Leveraging Data to Monitor the Allied Health Workforce: Phase III
This study illustrates state-level supply and distribution, as well as age cohort trends nationally, for nine allied health occupations for each of three analysis years (2011, 2014 and 2017) using data from the American Community Survey and (as available) Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics data. The occupations examined are clinical laboratory technologists and technicians, diagnostic-related technologists and technicians, medical assistants, occupational therapists, pharmacists, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, social and human service assistants, social workers, speech-language pathologists, and dental hygienists. These findings are displayed in the “Supply estimates” and “Aging trends” data dashboards in the Leveraging Data dashboard.
Lead Researcher: Susan M. Skillman, MS
Contact Info: skillman@uw.edu
HRSA: HWRC Allied Health