Contact information
Matthew Thompson, MBChB, MPH, DPhil, MRCGP
We have significant expertise in research to improve the diagnosis of serious illness in children in primary care settings, including infections, leukemia, and diabetes. A current focus is on improving the use of vital signs in children. Acute infections are a huge component of the workload in Family Medicine, and we are completing several large cohort studies to improve diagnosis and risk stratification of children and adults with respiratory infections, trials of corticosteroids for acute cough and sore throat, and new point of care tests to help guide antibiotic use.
Research projects
· Point of Care CRP tests: Acceptability and feasibility of using a point of care test for C-reactive protein in Family Medicine clinics in Washington, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana
· Novel diagnostics for infection: Development of new lateral flow assays for infections in primary care
· TARGET: Cohort study of 8,000 children to develop better risk predictors of hospitalization in children presenting to primary care with acute cough.
· Cough Complications Cohort: A study of 30,000 adults and children with acute respiratory symptoms to derive prognostic scores for guiding antibiotic use.