Pediatric Inpatient Care in Rural Hospitals


This study described the distribution of rural practitioners in Washington State who provide inpatient care to pediatric patients, elucidated the major diagnostic categories for which children are hospitalized in rural versus urban areas, contrasted the roles of pediatricians and family physicians providing pediatric care, and assessed the effectiveness of the system. The major source of data for this study was CHARS, which was linked to information on the training and discipline of the providers who cared for each of the patients in the study. Funded by HRSA’s ORHP.






Authors Title Type Date Documents/Media
Melzer SM, Grossman DC, Hart LG, Rosenblatt RA Hospital services for rural children in Washington State PUBLICATION 02-01-1997 Article
Melzer S, Grossman DC, Hart LG, Larson EH, Sodenberg R, Rosenblatt RA Rural inpatient pediatrics: pediatricians and family physicians PUBLICATION 10-01-1995