The FMIG Baby Beeper Program provides first and second year medical students the opportunity to shadow family physicians and residents as they care for and deliver laboring mothers at UW Northwest Hospital.
Students sign up for one week at a time, as either “primary” or “secondary” participants. Both primary and secondary students will attend Tuesday morning rounds for their week and then the primary will be “on call” for the rest of the week for any deliveries. Students are invited to go into the hospital to shadow the delivery process. If the primary on call student is paged and is unable to attend the birth, they will reach out to the secondary to see if they are available.
To participate in this program you must complete our pre-Baby Beeper survey before attending Tuesday morning rounds. Students will receive a planning email on Sunday before their sign-up week with details on what to do, where to go, and how to connect with the residents they will be shadowing on Tuesday rounds.
Important Family Medicine Residency Information
In addition to completing the survey, students should read through the information below to familiarize themselves with the expectations and suggested equipment before their scheduled week.
Recommended reading
How will I find out about deliveries?
On Monday evening, primary students will reach out to the Baby Beeper leader who contacted them via email to set up the Google Voice services. They will walk through instructions for how to sign up, then will be set up to receive any pages for births during their “on call” week.
Where should I go?
If you are paged to come for a delivery, the resident or attending who pages you will instruct you where to go. All births will be at UW Northwest Hospital Child Birth Center.
Where should I park?
You can park at UW Northwest for $10 per day. There is also off-site street parking nearby that is free.
What will I see and do?
On Tuesday mornings, you will be shadowing Family Medicine residents and attendings for their morning rounds. This will include any pregnant patients as well as all other patients the FM team is responsible for. This is a great opportunity to shadow an inpatient FM team.
If you are called in for a delivery, you will be shadowing the delivery process. Our nurses are our patients’ best advocates during this special time, so always check with the nurse as well as the resident with questions and comments. To prepare for your experience, we recommend that you read the following article:
What should I bring?
For Tuesday morning rounds, you should dress professionally and bring your University of Washington photo ID.
For the delivery, you should wear scrubs and bring your University of Washington photo ID. You should also bring snacks/water as the delivery process can be long and unpredictable.