CONJ 570 Clinical Management of Transgender Patients
Clinical Management of Transgender Patients (CONJ 570) is a 1 credit non-clinical selective that will provide an overview an overview of the clinic management of transgender patients, details information about the steps necessary for providers to help their patients transition (both surgically and non-surgically), potential health challenges that patients may face in their lives and will give providers information necessary to build transgender cultural competency.
CONJ 570 invites guest lecturers who specialize in transgender patient care on a regular basis, and offers an in-depth series on intake, mental wellness, and health disparities recognized in transgender patient healthcare. The course allows for students to access and network with physicians on procedural surgical transitions. Due to instructor and guest speaker availability this course is offered only every WINTER QUARTER.
Grading Rubric: Pass/Fail. 50% of your grade is participation. This is a short course so active and respectful participation is required to pass this class. Please come to class on time. Students are also required to complete evaluations requested in the course to help us improve this course for future quarters.
50% of your grade is to complete 2 short reflection papers submitted in a timely manner at the midpoint in February 2022 and at the end of the course during finals week in March 2022. For each reflection, please write up a short (minimum two paragraphs, no more than one page) paper discussing your thoughts and reflections on the weekly lectures and readings.
Please direct your thoughts or comments using the following prompts:
Has anything surprised you or stuck with you through these weeks?
Was there anything new this week that you learned or developed new understanding for?
Are there areas that are still unclear for you as we delve into the next few sessions?
What questions are forming in your mind about improving your own practice or medicine?
To register for this course (offered every Winter Quarter) please contact:
Holly Kennison, Office of Healthcare Equity