Category Archives: News

WWAMI Rural Health Research Center News – New Projects and Leadership

The WWAMI RHRC has lots of news to share: New funding We recently received new funding from the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) – $2.8 million over four years – that will continue to support the WWAMI RHRC in conducting policy-relevant research as one of nine national rural health research centers. New leadership […]

Impact of COVID-19 on Cancer-related Health Behaviors in Rural Cancer Patients and Rural Cancer Survivors

Allison Cole, MD, MPH

The WWAMI RHRC, the Institute of Translational Health Sciences, and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center received a $175,000 grant to conduct a survey of cancer patients and cancer survivors to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer-related health behaviors.

Do Medicare’s Rural Add-On Payments Impact the Number of Home Health Agencies Serving Rural Communities?

Home health agencies provide critical nursing and therapy services to over three million Medicare beneficiaries annually. Delivering home health care to beneficiaries living in rural communities presents a unique set of challenges, including long travel times for staff to visit patient’s homes. In recognition of these challenges, Medicare has intermittently provided a percentage increase over […]