The University of Washington Family Medicine Residency is an academic urban training program in Seattle, Washington with rural regional training opportunities.
As one of the oldest and largest Family Medicine departments in the nation, we have an accomplished faculty with a broad range of clinical, educational, advocacy, research, and scholarly interests. Members of the Residency Faculty are deeply involved in resident education, and nearly all physician faculty in the Department participate in resident education by precepting in one of the two Family Medical Centers (FMCs) and attending with the residents on the Family Medicine inpatient service at the University of Washington.
We have three unique training programs all under one UW Residency umbrella.
Northgate Program: Our main clinic site at Northgate hosts six residents per class and a majority of the residency faculty. This clinic is a part of the UW Medicine Neighborhood Clinic system.
Harborview Program: Two residents per class and both first year residents in the Chelan Rural Training Track see patients at our residency’s satellite clinic located at Harborview, Seattle’s public hospital and regional trauma center.
Chelan Rural Training Program: This rural training track began in 2019. Residents spend their first year training in Seattle and last two years training at a community health clinic and critical access hospital in Chelan, Washington.
Residents in all programs work in primary care clinics with diverse patient populations and train throughout the UW Medicine system and their affiliated hospitals and residencies.
Click here to learn more about our three residency programs!
The UWFMR curriculum provides broad spectrum training to residents to prepare them to care of patients in any practice setting. Program strengths and highlights are:
Sports Medicine: Our residents train with our renowned Sports Medicine faculty at the Husky Stadium clinic and have opportunities for scholarship and research in Sports Medicine.
Reproductive Health and Abortion Training: We are a RHEDI abortion training site. Our residents and faculty are involved in reproductive health advocacy and research.
Global Health: Our residents are trained in Travel Medicine at the Northgate Clinic and can participate in elective rotations abroad. Most recently residents have gravitated towards well developed opportunities in Malawi and Kenya.
Behavioral Health: Addictions Clinic, Behavioral Health Interdisciplinary Program ( BHIP), consulting Psychiatrist in clinic, Suboxone training, psychology residency.
Family Medicine Service: Family Medicine resident led inpatient service caring for adult medicine, obstetric, and newborn patients.
We are part of a large network of Family Medicine residencies.
Our Department of Family Medicine leads the WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho) Residency Network which provides resources and support to residencies throughout the region. Faculty, Program Directors, and Administrators interact across WWAMI and share resources and experiences to make all the WWAMI programs stronger.
Family Medicine in the Pacific Northwest
Family Medicine physicians in the Pacific Northwest enjoy a wide breadth of practice and experience appreciation from the specialists with whom we work.
In 2020 our residents and faculty were deployed to more settings to combat COVID-19 than any other specialty. Our residents received recognition and praise from the UW Medicine community for volunteering more shifts in the COVID ICU’s than any other training program despite our small size.