Scholarship, Leadership, and Advocacy

Faculty Leadership Positions: 


Keri Bergeson MD
Member, Board of Directors Rural Training Track Collaborative  
Director, Medical and Obstetrical Services, Lake Chelan Health 


London Breedlove, PsyD
American Psychological Association (APA) Council of Representatives: Washington State Psychological Association  
Board of Trustees, Past President (2019): Washington State Psychological Association  
Grand Rounds Committee Co-Chair: University of Washington, Department of Family Medicine (DFM) 


Nelson Chiu, MD 
Immediate Past-President of KCAFP 
Surveyor, WAFP 
Delegate, WAFP House of Delegates (HOD) 


Kim Collins, MD
UW Pediatric Population Health Workgroup Member 
UW Department of Family Medicine Justice, Equity, and Diversity Committee Member  
Chair, UWPC Northgate Pediatrics Workgroup
Project Leader, UWPC Northgate WA-CHIP Immunization Learning Collaborative  


Mae Dirac, MD PhD
UW Medicine Clinical Research Informatics Committee 
WHO Hepatitis Strategic Data Collaborative 


David Evans, MD
Rosenblatt Family Endowed Professor in Rural Health  
Immediate Past Co-Chair, NRHA Rural Medical Educators 
Member, WONCA Working Party on Rural Medicine 
Member, UWSOM Admissions Committee, TRUST screener 
Member, UWGME Policy Committee 


Nikki Gentile, MD PhD 
Primary Care Medical Director, UW Post-COVID Rehabilitation and Recovery Clinic 
INSPIRE Clinical Site Co-Investigator 
Assistant Professor, Departments of Family Medicine and Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Washington  
Adjunct Instructor, Family and Community Medicine, Tulane School of Medicine 


Amanda Kost, MD MS
CERA Steering Committee 
PRiMER, Associate Editor 
Teaching Physician, Editor 
NBME Evidence Based Medicine Item Review Committee  
Chief of Service HMC FM 
Medical Director of MEDEX Northwest 
University of Washington Deputy Faculty Legislative Representative 


Pam Pentin, MD 
Washington Academy of Family Physicians – King County Delegate 
UW TelePain – Co-Director  
UW Medicine Opioid Stewardship Committee – Member 
UW Medicine Compliance Committee – Member   
UW School of Medicine Family Medicine Clerkship – Site Director 
UW School of Medicine Family Medicine Sub-Internships – Course Director 


Jackie Raetz, MD
Co-investigator UW Cognition in Primary Care Program 
Associate Program Director Family Medicine Residency 


Tomoko Sairenji, MD
STFM MSE Conference Steering Committee (as chair of STFM MSE conference 2023)  
STFM MSE Committee  
STFM MSE Collaborative Senior Advisor  
STFM FM Sub-I Curriculum Project Task Force Chair  
Aquifer Family Medicine Consortium, Associate Editor  
UWSOM Olympic College Head  
UWSOM Admissions Committee 


Chris Sanford MD, MPH
Faculty and Administrator, Professional Diploma in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (East African Partnership)  


Mansi Shah, MD
UWSOM Underserved Medicine Pathway Co-director 
Washington Cluster Leader, Reproductive Health Access Project 


David Siebert, MD
Director, UW Primary Care Sports Medicine fellowship 
Team physician, Seattle Seahawks and UW Huskies 
Member, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Education Committee  
Member, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Research Committee  


Sebastian Tong, MD
Board of Directors, North American Primary Care Research Group 
Junior Associate Editor, Annals of Family Medicine 
Associate Director, WWAMI region Practice and Research Network 




Megan Wilson, MD 
UW Primary Care Addiction Treatment in Primary Care Committee, Member 
UW Medicine Medication for Opioid Use Disorder and Pregnancy, Member 
Family Medicine Residency Outpatient Workgroup and Improvement Oversight Committee, Member 


Ying Zhang, MD MPH
Washington New Physician Delegate to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) National Conference of Constituency Leaders (NCCL)   House Surveyor, Washington Academy of Family Physicians (WAFP), WA   
KCAFP President 
WAFP Anti-Racism Task Force Member 


Our residency requires completion of a Help Desk Answer in the R1 year AND two scholarly projects one of which must be a quality improvement (QI) project.  The QI project usually done in the R3 year. 

The ACGME requires all Family Medicine Residents to complete two scholarship projects, one of which must be a Quality Improvement project. The definition of scholarship is broad and may include the scholarship of discovery, teaching, application or integration, such as:

  1. Research 
  2. Resolutions  
  3. Curriculum development 
  4. Case studies and literature reviews 
  5. Quality Improvement 
  6. Letters to the editor 
  7. Op-ed 
  8. Patient education materials 

Residents interested in research entering their intern year are encouraged to apply to the longitudinal Research Track. Residents who may stumble upon a research interest mid-way through their residency experience can also complete an area of concentration (AOC) in Scholarship & Research.