Minimum Requirements | Special Instructions | Personal Statement | Transcripts | Questions?
The University of Washington Family Medicine Residency Program is approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Applicants for first-year positions to begin training in June should apply through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). Applicants are only selected through the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP).
NRMP Program Codes:
Family Medicine (Northgate Site): 1918120C0
Family Med/Harborview: 1918120C1
UW School of Medicine Rural Program: 1918120C2
Please follow the following link to UW GME resources for UW residency applicants including links to the current and any future versions of the Resident and Fellow employment contract as well as eligibility criteria for employment and training.
U.S. and Canadian applicants should contact their medical school Dean’s office for information about ERAS. Foreign medical graduates must contact the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates, which will function as their Dean’s Office. If you are a foreign medical graduate or foreign national graduating from a United States medical school, please view our VISA information page.
ERAS (U.S. and Canadian)
Association of American Medical Colleges
2450 “N” Street NW
Washington, DC
(International Medical Graduates)
PO Box 13467
Philadelphia, PA 19101-3467 USA
(215) 386-5900
International Medical Graduates (IMGs)
Graduates of foreign medical schools must hold valid ECFMG Certification prior to starting in a residency program, and as a condition of eligibility for application to fellowship programs.
- ECFMG 2021 Information Booklet
- Requirements for ECFMG Certification for 2022 Match: In response to the discontinuation of Step 2 CS by the USMLE program, the ECFMG has identified pathways that will allow qualified IMGs who have not passed Step 2 CS to meet the clinical and communication requirements for ECFMG Certification. To meet the clinical and communication skills requirements for ECFMG Certification using a Pathway, IMGs must complete a Pathways application. See Applying to the Pathways.
The selection committee considers qualified applicants who complete the application process as outlined. Failure to meet the specified dates will eliminate the candidate from consideration. Personal interviews are required and application deadlines strictly adhered to.
Minimum Screening Requirements
Applications will be considered for interviews with the below conditions:
- Completed ERAS application
- medical school transcript
- USMLE/COMLEX transcripts
- personal statement
- three letters of recommendation
- Graduated from medical school within 2 years of application date
- Not in need of visa sponsorship
We require that all applicants pass Step 1 and Step 2 CK exams prior to starting residency. Your application will be strengthened by successfully completing your USMLE Step 2 CK testing early and having scores uploaded to ERAS by your interview date.
Special Instructions
Please complete all demographic information requested. At least two of your three letters of reference should be from different major clinical disciplines, preferably one in family medicine. Letters of reference should address the following areas: commitment to patient care, quality of clinical skills, interpersonal skills, enthusiasm for self-learning and ability to function as a team member in the delivery of health care.
Personal Statement
Please write a careful and thoughtful document. Your personal statement can be written in any way that tells us the most about you. We are interested in learning about your life, particularly regarding any hardships you have faced or obstacles you have overcome. We are also interested in your future goals and how UW can help you achieve your goals. If you have any special connection to the Pacific Northwest, please share that with us.
Submit a certified copy of your medical school transcript as soon as possible to ERAS. Your transcript is an important document for us to consider in scheduling interviews prior to the arrival of the Dean’s letter in October. USMLE transcripts are required from all applicants.
Out-of-Match and PGY2/PGY3 Positions
Currently there are no out-of-match or PGY 2 positions available in our program. Please check this site for future updates.
Please review our extensive FAQ. Otherwise, please direct your remaining inquiries to:
UW Family Medicine Residency Administration
331 NE Thornton Place
Seattle, WA 98125
(206) 520-2400, FAX (206) 520-2450
Email: Robby Zehra, Curriculum Administrator at