News - Talking to Family Members

Finding the Right Words to Talk with Children and Teens about Cornavirus

Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress's tip sheet on talking with kids and teens [...]

National Academy of Medicine Clinician Well-Being Resources During COVID-19

NAM's quick resources and strategies for promoting clinician well-being

Big list of mental health and COVID resoures

Mental Health America's list of vetted mental health and COVID resources across many areas

How to talk to kids about the cornavirus crisis

A quick set of tips on how to talk to children about the Cornavirus crisis [...]

UW Medicine COVID-19 Support Website

UW Medicine's COVID-19 support website of resources

WHO parenting tips: Daily structure

Quick tips for parenting from the World Health Organization, with a focus on fostering daily [...]

WHO parenting tips: Keeping it Positive

Quick tips for parenting from teh World Health Organization, with a focus on staying positive.

WHO parenting tips: One on One Time

Quick tips for parenting from teh World Health Organization, with a focus on connecting with [...]

WHO Mental Health and COVID page

The World Health Organization page for coping with mental illness during times of COVID.

APA Website: Resources for Psychiatrists, Families, Healthcare workers

The American Psychiatry Association page with links for psychiatrists, families and health care providers for [...]