October 1, 2024, 12-1 Pm
2024 research seminars
January 2 |
Sebastian Tong, MD, MPH Kris Pui Kwan Ma, PhD |
Topic: Addressing Loneliness in Young Adults |
February 6 |
Randl Dent, PhD & Candice Chen, MD, MPH |
Topic: Addressing Health Worker Burnout |
March 5 |
Xiaochu Hu, PhD |
Topic: Drs. Barbie and Ken – Gender Inequality in the Physician Workforce |
April 2 |
Monica Zigman Suchsland, MPH |
Topic: Evaluation of pre- and post- sport related concussion symptom presentation through concussion sub-type classification using machine learning methods |
May 7 |
Jeongyoung Park, PhD |
Topic: Factors Associated with Documenting Social Determinants of Health in Electronic Health Records by Family Physicians |
June 4 |
Spring Conference Roundup |
September 3 |
Ashley Johnson, MPH |
Topic: Social Determinants of Health Assessment and Social Care Integration in Primary and Cancer Care with the Five As Framework |
October 1 |
Mae Dirac, MD, PhD |
Topic: TBD |
November 5 |
Kate Comtois, PhD, MPH |
Topic: TBD |
December 3 |
Conference Round Up |
To join a seminar or to be added to the Research Seminar mailing list, please e-mail Azelea Sayavong: azeleagn@uw.edu.