPs |
Link to Document
Larson EH, Frogner BK |
Characteristics of Physician Assistant Students Planning to Work in Primary Care |
Link to Document Policy Brief |
Jopson AD, Skillman SM, Frogner BK |
Use of Apprenticeship to Meet Demand for Medical Assistants in the U.S. |
Policy Brief
Full Report |
Skillman SM, Dahal A, Frogner BK, Andrilla CHA |
Medical Assistants in Washington State: Demographic, Education, and Work Characteristics of the State’s Medical Assistant-Certified Workforce |
Report |
Skillman SM, Dahal A, Frogner BK, Andrilla CHA |
Frontline workers’ career pathways: A detailed look at Washington State’s medical assistant workforce |
Link to Document Policy Brief |
Frogner BK, Stubbs BA, Skillman SM |
Emerging Roles and Occupations in the Health Workforce |
Policy Brief Full Report |
Frogner BK, Harwood K, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz MR, Pines JM |
Physical Therapy as the First Point of Care to Treat Low Back Pain: An Instrumental Variables Approach to Estimate Impact on Opioid Prescription, Health Care Utilization, and Costs |
Link to Document
Snyder CR, Dahal A, Frogner BK |
Occupational Mobility among Individuals in Entry‐level Healthcare Jobs in the United States |
Link to Document Policy Brief |
Snyder CR, Frogner BK, Skillman SM |
Facilitating Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Health Workforce |
Link to Document
Stubbs BA, Frogner BK, Skillman SM |
The Value of Real Time Labor Market Information for Monitoring Health Workforce Demand: A Case Study Examining Employer Demand for Health Information Technology Skills |
Full Report
Policy Brief |
Boat TF, Land ML, Leslie LK, Haogwood KE, Hawkins-Walsh E, McCabe MA, Fraser MW, deSaxe Zerden L, Lombardi BM, Fritz GK, Frogner BK, Hawkins JD, Sweeney M |
Workforce Development to Enhance the Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Health of Children and Youth: Opportunities and Barriers in Child Health Care Training |
Link to Document
Frogner BK, Wu X, Ku L, Pittman P, Masselink LE |
Do Years of Experience with Electronic Health Records Matter for Productivity in Community Health Centers? |
Link to Document
Frogner BK, Wu X, Park J, Pittman P |
The Association of Electronic Health Record Adoption with Staffing Mix in Community Health Centers |
Link to Document
Frogner BK |
The Health Care Job Engine: Where Do They Come From and What Do They Say About Our Future? |
Link to Document
Patterson DG, Snyder CR, Frogner BK |
Immigrants in Healthcare Occupations |
Full Report Policy Brief |
Skillman SM, Dahal A, Frogner BK, Stubbs BA |
Leveraging Data to Monitor the Allied Health Workforce: National Supply Estimates Using Different Data Sources: Data Snapshot – Diagnostic Related Technologists and Technicians |
Data Snapshot |
Skillman SM, Dahal A, Frogner BK, Stubbs BA |
Leveraging Data to Monitor the Allied Health Workforce: National Supply Estimates Using Different Data Sources: Data Snapshot – Medical Assistants |
Data Snapshot |
Skillman SM, Dahal A, Frogner BK, Stubbs BA |
Leveraging Data to Monitor the Allied Health Workforce: National Supply Estimates Using Different Data Sources: Data Snapshot – Occupational Therapists |
Data Snapshot |
Skillman SM, Dahal A, Frogner BK, Stubbs BA |
Leveraging Data to Monitor the Allied Health Workforce: National Supply Estimates Using Different Data Sources: Data Snapshot – Physical Therapists |
Data Snapshot |
Skillman SM, Dahal A, Frogner BK, Stubbs BA |
Leveraging Data to Monitor the Allied Health Workforce: National Supply Estimates Using Different Data Sources: Data Snapshot – Social Workers |
Data Snapshot |
Skillman SM, Dahal A, Frogner BK, Stubbs BA |
Leveraging Data to Monitor the Allied Health Workforce: National Supply Estimates Using Different Data Sources: Data Snapshot – Speech-Language Pathologists |
Data Snapshot |
Skillman SM, Dahal A, Frogner BK, Stubbs BA |
Leveraging Data to Monitor the Allied Health Workforce: National Supply Estimates Using Different Data Sources: Data Snapshot – Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians |
Data Snapshot |
Skillman SM, Dahal A, Frogner BK, Stubbs BA |
Leveraging Data to Monitor the Allied Health Workforce: National Supply Estimates Using Different Data Sources: Data Snapshot – Dental Hygienists |
Data Snapshot |
Skillman SM, Dahal A, Frogner BK, Stubbs BA |
Leveraging Data to Monitor the Allied Health Workforce: National Supply Estimates Using Different Data Sources: Data Snapshot – Respiratory Therapists |
Data Snapshot |
Skillman SM, Dahal A, Frogner BK, Stubbs BA |
Leveraging Data to Monitor the Allied Health Workforce: National Supply Estimates Using Different Data Sources |
Policy Brief
Full Report |
Frogner BK, Skillman SM, Patterson DG, Snyder CR |
Comparing the Socioeconomic Well-Being of Workers across Healthcare Occupations |
Full Report Policy Brief |
Frogner BK, Skillman SM |
Pathways to Middle-skill Allied Health Care Occupations |
Link to Document
Frogner BK, Skillman SM, Snyder CR |
Characteristics of Veterans in Allied Healthcare Occupations |
Full Report
Policy Brief |
Miller SC, Frogner BK, Saganic LM, Cole AM, Rosenblatt RA |
Affordable Care Act Impact on Community Health Center Staffing and Enrollment: A Cross-Sectional Study |
Link to Document
Pittman P, Masselink L, Bade L, Frogner BK, Ku L |
Factors Determining Medical Staff Configurations in Community Health Centers: CEO Perspectives |
Link to Document
Lutfiyya MN, Tomai L, Frogner BK, Cerra F, Zismer D, Parente S |
Does primary care diabetes management provided to Medicare patients differ between primary care physicians and nurse practitioners? |
Link to Document
Snyder CR, Wick KH, Skillman SM, Frogner BK |
Pathways for Military Veterans to Enter Healthcare Careers |
Full Report
Policy Brief |
Skillman SM, Snyder CR, Frogner BK, Patterson DG |
The behavioral health workforce needed for integration with primary care: Information for health workforce planning. |
Full Report Policy Brief |
Frogner BK, Harwood K, Pines J, Andrilla CHA, Schwartz MR |
Does Unrestricted Direct Access to Physical Therapy Reduce Utilization and Health Spending? |
Link to Document
Forte G, Graham K, Frogner BK |
Commentaries on Health Services Research |
Link to Document
Frogner BK, Pauley GC |
Do Skill Mix and High Tech Matter for Hospitals’ Competency in Adopting Electronic Health Records? |
Link to Document
Frogner BK, Parente ST, Frech HE |
Comparing Efficiency of Health Systems Across Industrialized Countries: A Panel Analysis |
Link to Document
Frogner BK, Spetz J, Oberlin S, Parente ST |
The Demand for Healthcare Workers Post-ACA |
Link to Document
Ku L, Frogner BK, Steinmetz E, Pittman P |
Many Paths to Primary Care: Flexible Staffing and Productivity in Community Health Centers |
Link to Document
Skillman SM, Hager LJ, Frogner BK |
Incentives for Nurse Practitioners and Registered Nurses to Work in Rural and Safety Net Settings |
Rapid Turnaround Brief |
Frogner BK, Westerman B, DiPietro L |
The Value of Athletic Trainers in Ambulatory Settings |
Westerman B, Frogner BK, DiPietro L |
Hiring Patterns of Athletic Trainers in Ambulatory Settings |
Frogner BK, Spetz J |
Exit and Entry of Workers in Long-Term Care |
Link to Document
Frogner BK, Skillman SM |
Pathways to middle skilled allied health occupations |
Full report |
Snyder CR, Stover B, Skillman SM, Frogner BK |
Facilitating racial and ethnic diversity in the health workforce |
Full report |
Kett PM, Guenther GA, van Eijk MS, Patterson DG, Frogner BK |
Low Birthweight Rate Differences Associated With Distinct Perinatal Staffing Models at Federally Funded Health Centers |
Mroz TM, Dunlap B, Frogner BK |
Economic Insecurity During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Healthcare Workers by Educational Attainment |
Frogner BK |
State Policy Efforts to Address Health Workforce Challenges |
Frogner BK |
Just How Bad are Long-Term Care Workforce Shortages? A Critical Examination of Driving Factors |
Frogner BK |
Health Workforce Monitoring and Shortages in the US |
Frogner BK |
Health Workforce Diversity, Turnover, and Wages |
Frogner BK |
Approaches to Supporting a Diverse Behavioral Health Workforce |
Frogner BK |
Supporting the Laboratory Workforce through Data, Certification, and Collaboration: Brief Highlights from Study on Career Pathways into the Medical Laboratory Workforce |
Link to Document
Frogner BK |
Health Workforce Challenges and Solutions in the US |
Frogner BK |
Leveraging Data to Understand the Health Workforce Caring for Patients Living with ADRD |