Thank you for joining us! We love to have first and second year students take some part in Labor and Delivery, post-partum and newborn care.
How will I find out about deliveries?
On Monday (or Tuesday if a Monday holiday) after 5:30pm you should call the hospital operator at 598-6190 and ask to have the “On Call Family Medicine Resident” paged and introduce yourself to the resident. You should let the resident know if there are days and times when you do not want to be paged for deliveries.
Where should I go?
Labor and Delivery, 6S (take Pacific Elevators to 6th floor at UWMC) You can download a map of the 6th floor at the bottom of this page.
Where should I park?
Daytime M-F (6AM-5PM): Parking is $15 for campus lots (S1, Triangle Parking) with rebates for stays less than four hours.
Evening M-F (5PM-9PM), Saturday (7AM-12PM): Parking is $5 for campus lots.
Night M-F (9PM-6AM), Saturday 12PM – Monday 6AM: Parking is free for many campus lots near UWMC (Triangle Parking Garage, S1, C10, C12).
What will I see and do?
You are welcome to do as much or as little as you feel comfortable with and is clinically appropriate, in conjunction with the medical team (depending on our patients’ wishes and their clinical course). Our nurses are our patients’ best advocates during this special time, so always check with the nurse as well as the resident with questions and comments. To prepare for your experience, we recommend that you read the following article: http://www.aafp.org/afp/2008/0801/p336.html.
What should I bring?
You should bring your University of Washington photo ID, scrubs if you have them (if not we will provide them for you). You should also bring money for snacks, and a textbook to read as labor management does involve waiting
Contact Numbers
Labor & Delivery: 598-4616 or **8-4616 from inside hospital
On Call Family Medicine Resident: **8-6190 ask to page the On Call Family Medicine Resident. Resident will be different for weekends and holidays – ask to have the On Call Family Medicine Senior Resident paged on weekends and holidays.
FM Call Room: 6SE Rm 6123