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Asif IM, Harmon KG, The role of screening for sudden cardiac death in young competitive athletes: a critical review. Current Physical Medicine Rehab Report. (Epub ahead of print January 3, 2015.)
Asif IM, Price D, Fisher LA, Zakrajsek RA, Larsen LK, Raabe JJ, Bejar MP, Rao AL, Harmon KG, Drezner JA. Stages of psychological impact after diagnosis with serious or potentially lethal cardiac disease in young competitive athletes: A new model.J Electrocardiology. J Electrocardiology. 2015;48(3):329-38.
Asif IM, Price D, Harmon KG, Salerno JS, Rao AL, Drezner JA.The Psychological Impact of Cardiovascular Screening in Young Athletes: Perspectives Across Age, Race, and Gender. Accepted for publication, Clin J Sports Med, Feb 4, 2015 (epub).
Finoff JT, Berkoff D, Brennan F, DiFiori J, Hall M, Harmon KG, Lavallee M, Martin S, Smith J, Stovak M. American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) Recommended Sports Ultrasound Curriculum for Sports Medicine Fellowships. Clin J Sports Med. 2015;25(1):23-9.
Harmon KG, Drezner JA.Cardiovascular screening for young athletes. JAMA. 2015;28;313(16):1673-4.
Harmon KG, Zigman M, Drezner JA. The Effectiveness of Screening History, Physical Exam, and ECG to Detect Potentially Lethal Cardiac Disorders in Athletes: A Systematic Review/Meta-analysis. J Electrocardiology. 2015;48(3):329-38.
Harmon KG, Asif IM, Maleszewski JJ, Owens DS, Prutkin JM, Salerno JC, Zigman ML, Ellenbogen R, Rao AL, Ackerman MJ, Drezner JA. The incidence and etiology of sudden cardiac death in NCAA athletes: A decade in review. Circulation (Epub ahead of print May 14, 2015)
Opar D, Drezner J, Shield A, Williams M, Webner D, Sennett B, Kapur R, Cohen M, Ulager J, Cafengiu A, Cronholm PF. Acute injuries in track and field athletes: a 3-year observational study at the Penn Relay Carnival with epidemiology and medical coverage implications. Am J Sports Med. 2015 Jan 5.
Pluim BM, Drezner JA. BJSMEducation to improve your ECG reading skills. Br J Sports Med. 2015;49(11):703-4.
Rao AL, Asif IM, Drezner JA, Toresdahl BG, Harmon KG. Suicide in National Collegiate Athletic Association Athletes: A Nine-Year Analysis of the NCAA Resolutions Database. Accepted to Sports Health, April 2015
Ultrasound Curriculum for Sports Medicine Fellowships. PMR. 2015;7(2):e1-e11.
Drezner JD, Prutkin JM, Harmon KG, O’Kane JW, Pelto HF, Rao AL, Hassebrock JD, Peteck CT, Timonen M, Zigman ML, Owens DS. Cardiovascular Screening in College Athletes: A 4-year Analysis from the University of Washington. JACC, 2015. (Accepted for publication)