Career Pathways Into the Medical Laboratory Workforce: Education, Exposures, and Motivations

  • Abstract


    The goal of this study was to investigate career pathways into the medical laboratory workforce by examining medical laboratory scientists, medical laboratory technicians, histotechnologists, histotechnicians, cytologists, and phlebotomists.


    We collected data through an anonymous online survey (May-June 2023) from a convenience sample of medical laboratory professionals in the United States (N = 1243). We performed descriptive analyses of demographics, current employment characteristics, educational and training history, career exposures, motivations, movement, and outlook (eg, job satisfaction, future career plans).


    Findings show a diverse range of educational backgrounds and varying career pathways across occupations. A majority of respondents reported hearing about laboratory occupations from friends, family, co-workers, and acquaintances. At least one-third to nearly one-half of respondents had a family member with broader professional health care experience. Respondents viewed their jobs favorably, with at least 75% of respondents answering that they would recommend their occupation or another laboratory occupation.


    This study found overall positive job experiences and satisfaction, but career pathways into medical laboratory occupations are complex and often unclear. Organizations in the field are undertaking promotional efforts to increase the visibility of these occupations. Future research is needed to monitor and evaluate these efforts.

  • Authors:

    Guenther GA, Shahrir SF, Skillman SM, Kundu I, Garcia E, Frogner BK

  • Journal/Publisher:

    American Journal of Clinical Pathology

  • Edition:

    Dec 2024. aqae151

  • Funder:

    Siemens Foundation

  • Link to Article

    Access the article here: American Journal of Clinical Pathology

  • Citation:

    Guenther GA, Shahrir SF, Skillman SM, Kundu I, Garcia E, Frogner BK. Career pathways into the medical laboratory workforce: Education, exposures, and motivations. Am J Clin Pathol. Published online December 6, 2024. doi:10.1093/ajcp/aqae151

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