The MEDEX program offers scholarship opportunities based on funds honoring members of the MEDEX family. Winners are presented with the scholarship awards at the annual MEDEX reception at the WAPA conference held every January. These scholarships are described here along with a list of recent awardees.

At graduation in August, graduating students across all sites are presented with awards voted on by the faculty. These awards recognize commitment to the medically underserved, leadership potential, displaying the spirit of MEDEX and other qualities. Awards and recipients from recent years are listed below.

2023 MEDEX Graduation Awards

Commitment to Underserved Population

MEDEX students are recognized for exceptional achievement in the care of, improved access for or promotion of public awareness of the needs of the medically underserved. This award is presented to students who have demonstrated a strong dedication to ongoing service to underserved communities.

Anchorage Underserved Award
Cindy Henry, Anchorage 13

The Advisory Committee for the Anchorage campus wishes to recognize and

encourage service in and dedication to underserved communities.

Ellen Harder Underserved Award
Maddie Pyatt, Tacoma 9

This award recognizes and encourages service in and dedication to underserved communities.

Kona Underserved Award
Heather Henning, Kona 2

This award recognizes and encourages service in and dedication to underserved communities.

Richard Layton Underserved Award
Michelle Howden, Seattle 55

Dr. Layton was a long-term chair of the MEDEX advisory board. His record of community involvement and work with medically underserved populations inspired this award.

Barbara Gunter-Flynn Underserved Award
Nikki Henry, Spokane 25

Barbara Gunter Flynn was the site coordinator for both Yakima (1994–1997) and

Spokane (1997–2002). Her commitment to providing health care to the medically

underserved and also to teaching and mentoring PA students made her a role model for

both PAs and PA students throughout the state of Washington and beyond. This

memorial award recognizes and encourages service in and dedication to underserved


The John B. Coombs Leadership Award

Dr. Coombs was the Associate Dean for Regional Affairs and Rural Health in the School of Medicine and had a long record of promoting the PA profession.  This award is presented to students who have become role models to their peers, have assumed some of the responsibilities of leadership during their training and have carried out those responsibilities with integrity, cooperation and understanding.

Grace A. Zimmerman
Anchorage 13

Ted Parker
Seattle 55

Allison Luedke
Spokane 25

Elizabeth Boudreau
Tacoma 9

Dani Laird
Kona 2

Mary Reed Award

Mary Reed graduated from MEDEX in 1983. Her husband, Joe Reed, worked with the Washington Association of Physician Assistants to establish this memorial award that honors Mary’s commitment to academic excellence.  The award goes to the one MEDEX student who has achieved the highest GPA among all the training sites during the didactic year.

Taylor Deal
Anchorage 13

Spirit of MEDEX Award

The awards recognizes students who have dedicated themselves to their goal of being a physician assistant, who have shown compassion and sensitivity to others and who have maintained their humor and perseverance in the face of adversity. They have a positive attitude and are ambassadors for the program throughout their MEDEX training.

Quinsey Jorgenson-DeLaCruz
Anchorage 13

Debbie Su
Seattle 55

Ryan Church
Seattle 55

Brianne Boren
Spokane 25

Lauren Nicole Kaltz
Tacoma 9

Lia Polu
Kona 2

Anela Lockwood
Kona 2

Steven Turnipseed, PA-C Veterans Award

The Steven Turnipseed, PA-C Veterans Award goes to a MEDEX graduate for service to country, class and community. Steve was the sole African-American among the first members of MEDEX Class 1 in 1969. Like all his classmates, Steve came to MEDEX as a veteran of the military, specifically, 10 years in the US Army with the 1st Special Forces Group in counter-intelligence and psychological warfare in Northeast Thailand along the Cambodian and Laotian borders. He was recruited by Dr. Richard A. Smith for the inaugural PA program at MEDEX. Smith once described Turnipseed as “one of the most wonderful human beings I know. He has incredible skills, both people skills and medical skills.” Fluent in both German and Spanish, despite the fact he didn’t have a high school education, Steve later got his GED and received his bachelor’s and a master’s degree in Public Health. During the preceptorship phase of his MEDEX education, Steve was placed in an urban Seattle hospital setting—Group Health Central on Capitol Hill. He worked there for a number of years, ran an outpatient clinic and developed a highly successful addiction treatment services program.

Andrew Ashton
Anchorage 13

Mayra Talley
Seattle 55

Timothy Beggs
Spokane 25

Dani Hamilton
Tacoma 9

Paul Kyle
Kona 2

The Student Writing Award

This award is given to students who have combined creativity and unique approaches with exceptional writing skills in assigned papers.

Karsen Cullen
Anchorage 13

Ann Rarey
Seattle 55

Emily Prasil
Seattle 55

Ruby Griswold
Spokane 25

Kelly Miyashiro
Tacoma 9

Nyssa Seaton
Kona 2

Past Award Recipients

For a list of previous recipients of MEDEX awards, please see below. Select any year to expand the full listing.

The Spirit of MEDEX Award 
Nasheed Burgess, Seattle 54 
Dohyun Kim, Seattle 54 
Laura Rebecca Hudecek, Spokane 24 
Chelsea Mae Olsen, Tacoma 8 
Ciara Stoutenburgh, Anchorage 12 
Mary Perez, Anchorage 12 
Elizabeth Jimenezm, Kona 1 
The John B. Coombs Leadership Award 
Jazmin Marie Tablazon, Seattle 54 
Tim Mahnke, Spokane 24 
Nikki Samuel, Tacoma 8 
Carol Lynn Shields, Anchorage 12 
Devin Tamotsu Tanaka, Kona 1 
Barbara Gunter-Flynn Award 
Spencer Alrick Hale, Spokane 24 
Ellen Harder Award  
Zoe Bin Olive Weinberg, Tacoma 8 
Alaska Underserved Service Award   
Victoria A. Buckmeier, Anchorage 12 
Kona Underserved Service Award   
Andrew Miscovich, Kona 1 
Steven Turnipseed, PA-C Veterans Award   
Dallin David Peterson, Seattle 54 
The Seamus Burke, Spokane 24 
Shinsung Yook, Tacoma 8 
James Nguyen, Kona 1 
The Mary Reed Award  
Sarianna Rae Lerch, Spokane 24 
The Student Writing Award 
Maninderpal Sethi, Seattle 54 
Meganne Austin, Spokane 24 
Patrick Carpenter, Tacoma 8 
Melanie Beale, Anchorage 12 
Carey Colbert, Kona 1 
Chelsea Kern, Kona 1 

The Spirit of MEDEX Award
Phoebe Bryson-Cahn, Seattle 53
Samuel Driver, Spokane 23
Michelle Stiles, Spokane 23
Andreas Villacota, Tacoma 7
Star Sakis, Anchorage 11

The John B. Coombs Leadership Award
Alexandria Lahdya, Seattle 53
Collin Randal, Spokane 23
Brian Nobach, Tacoma 7
Olivia Gregg, Anchorage 11

Barbara Gunter-Flynn Award
Zachary Pollock, Spokane 23

Ellen Harder Award 
Mariah Eastman, Tacoma 7

Alaska Underserved Service Award  
Kelsey Miller, Anchorage 11

Steven Turnipseed, PA-C Veterans Award  
Bridgette Zuckerman, Seattle 53
Steven Howze, Seattle 53
Collin Randall, Spokane 23
Daniel Muro, Tacoma 7
Thomas McArthur, Anchorage 11

The Mary Reed Award 
Rene Sinclair, Spokane 23

The Student Writing Award
Zachary Thorgrimson, Seattle 53
Heather Labbe, Spokane 23
Nicolette Baharie, Tacoma 7
Erica Arthur, Anchorage 11

The Spirit of MEDEX Award 
Nirupama Jayagopal, Seattle 52 
Lauren Trew, Spokane 22 
Kusuma Ayithepalli, Tacoma 6 
Entire Class, Anchorage 10  
The John B. Coombs Leadership Award 
Joseph Starzl, Seattle 52 
Annan Sheffield, Spokane 22 
Rebekah Gorman, Tacoma 6 
Jean Morello, Anchorage 10 
Barbara Gunter-Flynn Award 
Heidi Youmans, Spokane 22 
Ellen Harder Award  
Tyson Bradley, Tacoma 6 
Alaska Underserved Service Award   
Yanet Medina, Anchorage 10 
Steven Turnipseed, PA-C Veterans Award   
Christopher Hilton, Seattle 52 
Coty Holm, Spokane 22 
Sarah Clark, Tacoma 6 
Robin Morris, Anchorage 10 
The Mary Reed Award  
Julia Snider, Spokane 22 
The Student Writing Award 
Tiffany Dam, Seattle 52 
Mark Simyly, Spokane 22 
Samantha Miller, Tacoma 6 
Isabel Hakala, Anchorage 10

The Spirit of MEDEX Award 
Danielle Satow, Seattle 51 
Matt Grisso, Spokane 21 
Marisol Salazar, Tacoma 5 
Entire Class, Anchorage 9 
The John B. Coombs Leadership Award 
Alex Pelman, Seattle 51 
Eric Anderies, Spokane 21 
Brittany Hager, Tacoma 5 
Suzanne Smerjac, Anchorage 9 
Barbara Gunter-Flynn Award 
Hershell Cummings, Spokane 21 
Ellen Harder Award  
Kayt Fowlerm, Tacoma 5 
Alaska Underserved Service Award   
Jenelle Johnson, Anchorage 9 
Steven Turnipseed, PA-C Veterans Award   
Paul Hastings, Seattle 51 
Stephanie Vickery, Tacoma 5 
Molly “Q” Reque, Anchorage 9 
The Mary Reed Award  
Jenna Emily Gilbert, Seattle 51 
The Student Writing Award 
Jeffery Gallagher, Seattle 51 
Rhiannon Evans, Spokane 21 
Brian Andrew, Tacoma 5 
Hailey Lankford, Anchorage 9 

The Spirit of MEDEX Award 
Benjamin Douglas Johnson, Anchorage 8 
Andrea Charmayne Smith, Seattle 50 
Noah James Chutz, Spokane 20 
Brianne Sheree Noel, Tacoma 4 
The John B. Coombs Leadership Award 
John Reese Bradburn, Tacoma 4 
Dayna Maria Daku, Anchorage 8 
Cody Robert Solders, Spokane 20 
Douglas Harvey Stroop, Seattle 50 
Richard Layton Award  
Christopher Pitre, Seattle 50 
Barbara Gunter-Flynn Award 
Michaela Sarah Whitmore, Spokane 20  
Ellen Harder Award  
Olivia LeAnn Price, Tacoma 4 
Alaska Underserved Service Award   
Pearl Margaret Churchill, Anchorage 8 
Steven Turnipseed, PA-C Veterans Award   
Lillooet Ann Bryner, Tacoma 4 
Glenn Lamarr Sons, Jr., Tacoma 4 
Ashley Ann Ajoah Boge, Anchorage 8 
Brendan Joseph Finn, Seattle 50 
Ryan Patrick Kraeger, Seattle 50  
The Mary Reed Award  
Paul Robert Hughes, Seattle 50 
The Student Writing Award 
Sara BreAnn Langford, Achorage 8 
Matthew Robert McGady, Seattle 50 
Emily Ann Looze, Spokane 20 
Jaynesha Marie Williams, Tacoma 4 

The Spirit of MEDEX Award 
Brian D. Pierce, Anchorage 7 
Loann Tang, Seattle 49 
Joseph Epperson, Spokane 19 
Alfred Noriega, Tacoma 3 
The John B. Coombs Leadership Award 
Kathryn Elizabeth Albert, Anchorage 7 
Gwendolyn M. Jackson, Seattle 49 
Naomi Taylor, Spokane 19 
Jason Nathaniel Shepherd, Tacoma 3 
Richard Layton Award 
Stephanie Mack Harmon, Seattle 49  
Barbara Gunter-Flynn Award 
Sara Steffen, Spokane 19 
Ellen Harder Award 
David M. Johnson, Tacoma 3 
Alaska Underserved Service Award 
Angela Britt, Anchorage 7 
Steven Turnipseed, PA-C Veterans Award  
Michael Grennan, Seattle 49 
Kellen R. Gumm, Spokane 19 
Sung Don Lee, Tacoma 3 
The Mary Reed Award  
Alison Krueger, Seattle 49 
The Student Writing Award 
Tara Wood, Anchorage 7 
Sarah Heniges, Seattle 49 
Casey Deal, Spokane 19 
Jennifer Moore, Tacoma 3 

The Spirit of MEDEX Award 
Ila Nicole Champine, Anchorage 6 
Pam Michelle Tittle, Anchorage 6 
Ismail Jatta, Seattle 48 
Staci Lynn DuMerton, Spokane 18 
Aisling Brooke Cearley, Tacoma 2 
The John B. Coombs Leadership Award 
Jeremy L Rosiecki, Anchorage 6 
Ariel Noelle Turner, Seattle 48 
Tucker Lloyd Larsen, Spokane 18 
Amber N Dahnke, Tacoma 2 
Richard Layton Award 
Simon Mendoza Moreno, Seattle 48 
Barbara Gunter-Flynn Award 
Kelly Lorraine Herbst, Spokane 18 
Ellen Harder Award 
Richard Lee Massey, Tacoma 2 
Alaska Underserved Service Award 
Richard Burnton Eaton, Anchorage 6 
Lara C VanHoozer, Anchorage 6 
Steven Turnipseed, PA-C Veterans Award  
Brandon M Ware, Tacoma 2 
Janina Tandoc Browne, Seattle 48 
The Mary Reed Award  
Calvin Patrick Schenk, Spokane 18 
The Student Writing Award 
David Monroe Arthur, Anchorage 6 
Joshua John Lumsden, Seattle 48 
Stephen Andrew Shepro, Spokane 18 
Robert Rodgers, Tacoma 2 

The Spirit of MEDEX Award 
Chipepo Mugala, Seattle 47 
Deana Katherine Glick, Anchorage 5 
Emily LK Seidl, Anchorage 5 
Cheri Gregson, Spokane 17 
Marjorie Grace Fisher, Tacoma Cass 1 
The John B. Coombs Leadership Award 
Stephen R. Poggi, Anchorage 5 
Matthew H. Smith, Seattle 47 
Rose Jones, Spokane 17 
Tracie Marie Alberts, Tacoma 1 
Richard Layton Award 
Sarith Keo, Seattle 47 
Barbara Gunter-Flynn Award 
David A. Fine, Spokane 17 
Ellen Harder Award 
Kate Osborne, Tacoma 1 
Michael Carter, Tacoma 1 
Alaska Underserved Service Award 
Maria Drita Rollins, Anchorage 5 
The Student Writing Award 
Zachary Ritter, Anchorage 5 
Amy Mohelnitzky, Seattle 47 
Sara Zimmer, Spokane 17 
Alma Jimenez, Tacoma 1 

Alaska Underserved Service Award 
Quana Lee Ticket, Anchorage 4 
Barbara Gunter-Flynn Award 
Tracy Mae Wickersham-Frey, Spokane 16 
Glenn Doornik Underserved  
Raul Mendoza, Yakima 18 
The John B. Coombs Leadership Award 
Christopher Richard Cox, Seattle 46 
Matthew Kelly Loudon, Anchorage 4  
Andrew David Ashford, Spokane 16  
Christopher Ryan Vardy  
The Mary Reed Award  
Katrina H. Schneider, Spokane 16 
Richard Layton Underserved 
Evan Joseph Ludmer, Seattle 46 
The Spirit of MEDEX Award 
Juanita E. Elliott – Seattle Class 46 
Christopher David Dietrich – Anchorage Class 4 
Meagan Meekin Rector – Anchorage Class 4 
Rachel Elizabeth Ragosta – Spokane Class 16 
Dustin Wade Golding – Yakima Class 19 
The Student Writing Award 
Ashley Dawn McCulley, Seattle 46 
Matija Elizabeth Meenaghan, Anchorage 4 
Katrina H. Schneider, Spokane 16 
Aaron Timothy Newton, Yakima 19

Alaska Underserved Service Award 
Patricia Jean Cushman, Anchorage 3 
Barbara Gunter-Flynn Award 
Mathew James Redahl, Spokane 15 
Glenn Doornik Underserved  
Raul Mendoza, Yakima 18 
The John B. Coombs Leadership Award 
Thomas James DeBlauw, Anchorage 3 
Leah Michelle Yoke, Seattle 45 
Dominick Michael Valentine, Spokane 15 
Merdad Meraban, Yakima 18 
The Mary Reed Award 
Cora Salome Fix, Seattle 45 
Richard Layton Underserved 
James Ross Noonan, Seattle 45 
Pam D. Voltz, Seattle 45 
The Spirit of MEDEX Award 
Wendy Caroline Monteon, Seattle 44 
Maurice Anthony Adkins, Spokane 14 
Kimberly Rae Abella-Cree, Yakima 17 
Matthew Thomas Smith, Anchorage 2 
The Student Writing Award 
Tonda Anderson, Seattle 45 
Margaret Clare Waechter, Spokane 15 
Cami K. Zobel, Anchorage 3 
Nathan Fite, Yakima 18 

Alaska Underserved Service Award 
Anna D. Frisby, Anchorage 2 
Barbara Gunter-Flynn Award 
Christopher John Mu, Spokane 14 
Glenn Doornik Underserved  
Francisco Javier Cornidez, Yakima 17 
The John B. Coombs Leadership Award 
David Stuart Braun, Seattle 44 
Christine Marie Yennaco, Seattle 44 
Kali Ann Arthurs, Spokane 14 
Ryan Mark Dutton, Yakima 17 
Jeffery M. Stubblefield, Anchorage 2 
The Mary Reed Award  
Christine Marie Yennaco, Seattle 44 
Richard Layton Underserved 
Kimberlee M. Gold, Seattle 44 
The Spirit of MEDEX Award 
Wendy Caroline Monteon, Seattle 44 
Maurice Anthony Adkins, Spokane 14 
Kimberly Rae Abella-Cree, Yakima 17 
Matthew Thomas Smith, Anchorage 2 
The Student Writing Award 
Nannette Fulp, Anchorage 2 
James Michael Hebrlee, Jr, Yakima 17 
Paul Carbaugh, Spokane 14 
Melissa Witteveen, Seattle 44 

Alaska Underserved Service Award 
Katie Copps-Wilson, Anchorage 1 
Barbara Gunter-Flynn Award 
Zandra Magali Melchor, Spokane 13 
Glenn Doornik Underserved  
Robert H. Kubiniec, Yakima 16 
The John B. Coombs Leadership Award 
Douglas Dedo, Seattle 43 
Taryn Michelle Richlie, Spokane 13 
William A. Roberts, Yakima 16 
Bradley Thomas Newhart, Anchorage 1 
The Mary Reed Award  
Even Robert Evanson, Anchorage 1 
Richard Layton Underserved 
Khampho Ohno, Seattle 43 
The Spirit of MEDEX Award 
Jillanna Allen, Seattle 43 
Andrew A. Becker, Spokane 13 
Robert Johnsen, Yakima 16 
Janelle Dupuis, Anchorage 1