The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Workforce: Rapid Response Brief

  • Abstract

    Home visiting—a service delivery model provided to families in their home or location of choice—is considered a cost-effective approach for providing needed services and supports and has been shown to have positive short- and long-term infant, child, and family outcomes. The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program supports evidence-based home visiting with the goal of improving outcomes for at-risk pregnant people, infants, children, and families. The focus of this rapid response brief is research published since March 2020 focused on the MIECHV and the broader home visiting workforce, the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on this workforce, and available data. We begin with a brief overview of the MIECHV program to provide context for the recent research. We also highlight the complexities in summarizing or doing research on the workforce delivering programs supported by this funding, and discuss the opportunities, challenges, and future research needs related to this workforce.

  • Authors:

    Kett P, Skillman SM, Frogner BK

  • Journal/Publisher:

    Center for Health Workforce Studies, University of Washington

  • Edition:

    Aug 2022.

  • Documents:

    Rapid Response Brief

  • Citation:

    Kett P, Skillman SM, Frogner BK. The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Workforce: Rapid Response Brief. Center for Health Workforce Studies, University of Washington. Aug 2022