COVID-19 and the Health Workforce
The health workforce has been greatly affected by COVID-19. In this commentary, we describe the articles included in this health workforce research supplement and how the issues raised by the authors relate to the COVID-19 pandemic and rapidly changing health care environment.
Armstrong D, Moore J, Fraher EP, Frogner BK, Pittman P, Spetz JJournal/Publisher:
Medical Care Research and ReviewEdition:
Oct 2020.Link to Article
Access the article here: Medical Care Research and ReviewCitation:
Armstrong D, Moore J, Fraher EP, Frogner BK, Pittman P, Spetz J. COVID-19 and the Health Workforce. Med Care Res Rev. 2021;78(1_suppl):4S-6S. doi:10.1177/1077558720969318