Books, Equipment, Other Expenses

The following entries estimate probable expenditures during the program.  Each individual situation may vary.

Health Insurance

We strongly encourages obtaining adequate health insurance.  It is recommended to retain your current coverage and explore the provisions for extending coverage under the COBRA plan which is designed for people who are quitting their jobs but want to maintain insurance coverage.

For insurance information, and links to plans, please review the information at

ACLS Certification

Description Cost
Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Certification
needed before beginning the clinical year.
(*First time certification cost $275 or Recertification cost $200)
$275 or $200

Equipment and Supplies

Description Cost
Books and Handouts
(An additional $150 will be required for the poster presentation for the Capstone Project)
(Oto-ophthalmoscope, blood pressure cuff, stethoscope, reflex hammer, penlight, tuning fork, clinical jacket, etc.)
Computer & Software $3,600

Travel Expenses

Description Cost
Travel Expenses (mostly 2nd year expense – estimated)
Students should be prepared to travel for clerkship rotations, preceptorships. If an international health rotation is arranged this is not included in the travel expense estimate. Orientation held in the first Summer quarter requires all students to be at the UW Seattle campus for 4-days. Students will also be required to be on campus the second summer for 2 weeks. If you are not from the Seattle area, travel and housing costs must be budgeted.