Ventres W, Kooienga, S and Marlin, R. EHRs in the Exam Room: Tips on Patient Centered Care. Fam Prac Mgmt, March 2006
Emmons KM and Rollnick S. Motivational interviewing in health care settings; opportunities and limitations. Am J Prev Med, 2001; 20(1):68-74
Archives of past Office Based Teacher articles on a variety of subjects can be found at
Web Sites
- Society of Teachers in Family Medicine
- This site includes links to the Office Based Teacher of Family Medicine monthly column, books for preceptors and the Preceptor Education Project (PEP2). The Department of Family Medicine currently holds a subscription to STFM’s Teaching Physician email newsletter. If you would like to receive this newsletter, please contact the FM 501 Program Coordinator ( with your preferred email address.
- American Academy of Family Physicians
- This site contains information on general practice characteristics of family physicians across the U.S., links to the AAFP online journal, patient education information and other patient care resources, and online CME reporting.
- Southern New Hampshire Area Health Education Center
- Site includes a number of documents and links to additional web sites where preceptors can develop their skills further.
Paulman, P., Susman, J., and Abboud, (2000) Precepting Medical Students in the Office, Johns Hopkins University Press.
Rubenstein, W., and Talbot, Y (2003) Medical Teaching in Ambulatory Care: Second Edition, Springer Publishing.
Clinical Faculty Appointments
Further information may be requested at any time from the FM 501 program coordinator (206) 543-9425 or
Clinical Preceptor in Family Medicine Designation
Preceptors with the Family Medicine 501 Course are automatically designated as Clinical Preceptors in Family Medicine with successful completion of the UW Health Sciences Professional Liability Questionnaire. This title is a designation and not a faculty appointment. The University’s self-insured professional malpractice insurance for teaching is extended to all health care professionals who are participating in School of Medicine teaching experiences for the first time or who do not qualify for appointment to the clinical faculty
Applying for a Clinical Faculty Appointment
For those preceptors who have worked with 501 students for more than a year, you may be eligible to apply for appointment to the clinical faculty. Appointment to the clinical faculty involves a minimum contribution of 50 hours of teaching per year. New Clinical Faculty appointments can be made at any time. Preceptors may also request promotion to a higher clinical faculty level. Promotions occur annually. Paperwork to request a promotion should be completed by February.
Benefits of Clinical Faculty Appointments
The appointment provides professional malpractice coverage related to student or resident teaching and provides benefits such as access to intramural activities privileges, use of UW libraries, access to the Internet through the University, eligibility to purchase season tickets for UW sporting and cultural events and savings on purchases through the University Book Store annual year-end rebate policy.
Clinical Faculty Levels
Clinical Instructor – Requires completion of residency training or experience sufficient to meet Family Medicine Board requirements or their equivalent. In addition, appointee should be an active participant in departmental work, such as having regular teaching responsibilities of more than 50 hours annually. This is the most commonly used initial clinical faculty appointment recognized by the University.
Clinical Assistant Professor – Requires clinical training and experience plus substantial involvement. An example of substantial involvement would be a contribution of more than 150 hours annually in instruction or preparation for instruction or equivalent effort. In addition, such regular or exceptional contribution should have been sustained for at least three years. Usual time in rank as Clinical Assistant Professor is three to ten years.
Clinical Associate Professor – Requires above qualifications and is reserved for those who continue to make regular exceptional contributions to the departmental work over a prolonged period of time. Scholarly contributions to the literature will also be considered but are not required at this rank. Usual time in rank as Clinical Associate Professor is five to twenty years.
Clinical Professor – Requires outstanding, mature scholarship, as evidenced
by accomplishments in clinical teaching, related professional activities, and scholarly contributions to the literature. This appointment should be based on national recognition as a leader in family practice, and requires exceptional contributions to teaching and related professional and scholarly activities within the Department of Family Medicine over a long period of time.
Emeritus Appointment – Recommended by departmental action for a retired
faculty member, including research and clinical faculty, whose scholarly, teaching, or service record has been meritorious, and who is at least 62 years of age. Requires at least ten years of prior service as a member of the faculty and achievement of the rank of professor or associate professor.