
Davis G Patterson
Research Associate Professor
Davis Patterson, PhD, is a sociologist and Research Associate Professor in the University of Washington (UW) Department of Family Medicine in Seattle, Washington. He is Director of the WWAMI Rural Health Research Center and and Deputy Director, Health Equity, in the UW Center for Health Workforce Studies. His research seeks to inform policy to improve rural and under-resourced populations’ access to healthcare. His work focuses on the health workforce, examining educational pathways to prepare, recruit, and retain health care practitioners and innovative workforce models to achieve health equity. He is a returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Belize), an avid traveler, and fluent in Spanish.
RHRC Publications
For full listings, please visit the RHRC website
Longenecker R, Bell D, Patterson DG. A Typology for Rural Residency Training Academic Medicine Epub November 21, 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005932 11-21-2024
Andrilla CHA, Woolcock SC, Garberson LA, Keppel GA, Graves JM, Patterson DG. Trends in the Health Workforce Supply in the Rural U.S. WWAMI Rural Health Research Center 10-01-2024
Oster NV, Baldwin LM, Justis P, Marchand L, Shearer J, Weng K, Patterson DG. Palliative Care Challenges and Solutions in Rural U.S. Communities WWAMI Rural Health Research Center, University of Washington 09-05-2024
Andrilla CHA, Woolcock SC, Meyers K, Patterson DG. Expanding the opioid use disorder medication treatment workforce in rural communities through the RCORP initiative J Rural Health 07-25-2024
Mroz TM, Garberson LA, Andrilla CHA, Patterson DG. Estimated Impacts of Multiple Payment Policies on Rural-Serving Home Health Agencies WWAMI Rural Health Research Center, University of Washington 07-09-2024
RHRC Presentations
For full listings, please visit the RHRC website
Andrilla CHA, Garberson L, Graves JM, Patterson D, Woolcock SC. Healthcare utilization and transportation burden for mood disorders and opioid use disorder treatment 2024 WA State Co-Occurring Disorders (COD) and Treatment Conference
Burchim SE, Andrilla CHA, Patterson DG. Lessons from the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program: Evaluation of Technical Assistance National Rural Health Association Conference, San Diego, CA
Patterson DG. Implementation of the New Rural Emergency Hospital model: potential workforce impacts National Rural Health Association Conference, San Diego, CA
Patterson DG. The Contributions of Geographic Origin vs. Place of Training to Family Physicians’ Practice National Rural Health Association Conference, San Diego, CA
Patterson DG. Growing the Rural Health Workforce: New Findings on Needs and Solutions Keynote address at the Rural Health Workforce Development Conference, Columbia, MO
CHWS Publications
For full listings, please visit the CHWS website
Kett PM, Shahrir SF, Bekemeier B, Schaffer K, Zemmel DJ, Patterson DG. Individual and Organizational Factors Associated With Public Health Workforce Competencies to Advance Health Equity PLOS Global Public Health 01-09-2025
Kett PM, Guenther GA, van Eijk MS, Patterson DG, Frogner BK. Low Birthweight Rate Differences Associated With Distinct Perinatal Staffing Mixes at Federally Funded Health Centers Health Affairs Scholar qxae113 12-04-2024
Williams-York B, Guenther GA, Patterson DG, Mohammed S, Kett PM, Dahal A, Frogner BK. Burnout, Exhaustion, Experiences of Discrimination, and Stress among Underrepresented and First-Generation College Students in Graduate Health Profession Education Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Journal 07-17-2024
Pollack SW, Guenther GA, Stubbs BA, Patterson DG, Frogner BK, Skillman SM. Characteristics of the Current Dental Assistant and Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary Workforces in Washington State Center for Health Workforce Studies, University of Washington 05-20-2024
Patterson DG, van Eijk MS, Pollack SW, Stubbs B, Hanson C. The EMS and Community Paramedic Workforces Respond to COVID-19 Center for Health Workforce Studies, University of Washington 06-01-2023
CHWS Presentations
For full listings, please visit the CHWS website
Kett PM, Guenther GA, van Eijk MS, Patterson DG, Frogner BK. Low Birthweight Rate Differences Associated With Distinct Perinatal Staffing Models at Federally Funded Health Centers American Public Health Association (APHA) 2024 Annual Meeting & Expo, Minneapolis, MN
Kett PM, Shahrir S, Bekemeier B, Schaffer K, Zemmel DJ, Patterson DG. Individual and Organizational Factors Associated With Public Health Workforce Competencies to Advance Health Equity American Public Health Association (APHA) 2024 Annual Meeting & Expo, Minneapolis, MN
Pollack SW, Guenther GA, Patterson DG, Skillman SM, Stubbs BA. Using the Washington Oral Health Workforce Tracking Program to Improve Understanding of Washington’s Dental Assistant Workforce AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Baltimore, MD
Pollack SW, Guenther GA, Patterson DG, Skillman SM, Stubbs BA. Understanding Washington’s Oral Health Workforce AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Baltimore, MD
Frogner BK, Andrilla H, Guenther GA, Gurjal K, Morales L, Ornelas IJ, Patterson DG, Sabin JA. The Impact of Brief Implicit Bias Education on Patient-Centered Communication Among Clinical Teaching Faculty AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Baltimore, MD