Examining Washington Allopathic Physician and Physician Assistant License Renewal Trends


This multi-year study, funded by the Washington Medical Commission, is examining clinicians’ characteristics and practice environments, and changes over time, that may be associated with MD and PA decisions to renew licenses/continue clinical practice in Washington state. Factors being examined that may be associated with physicians’ (MDs) and physician assistants’ (PAs) decisions to renew their licenses include having a multi-state license, age, specialty, and practice characteristics and location, among others. To the extent comparable data are available, study findings will be compared with comparable characteristics of other health care occupations.

For the first phase of the work, UW CHWS will address these topics by analyzing license-related data from the Washington Medical Commission and from the Federation of State Medical Boards. Specific study questions and research methods to be addressed during subsequent study phases will be identified in year 1.

Lead Researchers: Susan M. Skillman, MS & Bianca Frogner, PhD

Contact Info: skillman@uw.edu & bfrogner@uw.edu



Washington Medical Commission



In Progress