Welcome! These resources are intended to help Department of Family Medicine faculty navigate our department and institution.
Amanda Kost, MD, MEd
Vice Chair for Faculty Affairs
- Orientation to Academic HR
- DFM promotions criteria
- UWSOM promotions timeline
- Reappointment (effective July 1 of the third year)
- Updated CV in SoM format
- Evaluations
- YAR (current year and copy of prior year)
- UWSOM CV format
- Track-specific Promotions Information
- UWSOM Regular Track Promotions Information (Clinician-Educator and Clinician-Faculty-Scientist)
- Teaching Professor
- Clinical faculty (expected January 2024)
Regular evaluation and feedback helps everyone improve. Both peer and learner evaluations are also required for promotion to associate and full professor. Per the faculty code, each faculty member must have at least one student course evaluation for every year in which a course is taught. This number should be thought of as a minimum; additional course evaluations are especially encouraged for Assistant Professors and other faculty who are building their teaching records. Faculty should also collect peer evaluations (every year for assistant professors and those in the tenure track, every three years for associate professors, and the year prior to consideration for promotion).
Here are the full details about the evaluation requirements.
If you are giving a presentation, ask organizers if you will receive evaluations and make sure to retain them once received. If not, we recommend collecting your own evaluations.
We are in the process of creating personalized teaching evaluation links and QR codes for each faculty member, starting with the junior faculty. Evaluators can identify themselves as peers or learners. The faculty affairs team will collect responses and distribute them 1-2 times/year. If you do not have a QR code yet and want one, please contact Nichole Jaena at nich@uw.edu
If you are interested in creating your own evaluation, here are links to templates, both of which can be used by peers or learners:
The Yearly Activities Report is an opportunity for you to record what you accomplished over the past year and what your goals are for the upcoming year. There also is information about your track, rank, FTE, funding streams, and other metrics as applicable. The YAR is a required part of your annual review. Plan to update it once per year in advance of your annual review.
A link to the YAR is coming.
The junior faculty group usually meets on the third Monday of the month. If you are interested in attending, please contact Nichole Jaena at nich@uw.edu.
Here is the folder with recorded presentations.