Chartbook of Family Practice Graduate Medical Education Programs in Rural America
This chartbook makes previously unreported information from our national survey of 453 FP residency directors available to medical educators and policy makers. As part of this survey, programs were asked to indicate the extent to which training rural physicians was part of their core mission and to specify where all residency training sponsored by their programs took place. Using the Rural-Urban Commuting Areas (RUCAs), the ZIP codes of these locations allowed us to determine the relative rurality of all U.S. family practice residency training. The chartbook presents national, regional, state, and division findings, presented by type of geography (i.e., isolated small rural, small rural, large rural, and urban), type of rural training experience (i.e., model family practice clinic, block rotations, rural training tracks, and continuity clinics), and other residency characteristics. Funded by HRSA’s ORHP.