Demonstrate leadership support and build organization-wide consensus to prioritize more selective and cautious opioid prescribing.
Instructions: First, review each question and circle the description that best reflects your organization’s current status. Then, select the number that best reflects where you are within that description. There are three number options for each answer to allow you to select how far along you are. The higher the number, the further along you are in that domain. A PDF of this section of the assessment is here.
1. Leadership prioritizes the work
The commitment of leadership in this clinic to improving management of patients on long-term opioid therapy…
…is not visible or communicated.
…is rarely visible, and communication about use of opioids for patients with chronic pain is ad hoc and informal.
…is sometimes visible and communication about patients on long-term opioid therapy is occasionally discussed in meetings.
…is communicated consistently as an important element of meetings, case conferences, emails, internal communications, and celebrations of success.
2. Shared vision
A shared vision for safer and more cautious opioid prescribing…
…has not been formally considered or discussed by clinicians and staff.
…has been discussed, and preliminary conversations regarding a clinic-wide opioid prescribing standard have begun.
…has been partially achieved, but consensus regarding a clinic-wide opioid prescribing standard has not yet been reached.
…has been fully achieved. Clinicians and staff consistently follow prescribing standards and practices.
3. Responsibilities assigned
Responsibilities for practice change related to patients on long-term opioid therapy…
…have not been assigned to designated leaders.
…have been assigned to leaders, but no resources have been committed.
…have been assigned to leaders with dedicated resources, but more support is needed.
…have been assigned. Dedicated resources support protected time to meet and engage in practice change.