Develop policies and resources to ensure that patients who develop opioid use disorder and/or who need mental/behavioral health resources are identified and provided with appropriate care, either in the primary care setting or by outside referral.

Instructions: First, review each question and circle the description that best reflects your organization’s current status. Then, select the number that best reflects where you are within that description. There are three number options for each answer to allow you to select how far along you are. The higher the number, the further along you are in that domain. A PDF of this section of the assessment is here.

Identifying patients with complex needs 123 456 789 101112
1. Policies, clinic-selected screening tools, and workflows to identify opioid misuse, diversion, addiction, and to recognize mental/behavioral health needs… …do not exist. …partially exist. …exist, but are only partially implemented. …exist and are consistently implemented.

Opioid use disorder resources 

123 456 789 101112
2. Opioid use disorder treatment… …is difficult to obtain reliably. …exists but isn’t timely or convenient. …is available and is usually timely and convenient. …is readily onsite or available from an organization that has a referral protocol or agreement with our practice setting.
Opioid use disorder training 123 456 789 101112
3. Training on diagnosing opioid use disorder… …has not been offered to clinicians. …has been offered to clinicians, but there was limited participation. …has been offered and the majority of clinicians participated. …is consistently offered with widespread, regular participation.
Behavioral health resources 123 456 789 101112
4. Mental/behavioral health services… …are difficult to obtain reliably. …are available from behavioral health specialists but aren’t timely or convenient. …are available from behavioral health specialists and are usually timely and convenient. …are readily available from behavioral health specialists who are onsite or who work in an organization that has a referral protocol or agreement with our practice setting.
Stigma Training 123 456 789 101112
5. Training on addressing stigma surrounding opioid use disorder and mental/behavioral health needs… …has not been offered to clinicians and staff. …has been offered to clinicians and staff, but there was limited participation. …has been offered and the majority of clinicians and staff participated. …is consistently offered with widespread, regular participation.