FMIG Meetings
Fall, Winter and Spring Quarters
The FMIG meetings are held monthly each quarter, except for summer. This is when leaders are chosen (self-selected) for the projects in the upcoming quarter and is the best way to get involved in FMIG leadership.
Brown Bag Lunches
Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters
The FMIG offers two brown bag lunches, when possible. These are also a great time for new students to get involved and/or find out more about FMIG. The other brown bag each month is topic-driven with invited guests, including family medicine residents and faculty. Topics have included research opportunities in family medicine, leadership opportunities in family medicine, the Patient-Centered Medical Home, Sports Medicine, OB Care in Family Medicine, and practice opportunities in family medicine.
National Primary Care Week (NPCW)
Fall Quarter in October
National Primary Care Week is an annual event put on by the American Medical Student Association (AMSA). The FMIG partners with other student organizations to offer events related to primary care. Prior events have included a physician panel, brown bag discussions, film showings, and a primary care social.
FM Residency Nuts & Bolts
Winter Quarter
One or more residents meet to discuss the basics of family medicine residency, including the variations and similarities in training between programs. Student questions guide the discussion.
Fourth Year Reception
Spring Quarter
Each year this reception dinner honors all of the graduating UW Medical Students who matched in a family medicine residency. Students are invited to bring their families and enjoy the evening with their peers before departing medical school. Local family physicians from the UW Dept. of Family Medicine, Washington Academy of Family Physicians, and King County Family Physicians are also invited to attend and welcome their new colleagues to the discipline.
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