The investigative and focusing work done during the Prepare and Launch Stage offers the Opioid Improvement Team a picture of current practices, resources, and possibilities. Now it is time to put that foundational work to good use and help practices design and implement new approaches to care for patients on long-term opioid therapy using the Six Building Blocks.
This is a starting list of milestones for this stage, which you can adapt to your needs.
Building Block Activities
Leadership & consensus
Leadership regularly emphasizes the importance of improving opioid management and solicits feedback during staff and clinician meetings
Time is protected for improvement team to meet and work
Safer and more cautious opioid prescribing has been discussed with clinicians and staff across the clinic, and there has been agreement in staff meetings that this is an area for improvement
Alternatives to opioids are regularly considered and discussed, and integrated into care processes
Caring for patients with complex needs
Tools are selected and consistently in use to identify patients with complex needs (i.e., mental/behavioral health disorders, opioid use disorder, or other substance use disorders)
Educational opportunitiesare provided to clinicians on how to identify and treat patients with opioid use disorder
There is an approach to connecting patients to mental/behavioral health resources, either integrated in the primary care setting, in the community, or through telehealth
There is an approach to connecting patients with opioid use disorder to treatment, either internally through waivered providers or externally through an identified medication for opioid use disorder treatment facility
Confidentiality regulations and other information-sharing hurdles have been addressed so that patient information can be shared between medical, behavioral health, and substance use disorder clinicians
Training is provided to clinicians and staff on overcomingstigma about patients with mental/behavioral health needs, opioid use disorder, and other substance use disorders