Building Rural Primary Care Research by Connecting Rural Programs

  • Abstract

    This article describes a Scholarly Intensive for Rural Programs to connect rural health professions education programs within a community of practice focused on promoting scholarly activity and research in rural primary health care, education, and training. This novel strategy brings enduring scholarly resources to rural programs and the communities they serve, teaches skills to health profession trainees and rurally located faculty, empowers clinical practices and educational programs, and supports the discovery of evidence that can improve the health of rural people.

  • Authors:

    Schmitz DF, Casapulla S, Patterson DG, Longenecker R

  • Journal/Publisher:

    Annals of Family Medicine

  • Edition:

    Feb 2023. Feb;21(Suppl 2)

  • Link to Article

    Access the article here: Annals of Family Medicine

  • Citation:

    Schmitz DF, Casapulla S, Patterson DG, Longenecker R. Building rural primary care research by connecting rural programs. Ann Fam Med. 2023 Feb;21(Suppl 2):S82-S83. doi: 10.1370/afm.2928.