Lucille Marchand MD, BSN, FAAHPM

Lucille Marchand MD, BSN, FAAHPM

Farber Endowed Professor in Palliative Care Education Professor and Chief of Palliative Care, Department of Family Medicine

Dr. Marchand is board-certified in family medicine, palliative medicine and integrative holistic medicine. At the University of Wisconsin for 23 years, she practiced primary integrative medicine for 14 years in a rural family medicine residency practice, and then worked as an integrative medicine consultant at UW Health Integrative Medicine Clinic and was clinical director of IM at the UW Carbone Cancer Center and the ProHealth Cancer Center. She was founder and director of the St. Mary’s Hospital Palliative Care Program in Madison, WI, and was recruited to the University of Washington as director of the UW Medical Center’s (UWMC) Palliative Care (PC) Program and section chief of PC in the UW DFM.

Dr. Marchand has trained and served as faculty in a number of healing modalities, including CAPACITAR (a multicultural educational approach to healing trauma) and RISEN (Reinvesting in Spirituality and Ethics in our Networks), and she is a certified yoga teacher. She has received numerous awards in teaching and humanities. In 2017 she received the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine Humanities Award, and in 2018 received the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Gold Humanism Award. She now provides inpatient integrative palliative care at UWMC. Her efforts in clinical care, education and research include special interest in communication and training, focus on whole person wellness despite serious illness, resiliency and self-care in health science learners and clinicians, medical humanities, humanism, and narrative medicine interventions for well-being. She walks her talk of health and wellbeing. Dr. Marchand was the founding executive director of the Osher Center at UW.