Does Variable Access to Perinatal Health Providers in Federally Qualified Health Centers Affect Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Birth Outcomes?


Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) provide accessible and comprehensive care in the community for individuals with lower incomes yet may face workforce supply constraints. This study examines how variable access to the FQHC perinatal workforce may affect health disparities among birthing people.

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Lead Researcher: Bianca Frogner, PhD

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Co-lead Researcher: Paula Kett, PhD, MPH, RN, IBCLC

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HRSA: HWRC Health Equity






Authors Title Type Date Documents/Media
Kett PM, Guenther GA, van Eijk MS, Patterson DG, Frogner BK Low Birthweight Rate Differences Associated With Distinct Perinatal Staffing Models at Federally Funded Health Centers PRESENTATION 10-30-2024
Kett PM, Frogner BK, Guenther GA, Patterson DG, van Eijk M Perinatal Outcomes Associated with Varying Obstetric Staffing at Federally Qualified Health Centers PRESENTATION 07-01-2024