Course Outline
I. Goals of the Course
A. Encourage students who are interested in careers in rural communities. Promote careers in rural communities. B. Impart information concerning issues and trends in rural communities. Learn to find and evaluate rural health information. C. Expose the students to successful rural practitioners. D. Develop cross-cultural awareness.
E. Encourage students to learn about disciplines other than their own through getting to know students from other disciplines.
II. Course Particulars
A. Faculty and Staff
Course Instructor: Peter House, MHA, Clinical Associate Professor (206) Course Coordinator: Toby Keys, MA (206) 543-9425 keyst@uw.eduCourse Assistant: Lauren Henricksen (206) 685-2009 Peter House (206-616-4985) and Toby Keys (206-543-9425) will coordinate all aspects of the class with administrative assistance from Lauren Henricksen (206-685-2009). Peter, Toby and Lauren will arrange the field trip and class sessions, maintain the website and communication with students, and will manage the events during the field trip.
B. Requirements
Students will follow these guidelines for successful completion of the course:1. Attendance
Students must attend the in-class sessions and the field trip. Class will meet on the UW campus on Tuesday evenings from 5:30 PM to 6:50 PM. If you know you will miss more than one scheduled class meeting, we discourage you from taking the course at this time.
2. Readings/Research
Students will complete a reading/research log as assigned. Students are responsible for creating a research question out of each class’ material, and spending an hour to an hour and a half doing research to answer their question. These assignments are designed to give students an opportunity to explore the issues they find most interesting/pertinent to their own profession or to their personal interests.
3. Questionnaire
Students must complete the online questionnaire before the second in-class session. This will include questions related to both class demographics and interest, and preferences for the field trip (allergies, dietary issues, etc.) Questionnaire will be online and a notice will be sent to the class when it is available.
4. Field Trip
Students must attend the entire field trip and travel with the class in order to get credit for the course.
5. Written Assignment
Students will complete a short report on learning objectives, based upon the rural health case study and discussion.C. Field Trip
1. There will be an organized group field trip with guide(s) from the coordinating committee. We will travel together in a bus. There is no additional cost for the field trip. The $40.00 course fee covers some of the field trip expenses, and the UW subsidizes additional costs associated with the field trip. Students taking CONJ515 as independent study (e.g. Rehab 600 students) are asked to pay this fee by check (Payable to UW) by the departure date of the field trip.
2. Students must attend this field trip in order to get credit for the class.D. Evaluations
There will be an end-of-course evaluation that will be available via the web , for feedback to guide improvements for next year’s class.Students must complete the evaluation survey in order to receive credit for the class.