Pipelines to pathways: medical school commitment to producing a rural workforce
Despite the efforts of numerous medical schools to produce rural physicians, many rural communities in the United States still experience physician shortages. This study describes the current landscape of rural efforts in US undergraduate medical education and catalogs medical school characteristics and activities that evidence has suggested, and that many experts in rural medical education believe, may result in more graduates choosing rural practice. This study was conducted by the Collaborative for Rural Primary care Research, Education, and Practice (Rural PREP), a HRSA-funded project of the University of Washington, Ohio University, and the University of North Dakota.
Contact: Randall Longenecker MD
Longenecker RL, Andrilla CHA, Jopson AD, Evans DV, Schmitz D, Larson EH, Patterson DGJournal/Publisher:
J Rural HealthEdition:
Nov 2020.Link to Article
Access the article here: J Rural HealthCitation:
Longenecker RL, Andrilla CHA, Jopson AD, Evans DV, Schmitz D, Larson EH, Patterson DG. Pipelines to pathways: medical school commitment to producing a rural workforce. J Rural Health. Published online November 26, 2020. doi.org/10.1111/jrh.12542Related Studies:
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