Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credit

Thank you for participating in the CME program titled DS2403: UW Department of Family Medicine Grand Rounds 

To obtain credits for attending events in this series, please follow the instructions below. CME credits are now available at no charge to UW faculty and staff:

UW Medicine has switched to a text-based process for CME.

  • Initial Set-Up – ONE TIME PROCESS

    • Text your email address only to 833-394-7078
    • Receive reply text: “Thank you [Your Name], your phone number has been updated to [Your Cell Number].”
    • If reply text states, “User not found,” see additional instructions in this start-up guide.
  • Claim CME Credits – EVERY MEETING

    • Text 10509 to: 833-394-7078
    • Receive reply text: “Thank you [Your Name], we have recorded your attendance for [Today’s Activity]”.
    • If you do not receive a reply text, your CME transcript will not document meeting participation.
    • Credit must be recorded via text in the 60 minutes before, during, and up to 60 minutes after the activity concludes. If you miss the texting window, you must claim credits online via Form.