#1 – Take care of yourself so you can continue to take care of others: Trauma Stewardship Institute
Health Equity, Health Advocacy, and Patient Care Learning Opportunities
Doctors for America (DFA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that organizes and trains doctors and medical students to be leaders in health advocacy. DFA sponsors and coordinates the Copello Health Advocacy Fellowship, which is open to medical students, residents, and attendings free of charge.
Epidemics of Injustice: University of Illinois Chicago School of Public Health is an annual course (free and open to the public) that provides public health leaders and community members with tools to address structural determinants of health.
National Rural Health Association (NRHA):
- Profiles of Rural Medical Educators: Conversations with our nation’s experts on reversing rural physician shortages by Emily Onello, MD
- NRHA Rural Health Students Group
Becoming ACEs Aware in California training from Futures Without Violence is a free, two-hour core training to learn about ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences), toxic stress, screening, risk assessment, and evidence-based care.
Diabetes In Special And Vulnerable Populations: A National Learning Series – Webinar Resources from the Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations
Healthcare for Humans podcast is dedicated to educating clinicians on how to care for culturally diverse communities
Medical Management of Vulnerable and Underserved Patients: Principles, Practice, and Populations, 2e: Complete textbook on Access Medicine (UW NetID required)
Northwest Regional Primary Care Association:
UW Center for Health Sciences Interprofessional Education Research and Practice (CHSIE)
American Indians, Alaska Natives, and related:
Immigrants, refugees, and related:
- American College of Physicians: toolkit for clinicians caring for refugees, asylees, and non-detained asylum seekers living in the US
- EthnoMed by Harborview Medical Center: medical and cultural information about immigrant and refugee groups
- EthnoMed’s community calendar (related webinars, workshops, conferences, etc.
- HIV Vaccine Trials Network research scholar grants for URiM students
Incarcerated people:
LGBTQIA+ people:
- Q-Med at UWSOM: The queer medical student organization at UWSOM whose mission is to provide education and information to the medical community and all that are interested in healthcare issues affecting the Queer (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, intersex, etc.) population.
People with disabilities:
- 2022 CLIME Together Symposium recording: Disability in Healthcare. Includes joint plenary “Becoming Anti-Ableist in Medical Education.” (duration 2:44:58)
- CLIMEcast Anti-Ableism and Disability Allyship In Medical Education podcast series
- Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) programs to support the IDD and ASD community in Washington
Substance abuse disorders:
- American Society of Addiction Medicine: resources and tools
- Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS): resources for training materials and educational resources for primary care providers who wish to treat opioid use disorder (OUD)
Trans folks:
Learn and Track Your Progress
Pathway Policies and Deadlines
STAND OUT: Highlighting your UP experiences for residency applications and interviews
Dept. of Family Medicine: Advising, Family Medicine Interest Group, Research
UWSOM: Office of Healthcare Equity
- Community-Focused Urban Scholars Program (CUSP)
- Black Health Justice Pathway
- Indian Health Pathway
- Latinx Health Pathway
- LGBTQ Health Pathway
Other UWSOM Pathways
- Clinical Translational Research Pathway
- Global Health Pathway
- Humanities and the Arts Pathway
- Spokane Leadership Pathway
UWSOM: Office of Rural Programs
- Targeted Rural Underserved Track (TRUST)
- Rural Underserved Opportunities Program (RUOP)
- WWAMI Rural Integrated Training Experience (WRITE)
WA Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Scholars Program
UW Medical Student Addiction Research (MedStAR) Program
Mentorship and Extra Support
UP Mentoring Roadmap for all four years — topics to guide discussions, divided by year in medical school
UP Guide to Mentorship for Mentors and Mentees — what are the benefits of UP mentorship? How can you best foster a more meaningful mentorship relationship?
Mentorship Guide for Mentees and Mentors of the UP
If you’re new to the Pathway and you don’t yet have a mentor, and you’d like help finding one, please contact the UPath Program Manager at upath@uw.edu.