
UW CHWS Director Bianca Frogner discusses the benefits of early PT in reducing the need for opioids to treat pain on NPR

The study “Physical Therapy as the First Point of Care to Treat Low Back Pain: [...]

Department Fair & Scholarship Forum

The Family Medicine Scholarship Forum and 9th Annual Department Fair is this Wednesday, April 11th! [...]

DFM Research Seminar: Correlation Between Family Physician Burnout and Scope of Practice

DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY MEDICINE RESEARCH SEMINARS Tuesday, March 6th, 2018, 12-1 PM You are invited [...]

DFM Research Seminar: Exploring perceptions and experiences of patients who have chronic pain

DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY MEDICINE RESEARCH SEMINARS Tuesday, February 6th, 2018, 12-1 PM You are invited [...]

Upcoming Webinar: Microresearch Funding Application Technical Assistance

The final microresearch funding application deadline is approaching soon, March 1. If you have been [...]

Tomoko Sairenji receives STFM Foundation New Faculty Scholar Award for 2018

Tomoko Sairenji was selected by the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Foundation as one [...]

Research Section faculty present at Annual NAPCRG Meeting

Several faculty presented the latest research findings at the annual NAPCRG meeting. Presentations by several [...]

DFM Research Seminar: The Impact of Telepsychiatry Services on the Training of Rural Primary Care Teams in Integrated Behavioral Healthcare

DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY MEDICINE RESEARCH SEMINARS Tuesday, November 7th, 2017, 12-1 PM You are invited [...]

Special DFM Research Seminar: Non-specific symptoms of cancer: specifically what can we do in primary care?

DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY MEDICINE RESEARCH SEMINARS Tuesday, October 31st, 2017, 12-1 PM You are invited [...]

DFM Research Seminar: Research Update from the WWAMI region Practice and Research Network

DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY MEDICINE RESEARCH SEMINARS Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017, 12-1 PM You are invited [...]